Committee Meetings 2016

8th November 2016

Notes of Committee Meeting held at 2.15 pm 8th November 2016 at 6 Church Hill, South Cave.


Peter Goonan (Chairman), Steve Horner (Asst Hon. Secretary), Terry Lynn, Mark Williams, Tom Danter, Ken Doran, Jon Capel, Harry Burton.

Apologies for Absence:

Liz Wilson, Nigel Clarke, Malcolm Mathias, Pat Cave, Richard Sholtysek.

1.Notes of Previous Meeting and matters arising

Notes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true record – proposed Mark Williams, Seconded Jon Capel.

The Chairman addressed matters arising at the previous meeting and expressed a hope that future November meetings would include the practice of soliciting views from choir members on the matter of choir repertoire.

2.Officers Reports

Musical Director

The MD was unable to attend the meeting and had nothing specific to submit for discussion.

Honorary Treasurer

Hon Treasurer summarised the financial events over the period and reported that total assets stand at £15633. He further stated that East Riding of Yorkshire Council had kindly contributed a sum of £350 to choir funds. He intends to apply to Beverley Town Council for a grant of £400 towards expenses to be incurred at next year’s President’s Charity Concert in aid of Hornsea Inshore Rescue.

Hon. Librarian

Hon Librarian was unable to attend, but the committee agreed with the Chairman that he is doing an excellent job during his first half year as Hon. Librarian.

Public Relations Officer

The PRO reported that PR is under way to promote this year’s joint Prelude to Christmas concert, both in Beverley and Driffield. He is making arrangements for a broadcast on Beverley FM to publicise the event. Tickets and posters have been produced and are being distributed.

He noted that we currently have 74 Patrons, 54 with email access.

There was discussion regarding the increased fees to be paid by Patrons commencing 1st January 2017 and PRO’s fears that some Patrons might decide to discontinue their patronage. He wished to re-address the increase. The Chairman pointed out that this would not be possible as it was voted on the July AGM but suggested that the PRO would be able to revisit the matter next year if he so wishes.

There was discussion as to what form next year’s Patrons’ concert and refreshments should take and indeed whether there should in future be such an event at all.   The event is usually financially disadvantageous and Mark Williams suggested that some alternative method might be found to express our appreciation to our patrons.   It was decided to discuss the matter further at a later date.  This was done, and the choir will be informed separately of decisions made.


The Chairman raised the matter of the Choir’s singing at funerals. The Choir performs when requested, free of charge, at funerals of Choir members and family members.   It might also be requested to sing at the funerals of Patrons.   In this case, it would seem distasteful to charge a fee but a contribution might be suggested.   On three occasions during the past year, requests have been received from the bereaved of people with no connection to the choir and it was agreed that these should not be accepted unless there is some special justification.   In these three cases, Chris Szafran and Wilf Cooper provided their own musical contribution to the funeral service, which in each case was very well received.   The bereaved in each case insisted on making a financial contribution and in each case Chris and Wilf insisted that these be paid into Choir funds. For future such events, Chris and Wilf have agreed to provide this same service, but as a private venture and with any payments retained by them.

The Chairman wished to clarify and formalise the status of the President and Vice President. He suggested that the roles be specified within the Constitution, to be ratified next year, along the approximate lines:

“Role of the President – To greet and host VIPs and visiting Choir Presidents at major concerts, including accompanying same to meet the choir(s) during the interval and at “after-glow”.

Role of the Vice President (VP) – To assist the President in the above and to carry out this role alone if the President cannot attend.   The VP should be informed by the Chairman whenever the President is unable to attend a major concert.

To assist the Chairman by performing an informal, benevolent “Quality Control” function, by discussing with the Chairman and MD the general impression, good or bad, made on audiences, in terms of general behaviour on stage, appearance, performance or any other matters s/he feels appropriate.

The Chairman should inform the President/VP in advance if he wishes to ask them to “say a few words” at any event.”

Presidents/ VPs are not expected to attend all concerts, but should be regarded as choir members and as such should not pay admission fees.

Presidents should be appointed Honorary Members of the choir on retirement.”

 All of these proposals met with general approval.

Vice Chairman

Terry Lynn up-dated the Committee on his on-going investigation into how, or whether, to update and replace items of choir uniform. He will report back on his findings at a later date.

Section Representatives.

All four Section Reps presented suggestions made by their members on the content and style of our “Rolling Repertoire”.   These were subsequently relayed to the MD for consideration.

  1. Resignations/New Members

Derek Mainwaring resigned, for ongoing health reasons, after 25 years. A true gentleman and friend, he will be sorely missed.

New members are: Nick Hart, Tim Jenkins, Ian Metcalfe and Peter Stevens.

  1. Any Other Business

The Chairman raised the matter of next June’s Joint Charity Concert at Toll Gavel with Mansfield Male Voice Choir, specifically a proposed “Afterglow”.   Several suggestions were made and will be investigated.   The best option seemed to be the Conservative Club in Beverley. Ken Doran offered to investigate and subsequently produced details of options and prices and it is likely we shall use this option as our “Afterglow” venue.  

