Committee Meetings 2020

10th November 2020

Beverley Male Voice Choir Committee Meeting

10.00am, 10th November 2020, Zoom Meeting


Present: David Cross (Chairman)(DC), Steve Horner  (SH), Nick Hart (NH), Julian Musik (JM), Ken Doran (KD),  Peter Goonan (PG), Dave Rutter (DR), Terry Lynn (TL), Phil MacMullen (PM), Albert Newbery (AN) [co-opted for meeting].

1) Apologies for AbsenceJon Capel (JC) and Dave Williamson (DW).

2) Notes of Previous meeting and Matters arising

There were no matters arising.   

3) Officer Reports

Hon. Treasurer  had prepared a report, which was circulated to all Committee members prior to the meeting and can be summarised as follows;

Our closing bank balance as of 30th June 2020 was £4586.30. Despite the conditions prevailing since the first lockdown in March this is in line with the last few years.  A summary of the accounts is below.

There are no exceptional or unusual expenses or receipts.

Our current balance is £8091.30.Income has been solely from members’ subs and patrons’ donations; our only expense has been paying Amy’s attendances.

Grant applications were made to Beverley Town Council and ERYC to support rehearsal and performance costs but these are both in abeyance.

As the concert performances for which Amy was booked expire, we shall  be paying her only £220 -£275/month (in lieu of rehearsals) – if we agree to continue with these payments  for the rest of this financial year the cost will be £1925.

Our other commitment is paying our AMD (Nigel Clarke) stipend of £500.

Following appeals from the Chairman and Treasurer, we have very few members who haven’t paid their subs. Two members have decided to take a year’s sabbatical leave at a cost of £50.

The Treasurer is in the process of asking for a rebate on our insurance premium on the basis that we have been legally unable to rehearse or perform – the risks for which we have cover.

The Treasurer suggested that if we continue to be unable to function normally we should not renew our insurance in January 2021 (when our present policy expires).

We agreed previously that we would not pay rent to Toll Gavel church until at least January 2021.

The Choir accounts have been independently audited and presented to, and approved by, the Committee. 

Public Relations Officer (PRO)/Patrons’ Coordinator (PC)

PRO reported that the MD had suggested that the Patrons should be invited to the Choir’s last “zoom” rehearsal on 7th December (2021), in an effort to be inclusive.

Hon. Secretary

The concert programme and schedule for 2021-22 will be discussed under the “forthcoming concerts” agenda item (7). This has naturally been almost totally disrupted by the Coronavirus pandemic.


Nine concerts, two coffee mornings, two weddings, and the Choir’s annual Social Evening have been cancelled as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Chairman presented John Cross, who has recently retired from the Choir, with Honorary Life Membership (certificate and badge). This was previously approved by the Committee.    

4) Section Representative Reports

First Tenors – in the First Tenor Rep’s absence, DC suggested on behalf of the 1st Tenors two  new songs for consideration for inclusion in the Choir repertoire –  ”Something inside so strong” (Labbe Siffre) and “Stand by me” (Ben E King);

Second Tenors – Nothing to report;

Baritones – The song “I’ll walk with God” suggested;

Basses – The song “Heilig, heilig, heilig Gott” suggested.

5) Resignations/New Members

Richard Sholtysek has resigned from the Choir for health reasons.

John Clarke has also resigned from the Choir.

Two members, Trevor Buttery and Dom Minniti, have taken sabbatical leave for one year.

There have been no new members.

6) Registered Charity application update

Now that the Choir accounts have been approved by the Committee, and the Treasurer has furnished AN with other information (Choir bank account details, etc.),AN will submit an on-line application to the Charity Commission, after approval by the Committee of the information required in the submission (hopefully at the next Committee meeting (March 2021). No major problems are anticipated.

7) Forthcoming concerts

  1. a) Programme for 2021-22

The existing repertoire is to continue for the coming year, with consideration being given to the suggestions made in the Section Representative Reports above.

