Committee meetings 2015

29 October 2015

Beverley Male Voice Choir

Notes of Committee Meeting held 10.00 am at Toll Gavel Methodist Church Beverley
29 October 2015

Peter Goonan (Chairman), Mark Williams, Tom Danter, Ken Doran, Pat Cave, Jon Capel, Nigel Clarke, Dave Rutter, Harry Burton, Malcolm Mathias.

Apologies for Absence
Elizabeth Wilson, John Cooke,

  1. Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising

Notes of previous meeting were accepted as a true record. Proposed Mark Williams, Seconded Dave Rutter

  1. Officers Reports

Musical Director

The MD was unable to attend the meeting. Nigel Clark, Assistant MD reported that the Choir continued to improve and that the preparations for the Prelude to Christmas Concert were going well

Honorary Treasurer

Hon Treasurer reported that the currently the
Bank Account contained          £6160.09
Investment Bond contained   £6138.33.

He also reported that another recruitment drive will be organized for Spring 2016.
In addition the Hon. Treasurer advised that he had applied to Beverley Town Council for funds to go towards the costs of our trip to Cumbria

Public Relations Officer

The PRO reported on recent press releases and noted:-
· Coverage in the Beverley Guardian was much better and suggested that we include rehearsal nights each week. Harry agreed to sort this out
· One new Patron from Hornsea
· 53 Patrons now on e mail – they will be encouraged to let us have e mail addresses – also they will be encouraged to try to organize concerts through local churches
· Patron subscriptions to remain to cover the calendar year – this was agreed
· Members Directory – Harry will continue to produce
· Concert schedules – Harry will continue to produce

Hon. Librarian

Hon Librarian was not present

Honorary Secretary

The Hon Secretary had nothing to report

  1. The Role of Section Representatives

The Chairman raised the need to clarify the roles of nominated Section Representatives. He felt they should include:-

  1. To obtain concert attendance intentions from Section members through the “trawl” system
    2. In conjunction with the Vice Chairman, to monitor rehearsal attendance of Section members from a welfare point of view and keep in touch with those who are absent due to ill health etc. PRO will issue a colour-coded, or annotated, Members Directory to assist Section Representatives.
    3. The Vice Chairman will retain responsibility for hospital visits and “Get Well” cards
  2. Concert Programme 2015

Abertillery concert confirmed as Friday 24 June 2016
The current draft programme was considered and agreed

  1. Resignations/ New Members

Resignations received:-

Bill Carter, Nigel Harrod, David Wilkinson

New Members

David Cross, Colin Stow,

Trevor Buttery, Martyn Mellodew, 

Steve Watts, George Birch, 

Ray Burrell, Bill Webster

  1. Any Other Business
  • Hon Treasurer – anyone who has any expenditure to let him know as soon as possible
    · Dave Rutter – A “Barber Shop” singing group has been formed from some members of the Choir and some members had asked if the group would be performing at Choir concerts. The chairman advised that the group would need to be approved by the Choir Music Committee before that could happen.
    · Jon Capel raised
    – He had been asked if “The Mulligan Muskateers” could be included in next
    year’s repertoire
    – Some shorter members said that they could not always see the MD when singing at concerts because of their placement behind taller members. To be considered by Choir Marshall
    – Are Choir members being given a Choir number. Chairman to discuss with the Hon Librarian
    – Hull City Year of Culture. Hon Secretary to contact Hull MVC to ask if they would like us to be involved in any celebratory events they may be organizing.
    – Hon Secretary to invite Lord Mayor of Hull to Prelude to Christmas Concert
    · PRO asked how much had been raised for the RNLI Concert – Chairman advised £490.00
    · Ken Doran advised that the Baritones were concerned about the number of events leading up to Christmas
    · Mark Williams asked if we had organized a Guest Choir for The Prelude to Christmas Concert. Chairman advised that the Musical Director was arranging this
    7. Date and times of next meeting
    Thursday 10 March 2016 – 2.00pm Toll Gavel Methodist Church

The Meeting closed at 11.45 am

25 June 2015

Notes of Committee Meeting held 2.00 pm at Toll Gavel Methodist Church Beverley
25 June 2015
Ian Christie, Peter Goonan, Bernard Norris (Chairman), Mark Williams, Tom Danter, Ken Doran, Pat Cave, John Cooke, Harry Burton, Malcolm Mathias.

Apologies for Absence
Peter Newall, Nigel Clarke, Dave Rutter,

  1. Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising

Notes of previous meeting were accepted as a true record

  1. Arrangements for the AGM

There are three positions to fill, Hon Treasurer, Vice Chairman and President.
Hon Treasurer – Bernard Norris proposed Tom Danter, seconded by Ken Doran and unanimously agreed
Vice Chairman – Peter Goonan proposed Terry Lynn, seconded Mark Williams and unanimously agreed
President – Peter Newall proposed Andrew Eastwood, seconded Pat Cave and unanimously agreed.

