Weekly News

Next rehearsal is Monday 17th February with Baritones starting at 7pm.

There will be no zoom available for choir practice on Monday 17th.


Repertoire for 2025

American Trilogy

As long as I have music

Aya Ngena

Battle Hymn

Bohemian Rapsody

Can you feel the love tonight 

Crazy little thing called love

Cwm Rhondda

Forever Autumn



Hallelujah Chorus


Impossible Dream

Let all men sing

Let it be me

Let there be peace

Lost Chord

Million Dreams

Morte Criste

Mulligan’s musketeers

My heart will go on

Only Remembered



Rhythm of Life

The Rose 

St Clement

Seal Lullaby

Sing a song of Yorkshire


Softly I will leave you

Stand by Me


Stout hearted men

Tears in Heaven

Tell my father

We are the Champions

We Rise again

The Wellerman

When I fall in love

With a voice of singing

World in Union

Yorkshire mixture

You’ll never walk alone

You’re a Lady

Details for all concerts are in Forthcoming Events

IMPORTANT Please check your diaries for our concert commitments, and fill in the form in the entrance as you arrive at choir.


Can’t make it to choir practice then why not join us on Zoom? Just not this week! 

Click this link to open the Zoom app and join the rehearsal from 7pm every Monday.

 The refreshed repertoire can be found here, please check it out.

Please look at the Forthcoming events and ring-fence them in your diary so we don’t have to cancel any further performances. 

Click here to go to details of all our future events.

If it’s not your section rehearsing, please be quiet.

As before the individual section rehearsals will be:

1st Monday of the month: 1st Tenors, 2nd Monday: 2nd Tenors, 3rd Monday: Baritones,

4th Monday: Bass, 5th Monday: we’ll start together for the main rehearsal.

Rehearsal tracks can be found in these dropbox folders.  Click section, then song, then “play” arrow.
You can also download the tracks to your own computer, tablet or phone.

1st tenor:

1st Tenor Rehearsal Folder

2nd tenor:

2nd Tenor Rehearsal Folder

Baritone Rehearsal Folder

Bass Rehearsal Folder

All together:

All 4 parts Rehearsal Folder