  1. b) Charity concerts

It was unanimously agreed that Charity concerts be suspended until further notice due to financial pressures the Choir is currently suffering due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

However, it was proposed, and also agreed unanimously, that a donation be made by the Choir to the President’s chosen Charity at Christmas.  The Chairman subsequently sent a cheque for £250 to the President, Paul Camm for presentation to his chosen charity, Dove House Hospice.

This is particularly pertinent in view of the current application for Registered Charity status.

  1. c) Forthcoming concerts

There are a number of concerts “pencilled in”, but, of course, whether they can go ahead depends on what happens with regard to Government restrictions and the Coronavirus pandemic in the next few months. Concert dates at the moment are:

Friday April 23rd  2021 – Gentlemen Songsters, of Dudley (away);

Saturday 24th April 2021 – Kidderminster Valentines Ladies Choir (away);

Saturday 5th June 2021 – Bestwood MVC (home);

Saturday 2nd July 2021 – Wedding;

Saturday 14th August 2021 – Kidderminster MVC (home).

The Committee felt that we should withdraw from the concerts in April 2021 because Coronavirus restrictions were still likely to be in place, making preparation (rehearsal), and hotel and coach bookings fraught with uncertainty, as well as Choir finances being under strain. The Secretary agreed to contact the choirs concerned. The other concert dates are to be left in place for the time being.

8) Any other business

  1. a) DC reported that, on the resignation of Richard Sholtysek (Librarian) from the Choir (mentioned above), Chris Szafran was willing to take on this post.
  2. b) There was a suggestion that a structured rehearsal programme be implemented (using the AMD’s CD/MP3 recordings) in order to go some way towards preparing for post-Covid concerts. The Secretary agreed to broach the subject with the MD, AMD and MA via e-mail.
  3. c) It was reiterated by the Committee that, as discussed in the July meeting, the Choir AGM will be postponed until such time as the the Choir will be able to meet.
  4. d) It was agreed unanimously by the Committee to continue paying fees to the MA until further notice.

9) Summary of Actions

  1. a) The Secretary agreed to contact the choirs concerned with regard to withdrawing from concerts in April 2021 that are currently “pencilled in” in the events diary.
  2. b) The Secretary agreed to contact our MD, AMD and MA to thank them for their sterling efforts to keep the choir going during the COVID-19 pandemic. He would also discuss the implementation of a structured rehearsal programme (using the AMD’s excellent CD/MP3 recordings), in an effort to be “concert-ready” when Coronavirus restrictions are eased and concerts possible again. The submitted new song requests will also be relayed to them.  Patron involvement with the Choir during the present Coronavirus pandemic will also be discussed and it was noted that the website now includes a new “Patrons” page, the aim being to ensure that our patrons realise that they are very much part of the Choir community.
  3. c) AN will continue to progress the Choir’s application for Registered Charity status with the Charity Commission.
  4. d) The Treasurer will continue to keep abreast of Choir finances in view of the strain the Coronavirus pandemic is putting on such matters.

 10) Date and time of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on 2nd March 2021 at 10.00 am (venue and arrangements to be decided).

The meeting closed at 11.23 am. 

As there has been no opportunity to hold an AGM this year there has also been no opportunity to present the accounts to the membership.  They are therefore presented below for your perusal.













Balance Sheet Year Ending 30th. June 2020








































































Musical Director






























Asst. Musical Director












































































































































Subscriptions NAC




















Charitable Donations




















Performing Rights




























































Piano & Equipment Maintenance








































































Year-end Bank balance










7th July 2020

Beverley Male Voice Choir Committee Meeting

10.00am, 07th. July 2020  –  Zoom Meeting


Present: David Cross (Chairman)(DC), Steve Horner  (SH), Julian Musik (JM), Ken Doran (KD), Dave Williamson (DW), Peter Goonan (PG), Dave Rutter (DR), Terry Lynn (TL), Phil MacMullen (PM), Albert Newbery (AN) [co-opted for meeting].

  1. Apologies for Absence: Jon Capel (JC). PM joined the meeting shortly after commencement.
  2. Notes of Previous meeting and Matters arising

Notes from the previous meeting were accepted as a true record. There were no matters arising.   

