Weekly News

Next Monday 29th July 2024 is the AGM.  Starting at 7.00pm. Please wear the choir RED polo shirts and grey trousers. We will be recording the choir singing “When I fall in love” and “Aya Ngena” for Rona and Tony’s 50th wedding anniversary.

Please check your diaries for Thursday 19th December for a concert at 2pm for U3A in the Memorial Hall, Beverley. Also Saturday 23rd November for the concert we’ve been asked to sing in Dewsbury Minster.  We’ll need at least 30 singers to make it work.  We will be able to organise a bus to get us there.

IMPORTANT Please check your diaries for our concert commitments, and fill in the form that John Faulkner has as you arrive at choir.


Can’t make it to choir practice then why not join us on Zoom?

Click this link to open the Zoom app and join the rehearsal from 7pm every Monday.

 The refreshed repertoire can be found here, please check it out.

Please look at the Forthcoming events and ring-fence them in your diary so we don’t have to cancel any further performances. 

Click here to go to details of all our future events.

If it’s not your section rehearsing, please be quiet.

As before the individual section rehearsals will be:

1st Monday of the month: 1st Tenors, 2nd Monday: 2nd Tenors, 3rd Monday: Baritones,

4th Monday: Bass, 5th Monday: we’ll start together for the main rehearsal.

Rehearsal tracks can be found in these dropbox folders.  Click section, then song, then “play” arrow.
You can also download the tracks to your own computer, tablet or phone.

1st tenor:

1st Tenor Rehearsal Folder

2nd tenor:

2nd Tenor Rehearsal Folder

Baritone Rehearsal Folder

Bass Rehearsal Folder

All together:

All 4 parts Rehearsal Folder