Committee Meetings 2021

6.00pm, 2nd November 2021

Present:  Nick Hart (Chairman)(NH), Terry Lynn (Secretary)(TL), Phil MacMullen(Treasurer)(PM), Julian Musik (JM), Dave Williamson (DW) Ken Doran (KD)

  1. 1. Apologies for Absence – None
  2. 2. Notes of minutes of Last committee meeting and Matters arising

Covid recovery scheme.

It was agreed that we need to publicise that we have started up again and advertise for new members. NH stated we should again stand outside the church in uniform with a cd playing to try to get new recruits. Date to be decided.

Agree new trustees.

 Trustees at present are Nick Hart, Phil MacMullen and Julian Music. 3 to 5 trustees are required for the Charity Commission, therefore two more are required. PM to look at changes. Still would like two other

Music Committee

It was agreed that the music committee namely MD,AMD, and MA will continue choosing the repertoire as per the constitution and will be invited to the November Committee meeting to discuss feedback from members regarding any request for songs they may have put forward by section reps. It was suggested that the Chairman could be on the Music Committee. Unfortunately Liz was not told of the meeting until late. NH suggested we invite her to the next meeting. Liz asked if members could send her a list of music they would like. NH said he would ask her for a copy of their request.

  1. 3. Chairman’s Report

NH stated he was pleased that more members are returning to rehearsals but disappointed with the response received for numbers for the concerts. Also nobody has come forward as a Vice Chairman or even to be on the committee. The choir cannot exist without members helping to run it.

  1. 4. Treasurer’s report

PM stated that so far our accounts remain uncomplicated by any performance and income has been from Subs and Donations.

Current balance = £10,600 We now have 38 members including Nigel.

NH and PM to arrange a meeting with Toll Gavel to discuss rent.

  1. 5. Patrons report.

JM is going to send out a newsletter to all the Patrons giving events.

  1. 6. Forthcoming Events

Pub singing arranged by Nick Andrews

Sun 12th Dec  -Festival of Christmas

Fri 17th Dec – Brough Golf Club

Sun 19th Dec – Prelude to Christmas

Fri 8th – Sun 10th April  – Kidderminster Tour

Sat 23rd April – St.Michael’s Church Cherry Burton

Fri 20th May – Wedding

Sat 4th June – Brig Lions

Sat 20th August – Joint Concert Kidderminster MVC

Prelude – TL Spoke with Christine regarding numbers. She has not been told yet but said we can seat 134 down stairs and 40 up in the balcony (to get a view). We need to look at a programme. TL to check with Liz and Nigel

Kidderminster Tour – TL has got Hotel and Coach quotes but we need to know numbers going before we can book. Looking for at least 30 singers. It was suggested we could ask some from Driffield to join us if we cannot get the numbers.

  1. 7. AOB

10 New folders have been ordered.

KD said a member of the Baritones asked if we could have Seating at concerts. This will be checked.

PM suggested we should have some banners at the concerts advertising the choir, which could also show our sponsors. We will look at our old ones to see if they could  be changed or look at new ones.

Next meeting – TBA.

Beverley Male Voice Choir Committee Meeting notes

6.30pm, 23rd August 2021

Present: Nick Hart (Chairman)(NH), Terry Lynn (Secretary)(TL), Phil MacMullen(Treasurer)(PM), Julian Musik (JM), Dave Williamson (DW)

  1. Apologies for Absence – Ken Doran

  2. Notes of minutes of Last committee meeting and Matters arising.

Health & safety
PM stated that the ERGMOS requires us to fill in a form with respect to Health and Safety statement applying to the Toll Gavel. PM to contact Malcolm Mathias for his advice.

Covid recovery scheme.
It was agreed that we need to publicise that we have started up again and advertise for new members. NH stated we should again stand outside the church in uniform with a cd playing to try to get new recruits. Liz has already been on Beverley FM but no feedback has been recorded.

3. Ratification of Committee members.
NH asked if we should ratify the members elected. He was told that it was not necessary as the election at the AGM was sufficient as in the constitution. However, there are only 5 members now on the committee and therefore need to get more members to take a position if the choir is to continue, especially with respect to a Vice Chairman.