  1. Officer Reports

 Hon. Treasurer  had prepared a report and it was circulated to all Committee members prior to the meeting.

This report can be briefly summarised as follows;

 the Choir’s bank balance is £4586.30 as of 30/6/20 (this was deemed within the “normal” range when compared with previous years over the recent past, ie. relatively healthy);

 The accounts will be completed and audited in the next few weeks.

The Treasurer noted that:

i)Beverley Town Council have postponed their grant approval meeting to a later date as yet unknown.

ii)MD (Liz Wilson) generously agreed to forgo her allowance from the start of the Coronavirus lockdown, so that the Choir is more easily able to continue to pay the MA.

Public Relations Officer (PRO)/Patrons’ Coordinator (PC)

Nothing to report.

Hon. Secretary

The concert schedule for this year will be discussed under the “forthcoming concerts” agenda item. This has naturally been almost totally disrupted by the Coronavirus pandemic.


As for Hon. Secretary (above).   

  1. Section Representative Reports

First Tenors Nothing to report;

Second Tenors Nothing to report;

Baritones Nothing to report;

Basses the question was asked  whether the present “zoom” rehearsals on a Monday evening were worth the time and effort. The Committee felt that these rehearsals should continue, even if only for the social aspect (staying in touch, “esprit de corps”, etc.), and if the MD still supported it.

  1. Resignations/New Members

John Cross has resigned from the Choir for personal reasons.

  1. AGM

Due to the current Government restrictions during the Coronavirus pandemic the Committee voted unanimously to postpone the 2020 AGM until it is deemed safe and proper to hold such a meeting.

  1. Constitution

The Committee agreed unanimously amendments to the Choir’s Constitution proposed by AN, so that it meets the criteria necessary for the application of the Choir for Registered Charity status. This would normally require ratification from the membership at the next AGM.  

However, because of the indefinite nature of the  lockdown, it was agreed that this take the form of an “electronic” Special General Meeting (SGM).  It was agreed that an e-mail be sent to all members by the Chairman (DC) asking them to adopt, by return email, the proposed new Constitution (with an attached copy of the latter) and the reasons why it has become necessary. To meet legal requirements,  copies of member email votes will be retained and if necessary forwarded to the Charities Commission, provided there is a majority in favour, with a copy of the new Constitution, in the application for Registered Charity status.

  1. Appraisal of Member subscriptions

The Committee agreed that this should remain at the current level

  1. Appraisal of fees for MD, AMD and MA

The Committee agreed that these should remain at the current level.  It was agreed that the MA continue to be paid during lockdown fees for those rehearsals and concerts at which she would have performed and that the AMD continue to receive his annual stipend in appreciation of all the extra work he does for the Choir. The MD was thanked by the Committee for forgoing her fee during the pandemic lockdown.

  1. Registered Charity Status

The application for the above has been approved by the Committee and should go forward, pending the ratification of the amended Constitution by the Choir Membership SGM vote outlined in para 7 above. Grateful thanks was once again expressed  to AN for all his hard work on this item.

  1. Forthcoming concerts

The Secretary was asked to cancel the joint concert in August with Kidderminster MVC, and the booking of the venue (Toll Gavel Church). He will also cancel the booking with Toll Gavel Church for the Coffee Morning in October. This will just leave one concert venue booking with Toll Gavel Church for the Choir’s Prelude to Christmas concert in December (2020). Whether this concert will eventually go ahead as scheduled is uncertain, of course, in the current circumstances, but will stand for the time being. The Secretary will discuss these arrangements with the Toll Gavel Church officer responsible, and also the possibility of being granted a rebate of previously agreed fees for concerts and rehearsals which are now not taking place.  

  1. Any other business

PG asked the Committee if AN should be formally named as Gift Aid Coordinator, and this was agreed until the Charitable status has been set up.

