Committee Meetings 2018
20th November 2018
Notes of Committee Meeting held 10 am 20th November 2018 at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave, HU15 2EW
Terry Lynn (Chairman), Peter Goonan, Dave Rutter, Dave Cross, Steve Horner, Ken Doran, Jon Capel, Malcolm Mathias, Liz Wilson.
Apologies for Absence
Apologies received from Tom Danter, Mark Williams
- Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
Notes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true record and there was a discussion regarding the following points:-
- A concert at Walkington to commemorate the end of the First World War, which was attended by some choir members (the concert, not the war). Peter Chew had previously requested that the choir arrange such an event but we had attended and performed at the Memorial service at Toll Gavel Methodist Church earlier in the year.
- It was noted that the issues raised regarding the exercises undertaken at the beginning of rehearsals had been resolved.
- Uniforms – a Mill in Derby may be able to assist with additional blazers. In the meantime, the Chairman will arrange to purchase some from stock at Slaters in Hull.
2. Officers Reports
- The Chairman expressed thanks to the committee and to all those who have assisted in the concerts and events to make them a success. Extra thanks to Tom Danter for not only keeping our finances in order but stepping in to act as our Compere and Choir Marshall.
- Since our last meeting we have been very fortunate in engaging Amy Butler as our accompanist following the departure of Emily Blackledge. Amy is already proving to be a very pleasant, competent and enthusiastic addition to the choir.
- We have had a great few months, with a successful Choir Social organised by Chris Szafran. Again a big thank you to him.
- Seven concerts, as well as the Belgium trip, which the Chairman believed had been very successful:
Mansfield (two concerts)
Lions – Beverley.
Thanks to the guys and gals who helped to set up and sell tickets, etc.
- The Choir Dinner was also a success though the turnout was poor, possibly due to the Belgium trip the next day.
- We need to keep up the recruitment drive and concert promotion by each member as well as at the Toll Gavel Gates, and we need more members taking part.
- Sad times were the loss of Pat Norris and Sheila Chew. It is nice to see both Bernard and Peter back with us.
New Music for 2019
The Musical Director attended for this item and some suggestions had been received from all Sections of the Choir. Following considerable discussion, agreement was reached on the new music, most of which we already have in the Library and which we will introduce next year. Details of this music will appear on the website shortly.
Honorary Treasurer
- The Hon Treasurer was unable to attend the meeting but had previously submitted a report.
- Financial situation:- Current Balance £ 6485.58
Available funds £ 6282.58
Public Relations Officer/Assistant Hon Secretary
- Posters for the Prelude to Christmas have now been distributed to all the usual points of display.
- Hon Secretary advised that tickets for the above concert would be placed in the Treasure House (TIC) in Beverley later today and that the Beverley Music Centre would be asked if they were able to assist with selling tickets.
- PRO agreed to speak to the magazine HU17 regarding the removal of old BMVC videos from their website.
Honorary Secretary
- Nothing to report.
Section Leaders
- First Tenors -Welcome to a new member -Andy Noon
- Second Tenors – Nothing to report
- Baritones – Nothing to report
- Basses – reported that they had been out to dinner as a group and that this had been very successful in cementing their relationship as a group. It was suggested that the other groups consider doing something similar. Other Section Leaders to consider in their respective groups
- Concert Programme 2018
- The Concert Programme is now published on the website and regularly updated.
- Resignations/ New Members
- No resignations had been received but concern was expressed regarding the continued absence of a number of members, namely Maz Khuri, David Mills and Tim Jenkins. It was agreed that the Chairman speak with each of them and ensure the return of uniforms and music if appropriate.
- John Mather and Andy Noon were accepted as new choir members.
5. Any Other Business
- Afterglows – discussion regarding the level of refreshment which should be offered at afterglows. Chairman and Vice Chairman to discuss and it was suggested that visiting choirs be offered a choice e.g. a light buffet with tea/coffee or to visit a local licensed establishment with a complimentary drink.
- Attendance at weddings where the bride/groom are not known to the choir – it was suggested that members should be “paid” for their attendance to cover their time and expenses such as fuel, etc. This cost could be covered by the fee charged for choir attendance. Further consideration to be given at next Committee meeting. This is an outstanding item from the previous meeting.
