Guidance Notes A – Job Descriptions

Appointed Officers

Musical Director (MD), Assistant Musical Director (AMD), Musical Accompanist (MA)

Committee and Governing Board

Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, PRO/Patrons Coordinator, Website Administrator, Welfare Officer, one representative from each Section.

Co-opted Members – (need not attend meetings unless requested to do so or at their own request.)

Librarian,  Choir Marshall, Gift aid Administrator, Recruitment Officer.

Ceremonial Officials – President/Vice President (VP)

1. Chairman

The duties of the Chairman are as follows.

a. Meetings:

To chair all Committee meetings, AGM and any Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM) in accordance with the Agendas produced by the Secretary.

(Note: before arranging any concert or other event, the Chairman must first ensure that MD or AMD, MA and venue are available)

b. Concerts in Toll Gavel

To consult with the AMD (posters), the Website Administrator (website entries), the Secretary (tickets to Beverley TIC and Choir members) and the PRO (programmes) to ensure that steps are taken to advertise the concert well in advance of the event.  In consultation with the PRO, to elicit from the choir volunteers to distribute leaflets.

To decide on the pricing of tickets and programmes.

To liaise with the Secretary to ensure that the Church and Church Hall have been booked before confirming any home (including joint) concert.

To liaise with the MD to decide on a programme as early as possible to give time for members to learn all of songs to the standard whereby they can sing them with confidence and without copy (new members may use copy while standing to the rear).

To decide whether seating and staging will be necessary and, if so, to arrange for them to be placed in position before the concert, and removed after it, bearing in mind arrangements for those with mobility difficulties and also bearing in mind, in some events, the requirements of the Church.

To decide with the Secretary whether, and which, dignitaries should be invited, to arrange for them to be hosted and to discuss whether robes should be worn.

In consultation with the Choir Marshal, to brief choir members on GOGOS (getting-on-getting-off-stage), bearing in mind arrangements for those with mobility difficulties.

To make arrangements for interval refreshments.

To discuss with the MD whether a Guest Artist is required and, if so, to make arrangements.

As regards the annual “Prelude to Christmas” concert, to liaise as early as possible with the MD to arrange a visiting guest choir.

c. Joint Concerts in Toll Gavel:

In addition to relevant items above, to liaise as early as possible with the Chairman or Events Coordinator of the visiting Choir.

To offer assistance in matters such as hotel accommodation, parking, etc. 

To request early receipt of Choir photos and Choir/MD/MA bios for use in production of programmes and posters.

To arrange for presentation gifts for the visiting choir.

To arrange to meet and greet the visiting Choir on their arrival in Beverley.

To organise an “afterglow”.

d. Joint Concerts Away:

As early as possible, to require the Vice Chairman to trawl for intentions of members, wives, patrons and to arrange provisional coach transport and hotel accommodation accordingly.

To discuss with the Treasurer costs/funding of the trip and discuss whether any Sponsor grant has been made available to subsidise it.

To make a preliminary “recce” of the host venue and accommodation where at all possible, having sought advice from the host Choir.

To email the host MD or Events Coordinator, a recent Choir photo and Choir/MD/MA bios – (these can be taken from the BMVC website).

To arrange for presentation gifts to be obtained.

To arrange an itinerary and pick-up points with the coach company.

e. Weddings and local Concerts other than Toll Gavel:

To visit the venue for a “recce” in accordance with the existing Chairman’s checklist.

f. Funerals:

To organise, in consultation with NOK, funerals of deceased choir members or spouses when this is requested. The passing of members and retired members should be appropriately and respectfully recorded, with funeral arrangements (subject to NOK’s agreement), on the “Choir News” page of the website.

The name of a deceased member should also be added to the list of his late comrades, under the section in which he sang, on the “In Memoriam” webpage.

The Choir will sing at the late member’s funeral if requested.

The disbursement of any legacy left to the Choir will be at the discretion of the Committee unless a preference has been expressed.   The Chairman should ensure that, after a respectful period has elapsed, he inform the NOK how such a legacy has been spent or invested.  It should not simply disappear without further mention into the Choir’s bank account.

g. Discipline:

To initiate any appropriate disciplinary procedures, except where this involves a possible conflict of interest with the Chairman. In this case the conflict shall be declared and the Chairman shall delegate his powers to the deputy Chairman.

h. Communication:

To ensure that Choir members are kept informed about matters of interest to them by periodic “blog” and members and patrons (in consultation with PRO) by an annual New Year’s newsletter.