  1. Summary of Actions

i)Treasurer to e-mail members that subscriptions are due;

ii)Treasurer to finalise the Choir accounts within the next few weeks, and ensure that     they are audited;

iii)Treasurer to contact the National Association of Choirs for guidance about easing out of Coronavirus lockdown and what is possible and safe for choirs to do into the future;

iv)Secretary to cancel concert with Kidderminster MVC, but leave booking for the Prelude to Christmas concert (December 2020) for the time being;

v)Secretary to cancel venue bookings for the Kidderminster MVC concert ((iv)), and Choir coffee morning in October;

vi)Secretary to discuss with the responsible Church officer at Toll Gavel about hire of the Church for rehearsals over the last 3 months and into the future, with regard to possible discount for being unable to use the church during the Coronavirus pandemic lockdown;

vii)Chairman to consult with MD regarding the ‘zoom’ rehearsals and her continued support for them;

viii)Chairman to e-mail Choir members with regard to the ratification of the amended Choir constitution in the form of an ‘electronic’ SGM.

  1. Date and time of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on 10th November 2020 at 10.00 am (venue and arrangements to be decided).

The meeting closed at 11.23 am.

3rd March 2020

Notes of Committee Meeting held

on 3rd  March 2020 at 10.00am

at 28 St Catherine’s Drive, Leconfield, HU17 7NU


Present: David Cross (Chairman)(DC), Steve Horner  (SH), Julian Musik (JM), Malcolm Sparks (MS), Ken Doran (KD), Dave Williamson (DW), Peter Goonan (PG), Dave Rutter (DR), Jon Capel (JC), Terry Lynn (TL).

Apologies for Absence: Phil MacMullen (PM).


Notes of Previous meeting and Matters arising

A question was raised as to why the deputy MA(s) were not used more regularly and it was decided that the committee was content with the status quo.

The continued membership of the choir of one individual was raised – the Vice Chairman agreed to air this with the person concerned.

Alternative sites to hold recruitment “drives” was raised – the Recruitment Officer for the Choir was still investigating the possibilities.

It was formally accepted by the Committee that Mr Tom Danter would become the new Independent Auditor of Accounts for the Choir.   


Officer Reports


Hon. Treasurer

In the absence of the Treasurer at this meeting he had prepared a report which was circulated to all Committee members and can be summarised as follows:

 The Choir’s bank balance is £6633.17 as of1/3/20.  This was deemed to be within the “normal” range when compared with previous years over the recent past, ie. relatively healthy);

 A grant application for £1000 has been made to Beverley Town Council (BTC) to cover the cost of venues for visiting choirs, and another has been drafted for £400 to East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ERYC) (their Play, Sport and Art Services Fund);

Expected outturn – current balance £6633, expected income approx. £2500, less liabilities approx.  £3000, likely outturn approx. £6000. Again, compared with recent past years, deemed relatively healthy;  

The Committee formally approved the grant applications made to Beverley Town Council and to East Riding of Yorkshire Council.


Public Relations Officer (PRO)/Patrons’ Coordinator (PC)

All Choir Patrons and Friends have been sent a newsletter and Patron subscription forms. The publicity/PR requirements for the Choir’s concerts this year will be discussed under the Agenda item “forthcoming concerts” later in the meeting.


Hon. Secretary

All venues are booked for the Choirs forthcoming concerts up to and including our Prelude to Christmas concert (20/12/20).

The concert schedule for this year will be discussed under the “forthcoming concerts” agenda item.

The Registered Charity status issue will be discussed under a separate Agenda item later in the meeting.



Sadness was expressed concerning the death of John Cooke, one of the Choir’s stalwarts. He will be greatly missed.

Mel Watson has returned to the Choir, after what has been a difficult year for him with the sad loss of his wife, Rita.  Graham Beale is welcomed as a new member.

It has been noted that the programme for the joint concert with Bestwood MVC is shorter than usual – DC will take this up with the Musical Director.

There is a proposed weekend visit in April 2021 to Kidderminster, with two concerts – one to Kidderminster Valentines Ladies Choir, whom we hosted last year, and another to Worcester MVC (the Secretary is waiting for confirmation of the latter).  DC and Lynne will arrange a visit to Kidderminster in the near future in preparation for this event;

It is suggested that the Choir’s Welfare Officer (TL) liaise with Section Heads (DR, KD, JC, and DW) to ensure that Choir member absences are followed up;

Uniforms – Slaters (the suppliers of our present uniforms) have four in stock.   Steps will be taken to purchase these.  The question of  jacket badge production was also raised and satisfactorily resolved.  DC has successfully sourced a new supply of cloth of the same colour as our present uniform jackets, although a little more expensive, though not  as costly as having to change our jackets to a completely different colour.   DC will arrange to visit the potential new supplier in the near future.

