Committee Meetings 2022

Committee Meeting notes, 10th November 2022, 6pm

Present: Nick Hart (Chairman)(NH), Terry Lynn (Secretary)(TL), Philip MacMullen(Treasurer)(PM), Julian Musik (JM), Dave Williamson (DW) Ken Doran, Tom Grey

Apologies for Absence – Liz Wilson, Barry Gibson, Nigel Clarke

Notes of minutes of Last committee meeting and Matters arising

It was suggested that the Chairman could be on the Music Committee.No action has been carried out. NH to look into it.

Chairman’s Report

NH stated he was disheartened that several members have not returned since Covid. Having contacted several without response it will be necessary to send an email to them and ask them to return their uniforms and music. He will carry out this task. He was more cheerful as the Hornsea and Beverley Minster concerts was a great success, with many members attending. Also nobody has come forward as a Vice Chairman or even to be on the committee. The choir cannot exist without members helping to run it.

Treasurer’s report

Opening balance 5398.22


Concerts 1425.00 Subs 4000.00 Donations 180.70

Total 11004.32 Balance at 1.11.22 7484.58


Liz 960.00 Amy 990.00

Pat C
Concert costs Misc

55.00 1226.00 238.74 50.00

Total 3519.74

ESTIMATES to year end
Grants 1000.00

Liz, Amy & Nigel 4430.00 Rent 1920.00 Insurance 140.00

Total 6490.00

Gift aid
Concert income Patrons

Current balance
Total 16934.00

Year-end balance 10444.00

5000.00 3200.00 250.00


Explanatory notes:

  • –  projected concert income is net. It’s based on the engagements we currently have

    booked and looks pretty healthy;

  • –  I’ve included the Gift Aid we expect to claim as income. Without this our projected

    out-turn is comparable to previous years;

  • –  the conclusion is that the concert income we expect is at a level that would keep us

    comfortably afloat – all other things being equal.




Patrons report.

JM is going to send out a newsletter to all the Friends of the Choir giving events and inviting them to come to the Prelude free.

Secretary Report

The Mayor and the Clark of the Council were invited to the Prelude but unfortunately have other commitments on that day.

The coffee morning was a great success and will be looking at doing more to raise funds. Events

Pub singing arranged by Nick Andrews Sun 11th Dec -Festival of Christmas Fri 17th Dec – Brough Golf Club
Sun 18th Dec – Prelude to Christmas Sat 24th Mar – Cherry Burton

Thur 6th April – Wedding York
Fri 14th April – Joint concert with Humberside Police Band Cottingham Sat 22d April – Snaith Priory

Sat 13th May – Willerby Methodist
Sat 20th May – Joint concert Gentlemen Singers

New Members

John Faulkner, Conner Pearce, Richard. Tom Danter and Tim Jenkins will be returning in the New Year.


A request was made to bring back Your a Lady song. TL will inform Liz.

It was suggested that we get more Pens as publicity.

Grant applications
It was agreed that the Hon Treasurer should make applications to Beverley and East Riding councils for their next round of grants in 2023. The focus of these grants would be agreed by discussion with choir members and the Music Committee.

A discussion took place regarding charges. It was agreed that we stay to £250 but in some cases may be able to charge £300.

It was agreed that our website needs updating. NH to discuss with Nigel.

Next meeting – TBA.


Committee Meeting notes 10.30 am 3rd March 2022

Present: Nick Hart (Chairman)(NH), Terry Lynn (Secretary)(TL), Phil MacMullen(Treasurer)(PM), Julian Musik (JM), Dave Williamson (DW)

  1. Apologies for Absence – Ken Doran

  2. Notes of minutes of Last committee meeting and Matters arising

Covid recovery scheme.

NH stated we should again stand outside the church in uniform with a cd playing to try to get new recruits. Date still to be decided.

It was suggested that the Chairman could be on the Music Committee.

    3. Chairman’s Report

Since the last Committee meeting on 2nd November 2021, things have still been difficult with the Covid restrictions, but we were able to provide a good Christmas Prelude on 19th December, and a pie and pea supper at the Dog and Duck, for which we received £488 from the raffle, and also £215 from the raffle at the Barrel.

Sadly, the evening at the Brough Golf Club was cancelled due to Covid.

In January we heard of the deaths of Graham Smith and George Birch, former members of the choir and last month of Brenda Doran, for whose funeral we were able to sing, “a Capella”.

Bill Webster and Andrew Smith have been unable to come to rehearsals and Nick Andrews because of the distance and weather, also temporarily Mel Watson.

We have new members Andrew Park, Adrian Allsopp and the return od Tim Jenkins.

Phil MacMullen has done great work as Treasurer despite Ill-health, and Terry Lynn with organising our trip to Kidderminster in April, and Julian with keeping the Patrons happy.

I look forward to future engagements, and hopefully the Choir will go from stength to strength.

Let all men sing!

4 Treasurer’s report

This report gives the main points of the year so far and comments on some issues that may need to be considered further. I’m not giving a precise balance, rather an overview of the main features of the year to date. Figures are rounded slightly.


Figures exclude Kidderminster payments, I’m assuming this to be cost-neutral at worst


Opening balance £7830

Income to 28.2.22 £6180;  ERYC grant £750:  Total £6930

Expenditure to 28.2.22 £4790; Social tickets £410; Rent £980; Liz £1400; Nigel £250; Amy £935: Total £8765

Rough out turn. £1835

ADD opening balance £7830, leaves us with about  £5995

subs income is now £3800, down from £4700 last year

this year’s deficit (in red) is likely to be £1835: we need to raise income via concerts, grants, whatever

still waiting on suggestions for ERYC grant application: closes 31.3.22

I’m still holding cash for social bash tickets 20

It was discussed what we can claim for the Grants, and suggested that we look to buy new Pull-Up Roller banners. TL to look into prices.

4. Patrons report.

JM is to write to all Patrons, giving an up-date and also remind them that their fees are due. Also to let them know we are considering changing the name from Patrons to “Friends of the Choir” and ask for feedback on how we can support each other in making sure the BMVC continues to thrive.

Sponsors. JM also will write to our sponsors giving them an up-date and letting them know we are looking at new publicity material and banners in which their logos can be added, hoping they will consider staying as our sponsors.

5. There were no section reports.

6. Resignations/new members

Resignations – Graham Beal, Ian Metcalfe, Steve Watts, Andrew Smith. John Toes is stepping down for a while.
New Members – Barry Brook, Andrew Pack, Adrian Allsopp. Return of Tim Jenkins

7. Forthcoming Events

Fri 8th – Sun 10th April – Kidderminster Tour Information on the website.

Sat 23rd April – St.Michael’s Church Cherry Burton

Fri 20th May – Wedding

Sat 4th June – Brigg Lions

Sat 20th August – Joint Concert Kidderminster M

8. AOB None

Next meeting – TBA.