Committee Meetings 2017

7th November 2017

Notes of Committee Meeting held at 2.30 pm , 7 November 2017 at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave, HU15 2 EW


Terry Lynn (Chairman), Peter Goonan, Mark Williams, Jon Capel, Dave Rutter, Dave Cross, Steve Horner, Elizabeth Wilson, Ken Doran, Tom Danter (from 2.50pm)

Malcolm Mathias.


Apologies for Absence:  

No apologies were received.

  1. Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising

Notes of previous meeting were accepted as a true record and there were no Matters Arising.

  • D Rutter did not believe we needed new sweatshirts. It was agreed that the matter be considered further, following cost considerations. Chairman to obtain prices.
  • Piano at Toll Gavel – temporary repairs had been carried out but problems persisted. Chairman to pursue with Ian Christie and Toll Gavel Church
  • Seating arrangements at rehearsals – there is to be a push to arrange seating positions at rehearsals the same as at performances. Chairman to organize seating plan. It was acknowledged that there would be resistance from some members


2. Officers Reports

Chairman’s Report


  • Chairman thanked the Committee for their support
  • There were no proposed changes to the Constitution
  • Following discussion it was agreed that Web Site updates would be run by Peter Goonan and David Cross. Steve Horner agreed to take on the PRO function and continue as Patrons’ Secretary – these arrangements would be subject to review at the next meeting
  • It was agreed that programmes for major concerts will in future be professionally printed – Peter Goonan to arrange.
  • Concert Tickets – Members will be asked to sell 5 tickets for each concert where funds are for the Choir/Choir Charity. It was also agreed that we need to raise the profile of all concerts on the Website

Musical Director


  • The Musical Director was present at the meeting, primarily for consideration of next years music programme.  Section Representatives had obtained the views of section members and these needed to be collated and further considered. The Musical Director agreed to do this and report back to a future Special Committee Meeting (to be convened after a Monday night rehearsal) as soon as possible.


Honorary Treasurer

  • Hon Treasurer reported that funds in the Bank currently stood at £7,200.00 with no outstanding payments
  • He suggested that we needed an “A” – Board and “pop-ups”.
  • Concert fees are now £250.00 without the Banner and £275.00 with the Banner
  • Applications will be made for Grant Aid from Beverley Town Council and the East Riding of Yorkshire Council


Public Relations Officer


The PRO reported that we now have 72 Patrons (100 including partners)


Honorary Secretary

The Hon Secretary had nothing to report

  1. Concert Programme


Discussion regarding the concert programme. Once again there is much activity around the Christmas period, but it was difficult to see how this could be addressed without having a significant impact on income for the Choir.

  1. Resignations/ New Members

George Birch (First Tenor) had resigned as he was moving away from the Beverley area, but we had 5 new members following numerous recruitment drives organised by the Hon Treasurer.

5. Any Other Business

  • David Cross proposed the introduction of an attendance register at rehearsals. It would be positioned at the entrance foyer to the church and members asked to sign in as they arrived at rehearsal – this was agreed, David Cross to organize the register.
  1. Date and times of next meeting:

Thursday 06 March 2018 – 2.30pm at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave

The Meeting closed at 15.55 pm

4th July 2017

Notes of Committee Meeting held 2.00 pm 4 July 2017 at 6 Church Hill, South Cave HU15 2EU 


Peter Goonan (Chairman), Mark Williams, Jon Capel, Terry Lynn, Dave Rutter, Dave Cross (Guest), Steve Horner, Malcolm Mathias.

Apologies for Absence

Elizabeth Wilson, Ken Doran, Tom Danter, Richard Sholtyzek, Nigel Clark.

1.Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising

Notes of previous meeting were accepted as a true record and there were no Matters Arising

2. Officers Reports


Musical Director

  • The Musical Director was not present and no report was submitted.

Honorary Treasurer

  • Hon Treasurer was not present but submitted a summary report:

Current balance in credit



Total Income



Total Expenditure



Expenditure over income



Actual Balance at 30-06






Public Relations Officer

 The Chairman reported that he was prepared to continue in this role for the time being. We will be seeking to appoint to this post at the AGM

Hon. Librarian

Hon Librarian was not present and no report had been provided

Honorary Secretary

The Hon Secretary had nothing to report

Chairman’s Report

  • Discussion regarding the status of the Hon. Librarian, Deputy Musical Director and the Accompanist within the Committee. It was unanimously agreed that these positions should become Co-opted members of the Committee as their presence was not required at every meeting
  • With regard to the status of the Musical Director, it was unanimously agreed that this position should remain a full member of the Committee which would give the post holder the freedom to attend Committee meetings if she felt the need to report on any particular matter. Following on from previous discussions it was felt that the Musical Director should be required to attend the Committee meeting in November so that the music to be sung during the following year (and included in the rolling repertoire) could be agreed, having considered the requests submitted by the 4 Section representatives.
  • Choir Marshall – Although Tom Danter had expressed some concerns about non-attendance at Concerts by some Choir members who had previously committed to attend, he was prepared to continue in the post for the time being
  • Website Administrator – This will be raised at the AGM
  • Retiring President – Proposed change to the Constitution – agreed

3.Resignations/ New Members

No Resignations had been received since that last meeting.