(Please see previous meeting notes (19/11/19) for a comprehensive explanation of the reason for this problem.)   


Section Representative Reports

First Tenors – Nothing to report;

Second Tenors –   Numbers are dwindling.  Concern was raised about the introduction of new songs to the current repertoire to cater for wedding requests, though most members had no objection to this.

Baritones – Concern raised about new numbers being introduced to the repertoire and the consequent time spent learning them. Talking during rehearsal was raised again (possible introduction of conversation “break”?) – choir discipline deemed to need improvement.

Basses – The welcome return to the fold of PG and Alan Lee was noted; the last “Basses lunch” was very well attended and much enjoyed by everyone.


Resignations/New Members

 (see Chairman’s report – items 3i) and 3ii)


Forthcoming concerts

 The Choir has a busy schedule of concerts this year, and it will be important to make sure that publicity for all the events is handled well. To this end, the Secretary undertook to speak to the members of the Choir who have been involved in the production of publicity material in the recent past, as well as working closely with our PRO JM.

As previously mentioned, all venues are booked up to and including our Prelude to Christmas concert in December. Dignitaries have been invited and confirmation of their attendance is awaited.

 The release of advertising and tickets for each concert must be timely and coordinated.

Each section of the Choir will take part in recruitment/publicity “drives” on Toll Gavel on a regular basis. This will, it is hoped, improve our profile in the local community, advertise forthcoming concerts and help considerably with future funding applications.

With reference to the concert with Kidderminster Male Choir in August DC and SH have arranged to meet representatives of the visiting choir in May to consolidate details.

Progress so far on the projected visit to Kidderminster has been outlined in the Chairman’s report (see above).  



 The Committee approved the amending of the Choir Constitution to reflect the purpose of any legacy directed to the Choir, for example, to be spent specifically on music, or uniforms and to ensure that Next-of-Kin are kept informed of their disbursements.


Christmas 2019

Vice Chairman, MS, stated that, in his opinion, last Christmas’s carol singing at Tesco supermarket with the Beverley Lions was a shambles. The Committee decided to drop this event from the Choir calendar.


Registered Charity status

 The Treasurer and Secretary had been charged with the task of investigating the possible benefits of the above for the Choir. They discovered that a new member of the Choir was also in charge of Registered Charity status for a local organisation near to his home. DC and SH visited him and were given a demonstration of the “set up”. As a result of this, DC and Albert Newbery, the Choir member concerned, will work together to take the process further with the Committee’s approval. It was agreed that Albert be asked to fill a new post of “Gift- Aid Coordinator”, as a “co-opted” committee member, which post has now been added as such to the “Job Descriptions” page.


Any Other Business

 PG proposed a vote of thanks to the Choir’s Assistant Musical Director, Nigel Clarke, for instituting the new “dropbox” for members to access for the rehearsing of music in the repertoire. It is an invaluable learning aid. Carried unanimously.

DC stressed the need for clear and open communication between officers of the Choir.

DC undertook to investigate the possibility of wedding venues being a useful avenue of advertising for the Choir.

DC will purchase a recording machine to aid the Secretary in writing up Committee notes, which was approved by the Committee.

The Committee set the date for the next Choir AGM – Monday July 27th at 7.00 pm.


Summary of Actions

 The Secretary will work closely with all those concerned with the publicity for the Choir’s forthcoming concerts;

The Chairman will take forward the process of the Choir becoming a Registered Charity;

The Chairman will make contact with manufacturers of the suitable cloth he sourced for uniform jackets into the future.


Date and Time of Next Meeting

To be at 10.00am on Tuesday July 7th  by Zoom – Chairman to organise

The meeting closed at 12,20 pm.