4. Agree new cheque signatures . Done

5. Agree new trustees.

Trustees at present are Nick Hart, Phil MacMullen and Julian Music. 3 to 5 trustees are required for the Charity Commission, therefore two more are required. PM to look at changes.

6. National Association of Choirs

The subscriptions for the NAOC is now £60. It was agreed that we continue being members. TL to contact them to get a new password for their website and advise of new contact.

7. Music Committee

It was agreed that the music committee namely MD,AMD, and MA will continue choosing the repertoire as per the constitution and will be invited to the November Committee meeting to discuss feedback from members regarding any request for songs they may have put forward by section reps. It was suggested that the Chairman could be on the Music Committee.

8. Any other business

As Alan Lee has resigned from the choir it was agreed that he is made an Honorary Member of the choir for his long service and support.

We have had several members resigned and therefore need to be contacted to get their uniforms and music. NH TL

Forthcoming Events.
Prelude. waiting to see if the concert for the lions in November before a decision is made.

Wedding – 20/5/22
Kidderminster Tour 9-11/7/22
Joint concert- 20/8/22
Nick Andrews to look at singing in the pubs at Christmas as in the past.

Next meeting – 2nd November 6pm.


29th June 2021

Committee meeting at 10.00am, 29th June 2021 over the internet.

 Zoom Meeting


Present: David Cross (Chairman)(DC), Steve Horner (SH), Ken Doran (KD), Dave Rutter (DR), Terry Lynn (TL), Phil MacMullen (PM), Nick Hart (NA), Dave Williamson (DW), Julian Musik (JM).

  • Apologies for Absence None.


  • Notes of Previous meeting and Matters arising

PM highlighted a couple of discrepancies concerned with grant applications and monies received, details of which will be mentioned in his Treasurer’s report below. There were no other matters arising.


Hon. Secretary  (SH was late to the meeting and so DC presented his report)


  1. AGM will be in Toll Gavel Church on 26th July (2021) starting at 7.00pm;
  2. The choir are booked to sing at a wedding on 20th May 2022;
  3. The choir has been invited by Kidderminster Valentines Ladies Choir to a joint concert on Saturday 9th April 2022. The evening before we are to be guests in a joint concert ,with the Gentlemen Songsters choir. This becomes a weekend trip for BMVC, the details of which are yet to be finalised;
  4. A visit to Beverley by Kidderminster MVC for a joint concert with BMVC is booked at Toll Gavel Church on Saturday 20th August 2022.


Hon. Treasurer  had prepared a report and it was circulated to all Committee members prior to the meeting.


This report can be summarised as follows;


As far as our accounts are concerned the ‘quiet and simple’ year I described at our last meeting has concluded. All our income has come from subs, donations, patrons’ contributions and grants and our outgoings have been pretty straightforward too.













Patrons & donations



Nigel (inc ½ 19/20)







Social tickets (2020)








Dove House





Web costs





Patron costs







Opening balance










Year-end balance










Explanatory notes

–       I was late making Nigel’s second payment last financial year and it slipped into this year so he’s had a total of £750.

–       We have received £350 grant from ERYC for last calendar year against receipted expenditure for rehearsal costs and £995 from BTC for this year. Our application for a further £750 was approved by ERYC and we can claim that early next year. These details are slightly at variance with the wording of the minutes of our last meeting.

–       Chris S gave me the ticket receipts for last year’s ill-fated social bash – a total of 47 tickets @ £10 each = £470.



Membership subs

No new subs and I note that Malcolm Matthias hasn’t renew despite requests.


I’ve heard from several members who are unhappy at the prospect of paying full subs for the coming year. As we are in a fairly healthy financial position we could afford to be flexible – and we don’t want to risk losing more members this year so perhaps we could think about alternatives? One option might be to offer a split payment scheme to those who are unhappy: £50 now and an agreement to pay the balance in 6 months if our finances are down. If that, or some alternative, were more acceptable then at least we would get folk back in the fold where they would feel more committed.


Further grant application?