Meeting closed at 4.15pm

  1. Date and Time of next meeting – 10.00 am Tue 14th March 2017 at 2 Derrymore Road, Willerby, HU10 6ES.

30th June 2016

Notes of Committee Meeting held at 2pm 30th June 2016 at 154 Copandale Road, Beverley.

30th June 2016


Peter Goonan (Chairman), Steve Horner (Asst Hon. Secretary), Mark Williams, Tom Danter, Ken Doran, Pat Cave, Jon Capel, Terry Lynn, Harry Burton, Richard Sholtysek

Apologies for Absence:

Liz Wilson, Nigel Clarke, Malcolm Mathias.

1.Notes of Previous Meeting and matters arising

Notes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true record. Proposed Terry Lynn, Seconded Richard Sholtyshek.

The Chairman addressed the concerns raised at the previous meeting that we are accepting too many concerts and that there are sometimes two concerts in a single weekend. He reaffirmed that the latter was accepted only when unavoidable, but that a policy of turning down concerts requested should not be followed,(though in fact three such concerts had been turned down in the last choir year). He maintained that acceptance of less that 100% turnout is preferable to turning away prospects requesting a concert.

2.Officers Reports

Musical Director

The MD was unable to attend the meeting, but submitted a suggestion that the practise be introduced of conducting new “Section Rehearsals” each Monday before the start of the rehearsal proper. The suggestion met with general approval and it was agreed that the details would be decided by the MD at the next rehearsal.

Second Tenor Rep Jon Capel commented that it appeared clear that some 2T members still seem not to be fully utilising the AMD’s invaluable practice CDs and that the new rehearsal procedure might be used to address this shortcoming.

Honorary Treasurer

Hon Treasurer submitted by email to each committee members in advance of the meeting a preliminary statement of Income and Expenditure, showing total assets to be £12241.62. He noted that the choir needs approximately £7700pa just to meet standard choir running costs.

He reminded the Committee that Beverley Town Council had kindly contributed £600 towards the Choir’s Lake District trip, as a result of which only approximately £300 needed to be met from Choir funds, all other expenses being met by members and their partners.

He noted that East Riding of Yorkshire Council had made no contribution either in the current or the past year. The Chairman asked that this be investigated, noting that in the event of an unsuccessful application, the Council could no longer be considered to be a sponsor of the Choir.

Hon. Librarian

Hon Librarian pointed out that he usually arrives early at rehearsals and asked that members be requested to speak with him at that time if they need copies of music rather than during the rehearsal. The Chairman undertook to communicate this request by blog.

He reported also the need periodically to purchase stationery and files and was authorised to do so, submitting receipts to the treasurer.

Public Relations Officer

The PRO summarised the highly successful PR effort mounted by himself and Hon Treasurer in advance of the recent joint concert with Abertillery Orpheus Male Choir, resulting in an audience of approximately 300. The Chairman commended both on a remarkable achievement.

The PRO also outlined approaches he had made to a newly-launched Cottingham publication which he hoped would enhance the PR effort.

He noted that Patron numbers, at 67, are slightly down on last year.

Baritone Section Rep

Ken Doran made suggestions concerning seating/standing positions at concerts which were subsequently relayed to the MD for consideration.     Ken also expressed disappointment that measures taken to address non-attendance at concerts and rehearsals no longer appear in the Constitution and suggested that they should be reinstated.  He later made clear the strength of his feelings on the matter and the Chairman suggested that he submit an appropriate proposal for discussion at the AGM.

  1. Chairman

The Chairman made several suggestions concerning fees to present to the choir at the forthcoming AGM on Monday 25th June.

  1. That the Musical Director’s and Musical Accompanist’s fees for rehearsals and concerts be increased by £5 to £45 and £40 respectively.
    b. That the Assistant Musical Director’s stipend, having been doubled last year, remain fixed at £400 for the forthcoming year, though he would benefit from the increased MD fees whenever he conducts at a rehearsal or concert.
    c. That there be no increase to the fee charged for concerts.
    d. That the fee charged for weddings be increased to £250.
    e. That there be no increase to Members’ fees.
    f. That Patrons’ subscriptions be increased to £15 pa.
    g. That Choir wives be given £2 concert discount vouchers, this to be agreed with venues before concerts.

All of these suggestions were agreed by the Members.

The Chairman also suggested:

  1. That the post of Assistant Honorary Secretary be written into the Constitution as a full Committee member and that he attend Committee meetings. Both the Hon. Secretary and the Asst. Hon. Secretary should have the right to vote on matters arising at committee meetings. It was further agreed that Steve Horner be proposed for ratification as Asst. Hon. Secretary at the AGM.
  2. That Richard Sholtyshek be ratified as Hon. Librarian at the AGM.

The Chairman proposed two amendments to the Constitution:

  1. That the provision for a “Patrons’ Evening” be amended to read “Patrons’ Concert”, the aim being to introduce the possibility of an afternoon concert.
  2. That the qualification for election as an Honorary Life Member be amended to read “deserving ex-members or others who have provided a significant service to the Choir” – the status of current existing members who are also Honorary Members to be unaffected.