The duties of the Secretary are as follows.

a. Committee meetings

To convene a committee meeting, in consultation with the Chairman, not less frequently than three times a year, preferably during the first week of July, November and March.  At the end of each meeting, to agree on date, time and venue of the next meeting.   Notes taken by the Secretary during the meeting should be typed up and passed to the Chairman within two weeks of the meeting for approval and entry, via the Website Administrator, onto the relevant web page. 

The names of candidates for election at each AGM to any office or to The Committee shall be sent in writing, stating the name of the proposer and seconder and confirming the consent of the candidate, to the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the AGM.

b. Annual General Meetings (AGM):

In accordance with para 5.2 of the Constitution, the Committee shall convene an Annual General Meeting, usually in July, in advance of which an Agenda will be prepared and circulated by the Secretary, this to comprise:

Chairman’s opening remarks

Reports of Hon Sec and PRO

Report of MD

Report of the Hon. Treasurer and Annual Accounts

Adoption of reports and examined Accounts

Election of President (every two years)

Election of the Officers (every two years)

Election of Committee Members (every two years)

Election of independent examiner of accounts

Appraisal of Members Subscriptions

Appraisal of fees for MD, AMD and MA

Any business proposed by the Committee

Any business submitted by Choir Members

Any proposed amendments to the Constitution

Any other business (at discretion of the Chairman)

c. Weddings and Concerts:

In accordance with the “Book us” page of the website, potential clients will in the initial instance contact the Secretary, who should then gather all details of contact numbers for both client and venue (bride/ vicar/verger).  These should be passed to the Chairman so that he can arrange separately to carry out a “recce” of the site in accordance with the checklist held by the Chairman for this purpose. They should also be passed to the MD so that she might agree directly with the client the songs required or requested. He should also point out to the client at this stage the current fee required by the Choir.

d. Home Concerts:

To deliver tickets to Beverley Tourist Information Centre (TIC).

In consultation with the Chairman, to extend invitations to dignitaries and sponsors at major concerts and to agree with dignitaries’ secretaries details of times of arrival, parking, refreshments and on whether robes are to be worn or not.  It should also be agreed at this stage whether the dignitary is invited to “say a few words”. In conjunction with the President and/or Vice-President to meet and greet; to arrange for the dignitaries to be hosted by the President/VP and to meet the Choir(s) for refreshments during the interval.

e. Sponsors and Patrons:

In conjunction with the PRO, to seek out new Sponsors and Patrons for the choir and to encourage Choir members to do so.

f. Dress and behaviour:

In conjunction with the Choir Marshal, and the Vice President, to monitor choir standards of turnout and behaviour in accordance with the Choir’s Dress and Etiquette guidelines.

g. New Members:

In conjunction with the Chairman, to meet and greet potential new members.  On confirmation by the MD of suitability, to hand or email to the potential new member an application form, or to point out its location on the Choir website.  On receipt of the completed application form, to relay details of the member to Chairman, Treasurer, Librarian, AMD, PRO, Website Administrator for their own actions. To point the new member in the direction of the Constitution and the various Choir guidelines.  See also Guidance Notes C – New Members’ Induction.

h. Bookings:

To book the Church and, where needed, the Church Hall for concerts as soon as the requirement is known, submitting the necessary forms to the Church Secretary and informing the Chairman when this has been done.

3.Vice Chairman

The duties of the Vice Chairman are as follows.

a. Chairman Understudy:

To understudy all aspects of the Chairman’s duties, and to act as Chairman during periods of the latter’s non-availability.

b. Attendance Register:

To maintain an attendance register of Choir members attending rehearsals and concerts.

c. Uniform

In consultation with the Choir Marshal, to take responsibility for maintenance of uniforms in accordance with the Choir’s “Dress and Etiquette” guidelines. 

To issue  uniforms to new members.

To collect uniforms and music copy from members leaving the choir on resignation, or from NOK in the case of death.

d. Trawls:

To carry out trawls, with the assistance of section heads, of intended attendance at concerts/wedding/funerals. To pass results of trawls to Website Administrator for inclusion on web pages.