- Members attendance at Concerts – considerable concern was expressed across the whole Committee regarding poor attendance at concerts, which is currently running at an average of 51% (31 members). It appears that many members simply use concert rehearsals as a social event. The Committee are looking to achieve a much higher level of commitment to attending concerts. We shall continue to monitor members’ attendance and those who display poor attendance at concerts will be asked to explain why this is the case. It is imperative that this issue is addressed. It is not acceptable for the choir to turn up at concerts with sometimes as few as 25 members when we have a membership of about 60. The Chairman will raise these concerns at the next rehearsal. Attendance at the Christmas pub events is also a major concern, particularly as these events raise considerable sums of money for choir funds.
- New Vice President – Rhona Dickinson, a long-time friend and Patron of the Choir has been appointed as the next Vice President of the Choir
- Tom Danter – It was agreed that Tom had done a great job stepping into the Compere’s role in the absence due to illness of Mark Williams. Many thanks, Tom.
- The Committee’s thanks were also extended to Terry for all his hard work in organising and making the necessary arrangements for the Mansfield trip and the visit to Belgium.
- Date and time of next meeting:
Tuesday 5 March 2019 – 10.00 at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave
The Meeting closed at 12.40 pm
3rd July 2018
Notes of Committee Meeting held 10 am 3 July 2018 at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave, HU15 2 EW
Terry Lynn (Chairman), Peter Goonan, Dave Rutter, Dave Cross, Steve Horner, Mark Williams, Malcolm Mathias.
Apologies for Absence
Apologies received from Tom Danter, Jon Capel, Richard Sholtysec
- Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
Notes of previous meeting were accepted as a true record and there was a discussion about an e-mail received from the MD regarding the approval of the current repertoire. The contents were noted.
2. Officers Reports
Honorary Treasurer
- Hon Treasurer was not present but submitted a report which stated that the current bank balance was £4351.00.
- Choir subscriptions to be increased from £85.00 pa to £95.00 pa
- The Assistant MD had only been paid £450.00 instead of £500.00. Hon Treasurer to arrange additional payment as agreed
- Charity Concerts – discussion regarding what contribution should be made to a charity following a fund-raising concert. It was agreed that the contribution should be net of Choir expenses
- Uniforms – apparently Slaters suppliers have limited stocks of blazers. It was decided that we should purchase some spare blazers for future new members. Belts – Chairman to make enquiries regarding the purchase of new belts and the possibility of purchasing additional blazer material.
Public Relations Officer/Assistant Hon Secretary
- Honley Concert – discussion. Chairman and Ass Hon Secretary to agree arrival details etc. and Afterglow at the Conservative Club
Librarian Report
Nothing to report
Chairman’s Report
Chairman thanked all those who assisted in the success of the Charity Concert and the successful Memorial Service at Toll Gavel Methodist Church
- The Chairman advised the Committee that unfortunately Emily was leaving us to further her career and we would have to find a replacement as a matter of urgency. Some temporary arrangements were being put in place in the event that we had difficulty engaging a suitable replacement.
- The Ass MD had expressed his regret that he had received no assistance in “clearing up” the church/church hall following a Concert and it was unanimously agreed by the Committee that this was wholly unacceptable. It was agreed that the matter will be raised at the AGM.
Honorary Secretary
- Tickets for Honley Concert. Hon Secretary advised that as he was away for approximately 3 months it would be necessary for another Committee member to take charge of ticket Sales. The Ass Chairman agreed to take on the task.
- E mail from the President regarding the organisation and arrangements for welcoming and accompanying dignitaries and honoured guests at concerts. It was agreed that the procedure needed to be tightened up and all those involved need to clearly understand their roles Hon Secretary to clarify for future events. Chairman to speak with the President.
- Concert Programme 2018
The Concert Programme was now published on the website and regularly updated.
- Resignations/ New Members
- No Resignations had been received.
- Harry Kershaw, Philip McMullen and John Sharp were accepted as a new choir members.