Steve H forwarded me a note from ERYC announcing a new Community Fund which can help communities to resume or initiate new activities as Covid restrictions continue to be lifted through the government’s roadmap, as follows:


Do it for East Yorkshire Community Fund

This will be open to all communities within the East Riding. The fund is intended to enable Town and Parish Councils, Voluntary and Community Sector organisations and others to hold events & festivals, organise COVID recovery community activity and extend access to services, all intended to encourage residents back onto high streets and to utilise arts, cultural and community facilities. The fund will open at the beginning of June, in line with the government’s current road map which aims to see a lifting of most remaining restrictions in June. Applicants will be able to access grants from £500 – £5000. The total grant fund is currently £250,000 made up of £200,000 from the budget uplift and an additional £50,000 from the public health team. This additional budget is particularly aimed at supporting vulnerable residents to participate in planned activities, particularly those who have been shielding and might need additional support to get involved. Grants will be available until March 2023, or until the full funding is spent, whichever is sooner. Launch date 1st June 2021 Website for more information For more information email


There are several things we could consider:

·         funding for a special ‘we’re back’ concert,

·         similar as a ‘thank you’ to our patrons who Julian has worked so hard with,

·         smaller performances as morale boosters for special audiences,

·         publicity and recruitment

…. or whatever, any thoughts?


Registered charity status

Outstanding from our last meeting was my request for a discussion on responsibility for our H&S, protection and other policies. We also need a statement on H&S for ERYC to comply with their ‘Minimum Operating Standard’: who will action/co-ordinate?


We are now registered with the Amazon Smile and Easygiving fundraising schemes. We need to canvass all members and supporters so that they know how to nominate BMVC as the beneficiary when they make eligible purchases: who to action?



Tom Danter has kindly agreed to do this year’s audit – which is very un-challenging – but will withdraw after that. We need a nominee/s to put forward to the AGM for endorsement. We might need to take advice because I suspect that an independent non-member might look better to the Charity Commissioners than a choir member.


This past year’s audited accounts will be available for the AGM.










Public Relations Officer (PRO)/Patrons’ Coordinator (PC)


 JM stated that, once there was more certainty with regard to the COVID pandemic restrictions put in place by the Government, we must be ready with a publicity strategy (TV, radio, and other media outlets and publications). As a choir, we need to let people in the region know that we are still here!




DC had no further comments to add to his letter of resignation from the Choir, but concurred with the views of the Choir Section Representatives (see below).


  • Section Representative Reports


All four of the Section Representatives agreed. This centred on the current repertoire and the need to seed the future repertoire with more up to date songs. There was a general groundswell of unhappiness with the Choir’s current programme of numbers. The Committee decided to introduce it as a separate agenda item for the AGM next month, to open up the discussion to the whole Choir.



  • Resignations/New Members


There were no new members joining the Choir. There were three resignations from the Choir, namely Peter Goonan, David Cross and Steve Horner.


  • Concert programme2021-2022


The concerts/events currently in “the diary” have been detailed in the Secretary’s report (above).


  • Any other business


  1. A date for the Choir AGM has been set for Monday 26th July 2021, at 7.00 pm. The appropriate documentation has been distributed to all choir members by email. The Secretary is awaiting nominations for several vacant posts within the Choir.
  2. DC suggested that two tickets to the Choir’s next concert be gifted to Peter Newall’s nephew and his wife to be, in view of the Choir being unable to sing at their wedding because of Coronavirus restrictions.


  • Summary of Actions


  • The Secretary agreed to confirm the booking of the venue (Toll Gavel Church) for the AGM next month.
  • Date and time of next meeting


The next meeting has yet to be set (venue and arrangements to be decided).


The meeting closed at 11.20 am.

24th February 2021

10.00am, 24th February 2021 – Committee Meeting on the internet via Zoom

Present: David Cross (Chairman)(DC), Steve Horner (SH), Ken Doran (KD), Peter Goonan (PG), Dave Rutter (DR), Terry Lynn (TL), Phil MacMullen (PM), Nick Hart (NH), Dave Williamson (DW), Albert Newbery (AN) [co-opted for meeting].