The duties of the Treasurer are as follows:

a. In general, to monitor the financial health of the choir throughout the year.

b. To maintain a true record of income and expenditure.

c. To collect  annual subscriptions from members and Patrons in the month following the AGM.

d. To settle all payments due to MD, AMD, MA, deputy MA for fees, stipends and any extraordinary payments.

e. To produce a record of accounts to Committee meetings and AGM for distribution to choir members.

f. To settle all bill payments to Committee and choir members, and to all other providers of goods and services, for amounts expended or committed to with prior agreement of Chairman and Treasurer.

g. To propose, in consultation with the Chairman and Committee, any and all adjustments to Choir Subscriptions and concert/wedding fees, usually to be voted on at the AGM.

h. To claim Gift aid from HMRC

i. To apply for grants from relevant local authorities as appropriate and mandated by the committee (currently Beverley Town Council and East Riding of Yorkshire County Council).

j. To process and report all amounts to be paid to charities sponsored by the choir.

k. To present the Choir accounts to an independent auditor prior to each Annual General Meeting (AGM).

l. To maintain the choir’s bank account(s) and to safeguard custody of all choir chequebooks and debit cards. 

m. To ensure that insurance for the choir is paid each December.

n. To negotiate Church and Hall rental each August.

5.Public Relations Officer (PRO)/Patrons Coordinator (PC)


 a. In consultation with Secretary, Vice Chairman and AMD to coordinate the promotion of concerts in the local area.

b. In the case of major/joint/charity concerts, to offer to be interviewed on local radio, either by personal attendance or by telephone, or to seek volunteers to do so.  To request that the radio stations re-run the interviews, daily if possible, in the week leading up to the concert.

c. In consultation with AMD, to recruit Choir members to place posters on notice boards throughout the Beverley area.

d. In consultation with the Chairman and AMD, to prepare and distribute concert programmes.

e. To arrange for the banner advertising concerts to be displayed when required.  

f. In conjunction with the Chairman, to encourage choir members to approach local organisations and personal acquaintances to become sponsors of the choir. Sponsors should be clearly shown, along with their logos and website links where appropriate, on all concert programmes and on the choir website.


a. Persons wishing to become Patrons of the Choir should be invited to fill in a Patron’s form and their personal details will be maintained by the PRO/Patrons Coordinator. They will be asked to pay a Patron’s subscription, the amount of which will be reviewed periodically. They may be invited to social events and any “Patrons’ Concert”. The PC should send a welcoming letter to new patrons as well as a letter at least once a year, including a Christmas message in early December, to all patrons from the committee and members. He should ensure that patrons are kept aware of all forthcoming concerts and events and updated in the event of any necessary amendments thereto.  PC’s other duties:

b. To maintain the register of Patrons and to attempt to recruit more.

c. Periodically to encourage Choir members to find new Patrons.

d. To ensure that all possible is done to keep Patrons fully aware of forthcoming Choir activities and to ensure that they are made to feel an important part of the Choir community.

e. To ensure that new widows are added to the list and are invited to remain part of the Choir community unless they indicate they do not wish to be so.

f. To ensure each year that Patrons and Hon Life Members are aware of the details of the any Patrons’ concert.

g. To assist Treasurer in collection of fees and in helping him to know which Patrons are still active.

h. To try to convince all Patrons to provide an email address to economise on time and postage costs.


The duties of the Librarian are as follows:

a. To ensure that the Choir’s library of copy is kept up-to-date and, in consultation with the Website Administrator, that the website entries relating to the library and the current repertoire remain accurate.

b. To ensure that full sets of repertoire copies are kept in readiness to hand to new members.

c. In consultation with the Vice Chairman, to ensure that sets of music are collected from members leaving the Choir or their NOK.

d. To be prepared to distribute at rehearsal current repertoire copies and to ensure that members are periodically requested that those holding two copies should return one.

e. To acquire and distribute new music as decided at the November committee meeting.

f. To maintain a stock of music folders to issue to new members.

7.Choir Marshall

The duties of the Choir Marshall are as follows.

a. In consultation with the Chairman and Vice President, to take responsibility for the turnout and general presentation of Choir members.

b. To decide with the Chairman on the most efficient way to ensure that the Choir gets on/off stage (GOGOS) in a smart and impressive manner

c. To consult with host/visiting Choir Marshall in the case of Joint concerts to arrange GOGOS procedures

d. To consult after each concert with the Vice President, who has the task of noting any deviation from the high standard expected from the Choir in terms of turnout and behaviour as outlined in the Choir’s “Dress and Etiquette” guidelines.