All of these suggestions were agreed by the Members.

  1. Resignations

Colin Taylor and Dave Dryden resigned from the choir.

  1. Any Other Business

In response to comments about the state of Choir uniforms, Steve Horner suggested that the National Association of Choirs be approached for advice. Vice Chairman Terry Lynn undertook to do so.

Meeting closed at 3.50pm

  1. Date and Time of next meeting – Tue 8th November 2016 2pm at 6 Church Hill, South Cave

10th March 2016

Notes of Committee Meeting held 2.00 pm at Toll Gavel Methodist Church Beverley
10 March 2016
Peter Goonan (Chairman), Mark Williams, Tom Danter, Ken Doran, Pat Cave, Jon Capel, Terry Lynn, Harry Burton, Colin Taylor, Richard Sholtysek, Malcolm Mathias.

Apologies for Absence
Elizabeth Wilson, John Cooke, Dave Rutter, Nigel Clark.

  1. Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising

Notes of previous meeting were accepted as a true record. Proposed Mark Williams, Seconded Ken Doran
Matters Arising:-

  • Hull City of Culture – The Chairman advised that Mansfield Male Voice Choir have been invited to sing at a joint concert with Hull Male Voice Choir to celebrate the City of Culture and we should not therefore approach them to take part
    · Role of Section Representatives – Section representatives are now coordinating section member attendance at concerts i.e, recording commitment from section members to attend concerts once we have committed to perform. They are now asked to chase up those in their respective sections who have not committed and pass the completed “trawl” document to the Vice Chairman.
  1. Officers Reports

Musical Director

The MD was unable to attend the meeting.

Honorary Treasurer

Hon Treasurer reported that currently the
Current Account contained £12558.69
             Kendal Trip Funds – £ 6370.00
                                                     £ 6188.69
             Investment Account £ 6119.00
                                      TOTAL £12307.69

Hon Treasurer also advised that
· Patrons Fees were being paid. Currently about 50%(£360) had been paid
· We were currently about £2.5k up on the same position last year
· He was arranging for a debit card and moving towards making all payments via BACS
· The meeting with Beverley Town Council was due to take place on 21 March 2016 which he would be attending. We were asking for a Grant of £1200 towards the Kendal trip.

Public Relations Officer

The PRO reported on recent press releases and noted:-
· He would be providing monthly articles in the new “JUST BEVERLEY” publication
· New Patrons – it was agreed that the PRO would agree any new Patron fees with the Treasurer on a pro-rata basis
· Members Directory – Harry will continue to produce
· Concert schedules – Harry will continue to produce

Hon. Librarian

Hon Librarian raised the matter of sharing music copy with other Choirs to save on the cost of purchasing new music. It was agreed that we would trail this with Driffield initially and that the Hon Librarian would feed back to the Committee following the trial period. Pat Cave requested that she be given original copies of any music and this was duly noted.

Honorary Secretary

The Hon Secretary reported that due to increasing work commitments he was finding it difficult to deal with all secretarial matters efficiently and with the permission of the Chairman had asked Colin Taylor if he was prepared to provide assistance and act as Assistant Honorary Secretary. Colin had kindly agreed to assist and his appointment was unanimously agreed. Many thanks to Colin for stepping in.

  1. Concert Programme 2015
  • Mark Williamson raised the matter of the number of Concerts we were committed to performing this year, particularly during April to July 2016. The Committee agreed that a number of members had expressed concern but acknowledged the difficulty in turning down requests for concerts and that the timings were basically out of our control. It was agreed that every effort should be made to get a better ”spread” of engagements throughout the year and the Chairman and Hon Secretary would look at ways of achieving this.
    · Prelude to Christmas Concert – There was discussion regarding Guest Artists at the Prelude to Christmas Concert and in particular that we needed to utilise the talents of a Choir which would bring significant support in order to maximise income for our Choir funds. The Musical Director and the Chairman had considered this and suggested that Driffield Male Voice Choir would be suitable. Following discussion, this suggestion was agreed. Chairman to arrange as necessary with the Musical Director.
    · Abertillery Joint Concert – Chairman to arrange for Afterglow at the Kings Head in Beverley.
  1. Resignations/ New Members

No Resignations had been received since that last meeting.
The application for Membership by Peter Chew was unanimously agreed.

  1. Any Other Business
  • Ken Doran asked why we were asking members’ wives to prepare food for the Patrons Evening. The Chairman explained that this had become a convention over the last few years. Following discussion it was agreed that an outside catering company should be contracted to provide food etc. at £7.00 to £8.00 per head. Chairman/Hon.Treasurer to make the necessary arrangements.
  1. Date and times of Next Meeting

Thursday 30 June 2016 – 2.00pm Toll Gavel Methodist Church (Welcome Room on the Ground Floor, opposite Sellitt)

The Meeting closed at 15.45 am