Sponsors, Charity, Patrons
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Philip Robinson Photography
Chairman Nigel Clarke’s charity concert for his chosen charity the Beverley Community Lift, was presented with a cheque for £400 raised from ticket sales.
We have a very loyal band of Patrons, about 24 at present, who are unstinting in their support for our Choir.
Some Patrons also accompany us on trips out of the area to Joint Concerts with other Choirs. In June 2016, some went with us to the Lake District for joint concerts with Kendal and Barrow-in-Furness Male Voice Choirs as well as enjoying a very pleasant stay in the Cumbria Grand Hotel, Grange-over-Sands with stop-offs at Skipton and Richmond.
Other away trips with patrons included a trip to Mansfield and Derby, visiting the Heights of Abraham on the way back, singing a mini-concert in the chamber of one of the old mines and another tour, to Whitby and Hartlepool, with a very pleasant day in Whitby on the return journey.
We consider our Patrons to be very much part of our Choir.
We ask our Patrons to contribute just £15 pa each to choir finances. However, as numbers have decreased over the last few years, the committee decided not to pursue with asking Patrons to contribute this year.
Anyone wishing to become a Patron should contact Julian Musik