1. Apologies for Absence –  Julian Musik (JM).

 2. Notes of Previous meeting and Matters arising

NH referred to the need to collect uniforms from recent resignations, which will need to await the end of the Coronavirus pandemic. There were no other matters arising.   

3. Officer Reports

 Hon. Secretary asked for an update on events still “pencilled in” in the Choir’s diary. This was deferred to agenda item 7 (Forthcoming events).

Hon. Treasurer summarised a report which he had circulated to Committee members prior to the meeting as follows:












Patrons & donations



Nigel (19/20)











Dove House



Web Hosting



Patron costs


Opening balance








Current balance








Membership subs

So far, 48 members have renewed their membership and the few outstanding subs are being pursued.  One member requested a sabbatical year leave of absence and paid the stipulated reduced £50 subscription.

Grant income

A grant of £350 has been agreed from the East Riding of Yorkshire Council.  A further grant is expected from Beverley Town Council and this is being re-investigated after an earlier administrative error was identified.

It was noted In response to recent queries that applications must be made for specific purposes – not just because we’re ‘a good thing for Beverley’.  Claims must be supported by evidence of expenditure and applications must not be made to more than one agency in respect of the same expenses or considerations.

Public Relations Officer (PRO)/Patrons’ Coordinator (PC)

JM submitted his apologies for his absence from the meeting, but had nothing to report.


DC proposed that the Choir discontinue the annual Charity Concert as too expensive in the Choir’s current financial situation. In its stead, the Choir should donate a sum of £250 annually to local charity Dove House Hospice. This was felt to be very good PR for both BMVC and Dove House. The proposal was approved unanimously.

4. Section Representative Reports

Nothing to report from the First, Second, Baritone, or Bass Section Representatives.

5. Resignations/New Members

There were no new members or resignations.

6. Registered Charity status

AN informed the meeting that BMVC is now registered with the Charity Commission as  Registered Charity Number 5173839 . He will now make the required application to HMRC in order to claim Gift Aid.  A financial reporting template has been presented by AN and procedures will be put in place to register donors to facilitate the applications for Grant Aid.

The Chairman added that the first Trustee Committee meeting was held on 3rd February 2021 to discuss a small number of amendments to the Choir’s Constitution requested by the Charity Commission.  These were  unanimously approved by the Trustee Committee and by the Choir’s membership (by email). 

7. Forthcoming events

a. SH agreed to contact his opposite number at Bestwood MVC to cancel the concert scheduled for 5th June 2021.

b. SH would also contact Kidderminster MVC concerning the concert scheduled for 14th August 2021. (This was later re-scheduled to 20th August 2022.)

c. DC agreed to contact those involved in the wedding scheduled for 2nd July 2021.

d. SH agreed to speak with Toll Gavel secretary re BMVC’s Prelude to Christmas concert in December 2021.

8. Any other business

a. DW asked for an update on songs requested at the November meeting for inclusion in the Choir’s repertoire. The answer was not readily available, but an updated repertoire in preparation for our return has been posted on the website’s “Current Repertoire” page.

b. PG and DC mentioned that the committee had agreed at their last meeting to approach the Music Committee with a request to stipulate two songs per week for members to rehearse in order to concentrate minds in a more structured manner. SH agreed to follow this up.

c. The post of Assistant Secretary has been vacant since SH took up the job of Secretary. TL has agreed to be Assistant Secretary until the next Choir AGM. This was unanimously approved by the Committee.

9. Summary of Actions

a. The Treasurer (PM) agreed to follow up on the current grant applications with ERYC and Beverley Town Council;

b. the Secretary (SH) agreed to follow up with the MD in regard to a more structured rehearsal programme for Choir members in readiness for the lifting of Coronavirus restrictions;

c. AN agreed to submit the required application to HMRC in order for the Choir to begin claiming Gift Aid;

d. SH agreed to contact his opposite number in other choirs concerning proposed scheduled concerts.

10. Date and time of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday June 29th June 2021 at 10.00 am (venue and arrangements to be decided).  The meeting closed at 11.25 am.