8.Website Administrator

The duties of the Website Administrator are as follows:

a. To maintain and refresh the Choir’s website.

b. To solicit from various sources photographs and information to add to the “News” and other pages.

c. In consultation with Secretary and Vice Chairman to maintain and update the “Members’ Directory” on the website.

d. To receive and follow up trawls of on-line concert-attendance registers in consultation with the Vice Chairman.

e. To ensure that the annual fees are paid to the “easily” web hosting site and to liaise with “easily” in the case of any website problems.

f. In consultation with the AMD, to ensure that the website is regularly backed up.

9.Section Representatives

There should be one representative from each of the four sections and their responsibilities are as follows:

a. To assist the Vice Chairman by producing concert attendance lists, “trawls” for their sections.

b. To solicit suggestions from their section members ahead of all Committee meetings.

c. To attend all Committee meetings or to attempt to find a replacement in the event of non-availability.

d. To assist the Vice Chairman in monitoring attendance at rehearsals and concerts and to inform the Welfare Officer of any welfare or other matters  which they believe should be brought to his attention.

e. To assist the Vice Chairman by attempting to persuade/cajole section members to attend when attendance from their section at a given concert is predicted to be poor.

10.  Musical Director (MD)

The Music Committee shall comprise the MD, AMD and MA and shall consult together periodically as appropriate. They may ask any other Committee or Choir Member(s) to participate in any such consultations as they wish. The duties of the Musical Director are as follows:

a. To ensure that the music repertoire is regularly refreshed by replacing old material with new as they feel to be appropriate, thus maintaining a “rolling repertoire”.

b. To decide upon the music programme for each concert.

c. To decide upon guest artists or solo items for each concert.

d. To report in person to the November committee meeting and by letter/email to the other committee meetings and to the AGM on all music-related matters.

e. To address any music-related points raised on committee meetings by choir members through their section representatives.

f. To assess all potential new members and report to the Committee as to their suitability for membership.

g. To make any decisions, in consultation with the Committee, on matters regarding the purchase or acquisition of new music copy.

h. To liaise with the MDs of other choirs on the matter of programming in the event of joint concerts.

i. To liaise with the MDs of other choirs with a view to borrowing, lending or “swapping” music copy.

j. To liaise directly with bride/groom to decide on music to be performed at weddings.

(The AMD and MA are regarded as co-opted posts and as such attendance at Committee meetings is not required unless specifically requested by the Chairman or unless they specifically wish to attend.)

11.Welfare Officer

The Duties of the Welfare Officer are as follows:

a. To maintain contact with choir members who are sick or absent from the choir for extended periods. 

b. To circulate get-well cards to members for signature and to deliver to sick or hospitalised members.

c. To liaise with the Vice Chairman to establish whether there are any unexplained absences or other causes for concern relating to members’ well-being.

d. In the event of members’ funerals, to ensure that a card of commiseration is sent to NOK and that the PRO add the widow’s details to the widows’ and patrons’ register.

e. To identify and help accommodate any special needs that choir members may have.

12. Recruitment Officer

a. In Consultation with the PRO, the AMD and the Website Coordinator, to maintain a continuing recruitment programme through face-to-face contact with the public and via all media sources.

b. To attempt to recruit new members at concerts and other events.

13.Ceremonial Officials – President/Vice President (VP)

Role of the President – To greet and host VIPs and visiting Choir Presidents at major concerts, including accompanying same to meet the choir(s) during the interval and at “after-glow”.

Presidents should be awarded a Past President’s badge at the end of their two-year period of office, this award to incorporate the status of Honorary Life Member.

The Vice-President should be appointed by invitation of the incoming Chairman in consultation with the Committee and would normally succeed the President on expiry of the latter’s two-year period in the post.

Role of the Vice President (VP)

a. To assist the President in the above and to carry out this role alone if the President cannot attend.  The VP should be informed by the Chairman whenever the President is unable to attend a major concert.

b. To assist the Chairman by performing an informal and benevolent “Quality Control” function, by discussing with the Chairman and MD the general impression, good or bad, made on audiences, including choir wives, in terms of general behaviour on stage, appearance, performance or any other matters s/he feels appropriate.

Presidents/ VPs are not of course expected to attend all concerts, but should be regarded as choir members and as such neither they nor their wives/husbands/partners should be asked to pay concert admission fees.


























































































































































































































































































In consultation with the Chairman, to review annually the Constitution and its addenda, to propose any amendments to the Constitution and to include those approved at the July Committee meeting onto the AGM agenda for ratification by members.