5. Any Other Business
- Peter Chew had requested that we organize an Event to commemorate the passing of 100 years since the end of the First World War. It was agreed that the sentiments expressed by Peter had been addressed by the Choir participating in the Memorial Event at Toll Gavel Methodist Church.
- Guest Hospitality- it was agreed that where Guests, other than Choir Members perform at our concerts there should be some recognition for their participation e.g. Riverside Brass should be paid the sum of £50.00 for their contribution to the recent Charity Concert. This was agreed.
- Website – Peter Goonan advised regarding recent problems with the website. Peter and Nigel (Ass MD) are administering the website and are still hosting the site.
- Piano – Discussion regarding the current position regarding piano repairs
- Section Warm up sessions at the beginning of rehearsals – some members feel they are a waste of time and often run on after 7.15 pm cutting rehearsals short. Chairman to discuss with MD and Ass MD.
- Attendance at weddings where the bride/groom are not known to the choir – it was suggested that members should be “paid” for their attendance to cover their time and expenses such as fuel etc. This cost could be covered by the fee charged for choir attendance. Further consideration to be given at next Committee meeting.
6.Dates and times of Meetings
Next Meeting – Tuesday 20 November 2018 – 10 am at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave
The Meeting closed at 4.30 pm
6th March 2018
Notes of Committee Meeting held 2.30 pm 6 March 2018 at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave, HU15 2 EW
Terry Lynn (Chairman), Peter Goonan, Jon Capel, Dave Rutter, Dave Cross, Ken Doran, Tom Danter, Malcolm Mathias.
Apologies for Absence
Apologies received from Mark Williams and Steve Horner
1.Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
Notes of previous meeting were accepted as a true record and there were no Matters Arising
2. Officers Reports
Honorary Treasurer
- Hon Treasurer reported that funds in the Bank currently stood at £7,325.92 (including £550 from Patrons) with no outstanding payments. PRO to be asked to remind Patrons regarding deadline for payment
- Applications now made for Grant Aid from Beverley Town Council (not clear how much we will receive at this stage)
- Honorary Secretary has also applied to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council for an Arts Grant of £350.00
Chairman’s Report
- Chairman thanked the Committee for their support
- Good feedback being received from concerts. Prelude to Christmas Concert was very good and very well received
- New “Flyers” have been produced for distribution by members to try and increase membership and these would be available to all members
- The new “Pop-Up” displays would be available soon
Public Relations Officer
The PRO was unable to attend the meeting but had submitted a brief update report, the contents of which were noted.
Honorary Secretary
- The Hon Secretary initiated a discussion regarding Music for 2018. At the last Committee Meeting it had been decided that the MD would consider the music suggestions put forward by each Section of the Choir and formulate a list for consideration and approval by the Committee. This process had not been completed and the Music for 2018 had been published on the website without approval. In addition, numerous numbers had subsequently been introduced at rehearsals, none of which had been included on the published list. It was agreed that the Chairman would raise this with the MD and report back to the next Committee meeting.
- Job Descriptions – Hon. Secretary was concerned about the use of Job Descriptions for voluntary roles within the Choir. Following discussion, it was agreed that the proposed Job Descriptions were a set of guidelines to give new volunteers taking on a role a clear idea of what the role involved. It was agreed that the Hon. Secretary should keep copies and amend as and when required.
- Secretary advised the Committee that he had applied for an Arts Grant in the sum of £350.00 from East Riding of Yorkshire Council and submitted an application to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council for a Chairman’s Award.
- Concert Programme 2018
- The Concert Programme was now published on the website.
- Visiting Choirs – It was noted that we must ensure that suitable and sufficient catering arrangements were made when hosting visiting Choirs.
- Resignations/ New Members
- No Resignations had been received.
- Robert Watson was accepted as a new member
5. Any Other Business
- Peter Chew had requested that we organize an Event to commemorate the passing of 100 years since the end of the First World War including music, readings, poems etc. This suggestion considered favourably and it was agreed that the Chairman should speak to Peter about it.
6.Dates and times of Meetings
Committee – Tuesday 03 July 2018 – 10.00am at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave
AGM – Monday 30 July 2018 – 7.00pm Toll Gavel Methodist Church, Beverley
The Meeting closed at 4.10 pm