Lockdown Page
Zoom meetings
Monday 19th July Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 365 824 3877
Passcode: 201208
This Year’s AGM will be held at Toll Gavel Church on 26th July 2021 at 7:00pm. The Agenda and other documents can be found here: AGM docs
Derek Rigby
Selective Rehearsal
Your Committee decided at the last meeting that, as we hopefully approach an end to the pandemic, it would be sensible to ask Liz to nominate two or three songs a week for your special attention. It was felt that this would help, in addition to the Monday Zoom meetings, to have us all to a limited extent “singing from the same song sheet.”
Liz agreed and has nominated songs from the current repertoire as follows:
Week commencing 5 July:
Your name will be listed next to your contribution unless you request otherwise.
For any who don’t realise it, you can move videos to full screen by clicking on the square in bottom right-hand corner.
You can also enlarge pictures/cartoons by clicking on them.
This from Kate and Nick Andrews. Decided to move it to the top – cheers you up if you play it every few days. Other items will be added and removed as thought appropriate. This will remain until crisis-end. It might be regarded as the BMVC Covid anthem!
Name | Section | Jabs |
Liz Wilson | MD | Both |
Amy Butler | MA | Both |
Ian Christie | T1 | Both |
Dave Williamson | T1 | Both |
Mark Nicholson | T1 | Both |
Tom Danter | T1 | Both |
John Toes | T1 | Both |
Malcolm Mathias | T1 | Both |
Chris Szafran | T1 | Both |
Ian Metcalfe | T1 | Both |
Ray Burrell | T1 | Both |
Hugh Walton | T1 | Both |
David Wilmot | T2 | Both |
Terry Lynn | T2 | Both |
Mel Watson | T2 | Both |
David Thornton | T2 | Both |
Peter Stevens | T2 | Both |
Korky | T2 | Both |
Wilf Cooper | T2 | Both |
Jon Capel | T2 | Both |
Paul Sears | T2 | Both |
Richard Carter | T2 | Both |
Glyn Cohen | T2 | Both |
Steve Watts | T2 | 1st |
Graham Bate | T2 | Both |
Alan Speed | T2 | Both |
Ken Doran | B1 | Both |
Albert Newbery | B1 | Both |
Charles Laing | B1 | Both |
Malcolm Whitfield | B1 | Both |
Mark Williams | B1 | 1st |
Bob Watson | B1 | Both |
Bill Webster | B1 | Both |
Nick Andrews | B1 | Both |
Graham Beal | B1 | Both |
Phil MacMullen | B1 | Both |
Bill Wilcox | B1 | Both |
Bernard Norris | B1 | Both |
Julian Musik | B1 | Both |
Nigel Clarke | B1 | Both |
Barry Gibson | B1 | Both |
Luke Goulder | B1 | Both |
John Mather | B1 | Both |
Alan Lee | B2 | Both |
Steve Horner | B2 | Both |
Peter Goonan | B2 | Both |
Dave Rutter | B2 | Both |
David Cross | B2 | Both |
Nick Hart | B2 | Both |
Malcolm Sparks | B2 | Both |
Mike Offen | B2 | Both |
Tom Walker | B2 | Both |
Andrew Smith | B2 | Both |
John Sharp | B2 | Both |
T1 – 8 T2 – 14 B1 – 17 B2 – 11 Total – 47 MD AMD MA
A Ray of sunshine among the Covid Gloom
We hear that Amy Butler and Steve Goulden just got engaged. Perfect harmony!
We are sure that the members are delighted and wish them all the very best for their future together.
Week commencing 21 June:
Week commencing 7 June:
Week commencing 24 May:
Week commencing 17 May:
Week commencing 10 May:
Week commencing 26 Apr:
Week commencing 19 Apr:
Someone like you
Gaelic Blessing (Garlic Dressing)
You’re a lady.
A reminder – words and MP3 recordings of all of these can be found in the members’ section of the website at the bottom of the “Current Repertoire” page.
Members will probably feel the need to go straight to these songs and give them a blitz, then revisit several times so as to be reasonably competent in them before the new nominations next week!
Don’t forget that Amy is now on a separate page called, erm, “Amy’s Page”, and that you can go over there and listen to what she has to say and play.
Remember also that you can send her a request if there is a favourite you would like to hear from her. I had an email exchange the other day with Pat Cave, the quiet lady, who wishes the Choir all the very best and says how much she enjoys listening to Amy.
If anyone ever wanted to make a movie of our Pat’s life, and why might they not, they would need to find someone to play the young Pat. They’d look for an extremely talented pianist for whom nothing is too much trouble as well as someone equally quiet and unjustifiably modest. Hmm, wonder who they’d choose.
Never forgetting Dorothy, Emily, Sue and Leonie, what a lucky choir we have been for pianists over the years.
For those who have not heard Pat play, here she is accompanying the choir, on our 50th anniversary, in “Plaisir d’amour”
And here’s another BMVC Golden Oldie for those who like that kind of thing – “Somewhere over the rainbow”.
And on a livelier note! (Pat on piano again)
Zoom Meetings and Virtual Choir
1. For those who have not yet signed up to Zoom – it is never too late. It is easy and it won’t cost you anything. Here is how to do it:
You need either a computer with a microphone – internal will do, a tablet (eg ipad), or smartphone.
Then everyone 8.20 until 9.00 pm
You should be able to leave the meeting when your section is finished, and rejoin for the everyone section (unless you are a bass).