3.  Vice Chairman

The duties of the Vice Chairman are as follows.

a.  Chairman Understudy

To understudy all aspects of the Chairman’s duties, and to act as Chairman during periods of the latter’s non-availability.

b.  Attendance Register

  • To maintain an attendance register of Choir members attending rehearsals and concerts.

c.  Uniform

  • In consultation with the Choir Marshal, to take responsibility for maintenance of uniforms in accordance with para 10 of the Constitution and the separate Addendum regarding “Dress and Etiquette”. 
  • .
  • To issue  uniforms to new members.
  • .
  • To collect uniforms and music copy from members leaving the choir on resignation, or from NOK in the case of death.

d.  Trawls

To carry out trawls, with the assistance of section heads, of intended attendance at concerts/wedding/funerals. To pass results of trawls to Website Administrator for inclusion on web pages.

e.  Tickets

To produce concert tickets for sale via members or other outlets.


4. Treasurer

The duties of the Treasurer are as follows.

  • In general, to monitor the financial health of the choir throughout the year.
  • .
  • To maintain a true record of income and expenditure.
  • .
  • To collect  annual subscriptions from members and Patrons in the month following the AGM.
  • .
  • To settle all payments due to MD, AMD, MA, deputy MA for fees, stipends and any extraordinary payments.
  • .
  • To produce a record of accounts to Committee meetings and AGM for distribution to choir members.
  • .
  • To settle all bill payments to Committee and choir members, and to all other providers of goods and services, for amounts expended or committed to with prior agreement of Chairman and Treasurer.
  • .
  • To decide, in consultation with the Chairman and Committee, any and all adjustments to Choir Subscriptions and concert/wedding fees, usually to be voted on at the AGM.
  • .
  • To present to Sponsors on their standard form a justification for any requests for sponsorship grants and to ensure that these are properly applied (currently Beverley Town Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council).
  • .
  • To process and report all amounts to be paid to charities sponsored by the choir.
  • .
  • To present the Choir accounts to an independent auditor prior to each Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  • .
  • To maintain the choir’s bank account(s) and to safeguard custody of all choir chequebooks and debit cards. 
  • .
  • To ensure that insurance for the choir is paid each December.
  • .
  • To negotiate Church and Hall rental each August.

5.  Public Relations Officer (PRO)/Patrons Coordinator (PC)

a.  PRO

  •  In consultation with Secretary, Vice Chairman and AMD to coordinate the promotion of concerts in the local area.
  • .
  • In the case of major/joint/charity concerts, to offer to be interviewed on local radio, either by personal attendance or by telephone, or to seek volunteers to do so.  To request that the radio stations re-run the interviews, daily if possible, in the week leading up to the concert.
  • .
  • In consultation with AMD, to recruit Choir members to place posters on notice boards throughout the Beverley area.
  • .
  • To arrange for the banner advertising concerts to be displayed when required.

b.  PC

  • To maintain the register of Patrons and to attempt to recruit more.
  • .
  • Periodically to encourage Choir members to find new Patrons.
  • .
  • To ensure that all possible is done to keep Patrons fully aware of forthcoming Choir activities and to ensure that they are made to feel an important part of the Choir community.
  • .
  • To ensure that new widows are added to the list and are invited to remain part of the Choir community unless they indicate they do not wish to be so.
  • .
  • To ensure each year that Patrons and Hon Life Members are aware of the details of the annual Patrons concert.
  • .
  • To assist Treasurer in collection of fees and in helping him to know which Patrons are still active.
  • .
  • To try to convince all Patrons to provide and email address to economise on time and postage costs.

6.  Librarian

The duties of the Librarian are as follows.

  • To ensure that the Choir’s library of copy is kept up-to-date and, in consultation with the Website Administrator, that the website entries relating to the library and the current repertoire remain accurate.
  • .
  • To ensure that full sets of repertoire copies are kept in readiness to hand to new members.
  • .
  • In consultation with the Vice Chairman, to ensure that sets of music are collected from members leaving the Choir or their NOK.
  • .
  • To be prepared to distribute at rehearsal current repertoire copies and to ensure that members are periodically requested that those holding two copies should return one.
  • .
  • To acquire and distribute new music as decided at the November committee meeting.
  • .
  • To maintain a stock of music folders to issue to new members.