Other matters for the AGM
Choir Marshall – Mel Watson had agreed to undertake this very important role
Other Committee Members wish to remain in post.
The new Rules and Constitution will need to be ratified at the AGM

  1. Officers Reports

Musical Director

The MD was unable to attend the meeting. Chairman expressed his disappointment and agreed he would speak with the MD

Honorary Treasurer

Hon Treasurer was unable to attend the meeting but had reported the current financial position to the Chairman who explained that we were basically £3000.00 worse off than this time last year.

Money had been spent on updating the website, subsidising coach fees and income from concerts had been down on the previous year

Following discussion it was agreed that
· Member subscriptions should be increased from £75.00 to £85.00 per annum
· Members to be asked to contribute more to coach hire fees in the future
· Try to arrange more concerts/performances to increase income
· Try to arrange sponsorship from local businesses

It was also by Bernard Norris and seconded by John Cooke that the attendance payments to the MD, Ass MD and Accompanist should be increased by £2.00 per session. This was agreed. Ken Doran voted against this proposal

Public Relations Officer

The PRO reported on recent press releases and advised that most Patrons were now on e mail.

Hon. Librarian

Hon Librarian advised that the Assistant Librarian had looked after things very well while he had been absent

Honorary Secretary

The Hon Secretary had nothing to report

  1. Concert Programme 2015

We are now able to arrange concerts throughout the year!!

Tom Danter advised that he had been liaising with Abertillary Male Voice Choir to visit us during June 2016. Friday 24 June 2016 at Toll Gavel Methodist Church was agreed as suitable for a joint concert with us. Tom advised that he was looking to put them in touch with another Choir in this area to organise a second concert to make their trip worthwhile.

  1. Resignations/ New Members

No new members or resignations to report. A recruitment drive will be taking place on Saturday 27 June 2015

  1. Any Other Business
  • Peter Newall suggested that members should be reminded who their Section Representatives are
    · Wedding fees should be raised to £200.00
    · Uniform – Ken Doran said we needed to remind members regarding choir uniform.
  1. Date and times of Meeting
    5 November 2015 – 2.00pm Toll Gavel Methodist Church

The Meeting closed at 3 40 pm


Notes of Committee Meeting held 2.00 pm at Toll Gavel Methodist Church Beverley
11 February 2015

Ian Christie, Bernard Norris (Chairman), Peter Goonan, Mark Williams, Elizabeth Wilson, Pat Cave, Harry Burton, Malcolm Mathias.

Apologies for Absence
Peter Newall, Ken Doran, Nigel Clark, Dave Rutter.

  1. Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
  • The notes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true record.
  • Old Music – Music Committee have decided what music should be kept. Unwanted copy to be recycled
  • Absent members –Chairman to contact Richard regarding his uniform and music.
  • Invitation from Romsey MVC to attend their Massed Choir event – Hon Secretary advised that he had contacted Romsey MVC who were very disappointed that we would not be attending.
  1. Officers Reports

Musical Director

The MD emphasized the need to enroll new members at every opportunity and that it was important to canvass audiences at concerts etc. The Chairman raised the need for members to have a list of music at the beginning of the year and the MD advised that this was available and that it would be provided again at the next rehearsal

Honorary Treasurer

Hon Treasurer presented the current statement of accounts (as at 12/02/15):-

Brought Forward from 01/07/14 £ 13899.58
Receipts £ 8599.15
£ 22498.73
Payments – £ 11919.48
£ 10579.25

Current Account – Yorkshire Bank £ 3477.24
Yorkshire Bond £ 7102.01
£ 10579.25

The Chairman advised the Committee that the Hon Treasurer had advised that he would be retiring from the post at the next AGM and that steps were being taken to find someone to work alongside Ian in the coming months to enable them to take over the role after the next AGM.
The excellent work that Ian had done over many years was recognized by every member of the Committee and a vote of thanks proposed by the Chairman was unanimously endorsed by the Committee.

Public Relations Officer

The PRO advised that publicity was well received by local media with widespread coverage of events being achieved. Concert programmes were being well received.
Since the last meeting the PRO had taken over responsibility for keeping Patrons informed as necessary and advised how he would be doing this.

Hon. Librarian

Hon Librarian was not present at the meeting

Honorary Secretary

The Hon Secretary had nothing to report

  1. Rules and Constitution

The draft Rules and Constitution was discussed in detail and following lively debate, numerous amendments were made. It was agreed that the amended document (final draft) should be circulated to members

  1. Concert Programme 2015

The programme for 2015 so far was agreed

  1. Resignations/ New Members

No new members or resignations to report

  1. Any Other Business
    • It was noted that it is important to keep the information on the notice board relevant and up to date
    • Hon Treasurer advised that income from the Prelude to Christmas Concert was less than last year. It was agreed that we should revert to asking local “school” choir which generates income from parents/grandparents etc.
    • New President – following some discussion it was agreed that Andrew Eastwood, a previous member and long standing supporter of the Choir should be approached. Chairman to action.
  • Coffee Mornings – Hon Secretary advised that they had been cancelled.
  1. Date and times of Meetings
    Committee – Thursday 25 June 2015 at 1.30 pm Toll Gavel Methodist Church
    AGM – 27 July 2015 at 7.00pm Toll Gavel Methodist Church

The Meeting closed at 3 40 pm