The application for Membership received from Mazen Khuri (Second Tenor) was unanimously agreed.

4. Any Other Business

  • Steve Horner raised the fact that the existing Choir sweatshirts were in need of replacement – The Vice Chairman agreed to look into alternatives and report back to the next meeting
  • Jon Capel raised the matter of positioning of tall members on stage at Concerts – matter to be raised with the Choir Marshall and Musical Director
  • It was noted that the piano at Toll Gavel was unable to be properly tuned. It was decided that the Chairman would raise the issue with the Trustees of the Church.
  • Mark Williams raised a vote of thanks to Peter for his effective Chairmanship over the last two years and this was unanimously endorsed by the rest of the Committee.
  1. Date and times of next Meeting

Tuesday 7 November 2017 – 2.30pm at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave, HU15 2EW

The Meeting closed at 15.35pm

14th March 2017

Notes of Committee Meeting held 10.00 am at 5 Derrymore Road, Willerby,14 March 2017


Peter Goonan (Chairman), Mark Williams, Tom Danter, Ken Doran, Steve Horner, Jon Capel, Terry Lynn, Dave Rutter, Malcolm Mathias.

Apologies for Absence

Elizabeth Wilson, Richard Sholtysek, Nigel Clarke.

  1. Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising

Notes of previous meeting were accepted as a true record.

Matters arising:-

Hull City of Culture – The Committee expressed disappointment that BMVC had not been invited to take part in Hull MVC’s City of Culture celebrations.  It was however pointed out by the Chairman that BMVC will take part in two other City of Culture events –  a concert with Hull Symphony Orchestra on 7th June and a joint concert with the East Yorkshire Motor Services Band on 22nd July.

2. Officers Reports

Musical Director

The MD was unable to attend the meeting and no report had been submitted. The Chairman had however discussed the matter of attendance with the MD who had suggested that it was not necessary for her to attend every meeting of the committee. Following some discussion and in order to ensure that the Choir members had an opportunity to have an input into the content of the annual music repertoire, it was agreed that it is necessary for the MD to attend at least the November meeting where the music for the following year is finalized. Prior to that meeting, Section Representatives will be asked to canvas their Sections one month before so that a list of numbers can be compiled and considered and agreed with the MD at that meeting. The aim is to have a rolling repertoire, with older numbers being replaced by newer songs.

Honorary Treasurer

Hon Treasurer reported that currently the

Current Account contained        £  6037.25

Investment Account                      £10185.73


Expenditure (Uniforms)            £ 7948.10

SUB-TOTAL                                    £  8274.88

Income                                             £      45.00                                             

TOTAL                                              £  8319.88


Hon Treasurer also advised that the Investment Account had been closed because of the difficulties involved in accessing funds at short notice which we had needed to do in order to pay for the new uniforms.

Public Relations Officer

Due to illness of the Public Relations Officer, the Chairman advised the Committee that he was undertaking the role on a temporary basis until Harry was able to resume his duties, which he was keen to do. The Assistant Secretary Steve Horner agreed to undertake the role of Patrons’ Coordinator effective immediately – this to be ratified at the AGM.

Hon. Librarian

Hon Librarian was not present and no report had been provided.

Honorary Secretary

The Hon Secretary had nothing to report.

Chairman’s Report

  • The Chairman advised that a replacement accompanist needed to be appointed as Pat wished to retire in June 2017 – an appropriate process has been set in motion – Hon. Secretary to progress.
  • The Chairman proposed the following increases in fees and charges to be agreed at AGM:-
  1. Concert fees from £200.00 to £250.00.
  2. Ass MD Honorarium to be increased to £500.00 per annum.
  3. MD up to £50.00 per attendance.
  4. Musical Accompanist to be increased to £45.00 per attendance.
  5. Choir annual Subscription to remain at £85.00 but to increase next year.
  • President/Vice President – Paul Camm has agreed to be the next Vice President – agreed
  • Etiquette and Dress – Chairman to look into the possibility of the provision of uniform shoes being provided for each member – possible sponsorship?  Attention of members is drawn to the relevant updated page of the website.
  • Shirts – agreed that all shirts to be replaced with short sleeved version with no BMVC logo and that short-sleeved shirts be worn throughout the year.
  • Change to Constitution – It was proposed that new members be provided with their uniform only after they had attended 8 rehearsals – To be ratified at the AGM.
  • Attendance at Rehearsals – Members will be asked to report to their respective Representatives if they will not be attending rehearsals.
  1. Resignations/ New Members

No Resignations had been received since the last meeting.

The application for Membership received from Richard Carter was unanimously agreed.

6. Any Other Business

  • Vice Chairman – David Cross had agreed to be the next Vice Chairman and this was unanimously agreed, subject to ratification at the AGM.
  • Seating positions at Concerts and at rehearsals – Chairman to speak to the MD and report back.
  1. Date and times of Meeting


Thursday 04 July 2017 – 2.00 pm Chairman’s House, South Cave.

The Meeting closed at 12.25pm