7.  Choir Marshall

The duties of the Choir Marshall are as follows.

  • In consultation with the Chairman and Vice President, to take responsibility for the turnout and general presentation of Choir members.
  • .
  • To decide with the Chairman on the most efficient way to ensure that the Choir gets on/off stage (GOGOS) in a smart and impressive manner
  • .
  • To consult with host/visiting Choir Marshall in the case of Joint concerts to arrange GOGOS procedures
  • .
  • To consult after each concert with the Vice President, who has the task of noting any deviation from the high standard expected from the Choir in terms of turnout and behaviour as outlined in para 10 of the Constitution and on the separate webpage “Dress and Etiquette”

8. Website Administrator

The duties of the Website Administrator are as follows.

  • To maintain and refresh the Choir’s website.
  • .
  • To solicit from various sources photographs and information to add to the “News” and other pages.
  • .
  • In consultation with the Chairman and AMD, to prepare and distribute concert programmes.
  • .
  • In consultation with Secretary and Vice Chairman to maintain and update the “Members’ Directory” on the website.
  • .
  • To receive and follow up trawls of on-line concert-attendance registers in consultation with the Vice Chairman.
  • .
  • To ensure that the annual fees are paid to the “easily” web hosting site and to liaise with “easily” in the case of any website problems.
  • .
  • In consultation with the AMD, to ensure that the website is regularly backed up.

9.  Section Representatives

There should be one representative from each of the four sections and their responsibilities are as follows.

  • To assist the Vice Chairman by producing concert attendance lists, “trawls” for their sections.
  • .
  • To solicit suggestions from their section members ahead of all Committee meetings in accordance with para 6 of the Constitution – this particularly in the case of the November meeting, when suggestions concerning adjustments to the repertoire are considered.
  • .
  • To attend all Committee meetings or to attempt to find a replacement in the event of non-availability.
  • .
  • To assist the Vice Chairman in monitoring attendance at rehearsals and concerts and to inform the Welfare Officer of any welfare or other matters  which they believe should be brought to his attention.
  • .
  • To assist the Vice Chairman by attempting to persuade/cajole section members to attend when attendance from their section at a given concert is predicted to be poor.

10  Musical Director (MD)

The Music Committee shall comprise the MD, AMD and MA and shall consult together periodically as appropriate. They may ask any other Committee or Choir Member(s) to participate in any such consultations as they wish. The duties of the Musical Director are as follows.

  • To ensure that the music repertoire is regularly refreshed by replacing old material with new as they feel to be appropriate, thus maintaining a “rolling repertoire”.
  • .
  • To decide upon the music programme for each concert.
  • .
  • To decide upon guest artists or solo items for each concert.
  • .
  • To report in person to the November committee meeting and by letter/email to the other committee meetings and to the AGM on all music-related matters.
  • .
  • To address any music-related points raised on committee meetings by choir members through their section representatives.
  • .
  • To assess all potential new members and report to the Committee as to their suitability for membership.
  • .
  • To make any decisions, in consultation with the Committee, on matters regarding the purchase or acquisition of new music copy.
  • .
  • To liaise with the MDs of other choirs on the matter of programming in the event of joint concerts.
  • .
  • To liaise with the MDs of other choirs with a view to borrowing, lending or “swapping” music copy.
  • .
  • To liaise directly with bride/groom to decide on music to be performed at weddings
  • (The AMD and MA are regarded as co-opted posts and as such attendance at Committee meetings is not required unless specifically requested by the Chairman or unless they specifically wish to attend.)

11.  Welfare Officer

  • To maintain contact with choir members who are sick or absent from the choir for extended periods. 
  • .
  • To circulate get-well cards to members for signature and to deliver to sick or hospitalised members. To enquire whether any assistance is required in accordance with para 3 of the Constitution.
  • .
  • To liaise with the Vice Chairman to establish whether there are any unexplained absences or other causes for concern relating to members’ well-being.
  • .
  • In the event of members’ funerals, to ensure that a card of commiseration is sent to NOK and that the PRO add the widow’s details to the widows’ and patrons’ register.

12.  Recruiting Officer

  • In Consultation with the PRO, the AMD and the Website Coordinator, to maintain a continuing recruitment programme through face-to-face contact with the public and via all media sources.
  • .
  • To attempt to recruit new members at concerts and other events.