Committee meetings 2024

Committee Meeting 27th March 2024

Present – Nigel Clarke (Chairman) Terry Lynn (Secretary), Philip MacMullen (Treasurer), John Faulkner, Julian Musik, Andrew Parks, Barry Gibson, Tom Danter, and Dave Williamson.

Apologies for Absence – Jon Capel

Notes of minutes of the last committee meeting and matters arising.

In the section reports a few members ask if we could have more soloists. There are now 4 possibles.

Requests were made to bring back “Bring him Home” and “The Hallelujah Chorus”. Ask the music committee. Done.

Send a letter to possible Sponsors. Letters gone out more to follow.

To create leaflets and posters to given out by members- Ongoing.

It was also suggested we purchase a new Microphone and PA system. Phil to look into it for the East Riding Grant application. Outstanding.

Albert will be asked again to set up a new Website. Nigel will ask Malcolm Sparks to see if he will help run it.

Chairman’s Report

We had a very busy Christmas schedule starting with the Beverley Lions concert on November 19th, a semi-Christmas music concert in Whitgift on 25th, then fully Christmas concerts in Skipsea on 8th December, Festival of Christmas on 10th, Brough Golf club on 15th, The Masons, Hull on 16th, and Prelude to Christmas 17th.

We’ve also sung in pubs in the Barrel in Walkington on the 9th December,

Goodmanham Arms 13th, and Dog and Duck, Beverley 18th.
Barry Gibson has successfully launched the 50 club – now with 65 members. Thank you Barry.

Treasurer’s Report

First I should record my thanks to Albert Newbery for stepping in for a second time whilst I recovered
from surgery.
For brevity the figures below only show major categories of income and expenditure so are not fully
reconciled. The total figures and current balance are correct but all are rounded and intended only to
give a good overview of the choir’s finances. They are based on figures up to 12th March 2024.

Opening balance 01.07.2023 £6459


Outstanding Gift Aid claim ~£4000 Coffee morning 23.03.24 £200

Members subs £5080
Performances inc raffles, coffee mornings, etc £4465 60 Club subs £1512

Donations – inc Marathon £487 Patrons £70


New uniform items £1650
Music £208

Kidderminster deposits £880 Attendance payments £5500 Rent £2560

Various inc insurance, music, new keyboard, etc £1145 

Current balance £9350


1. Our main liabilities to year end (30.06.24) are rent (~£1900) & attendance payments (~£2350) plus
65 Club payouts (£150) and outstanding music purchase (£208) = £4608,
2. The Kidderminster tour should be cost-neutral so the deposits shouldn’t be included as income,

3. Net concert income will likely be ~£1100 by the end of June,
4. Assuming our Gift Aid application is successful, and we purchase the new uniform items we’re
currently discussing, our likely out-turn on 30 th June is ~£7500 – £8000,

  1. Letters have gone to 2 potential sponsors so far but with no response to date,

  2. A grant application was made ERYC for £500 towards a PA setup but was not successful,

  3. Suggestions for companies to approach for sponsorship would be very welcome – especially

in light of members’ expressed wish for a defibrillator. This isn’t the kind of thing that Local Authorities
will support.


Patrons Report

Julian again reported that there are now only a few Patrons on the list who have paid. So it was agreed that we stop promoting for patrons and only keep those who have paid. These will be offered free tickets for concerts at Toll Gavel.

Secretary’s report

As mentioned in the Chairman’s report we had a busy and successful Christmas concerts. The Hotel and coach for the Kidderminster tour have been booked.  We have 22 singers going up to now.  All told there will be 45 going on the tour. It was discussed to see if we want to find if one of the other choirs taking part wish to have a joint concert on the Friday we arrive. This has now been canceled as we think as it is a long day on the Saturday we will be tired. 

Section Reports

There were no reports but it was suggested that the section reps to look at the attendance sheet and those not present in their section are contacted to see why they are not attending.

New and Resigned members.

New – Mark Chapman, John Rusco. No resignations.

Forthcoming Events

Saturday April 27th 7.30pm: Concert at St Michaels Cherry Burton

Saturday June 15th 7.30pm: Chairman’s Charity Concert in Toll Gavel

Saturday June 29th 10.00am: Coffee morning, Toll Gavel Hall
Sunday July 7th 2.30pm: Summer afternoon sing in the Goodmanham Arms (hoping for good weather to sing in the beer garden)

Saturday July 20th 2.30pm: Concert in St Andrew’s URC, Roundhay, Leeds

Friday August 16th – Sunday 18th 2024 Kidderminster Choir Severn Valley Railway Event

Friday 27th September 7.30pm: Concert for Hornsea Lions at Hornsea URC

Friday 4th October 7.30pm: Joint concert with Driffield Male Voice Choir in Toll Gavel
Friday 25th October 12.00pm: Beverley Minster lunchtime concert

Sat 23rd November Dewsbury Minster- Awaiting answer.

Sunday 8th December 2:15pm: Beverley Festival of Christmas

Sunday 15th December 2.15pm: Prelude to Christmas

Saturday 21st December 7pm: Beverley Road, Hull Masons


TD presented the information for the Polo Shirts and Jackets. It was agreed that colour red for the Polo shirts and Grey for the Jackets. Tom will put in an order once he has sizes required.

PM sugested that we arrange a Ticket Agent to sell tickets for the Toll Gavel Concerts. It was proposed by NC and seconded by JM.

We need new contacts for Radio to publicise our concerts. TL will look into it. 

BG said we should look into doing a Charity Christmas concert. He will check and report back.

A discussion took place regarding assistance that is required for the less mobile members at concerts. It was agreed that TD asks Malcolm Methias to look at the health and safety requirements. We may need to purchase a wheelchair in the case of fire and other emergency exits.

Also we should look for the nearest defibrillator in the Beverley close to the church.

BG suggested we set up a Whatsapp Group for the choir. AP to arrange.

It was agreed that new members should be given 12 months before singing without a copy.

BG asked if we could find an assistant Librarian to help him.

Next meeting

17th JUly at 2.30pm

with the AGM on 29th July