Meeting Notes
Beverley Male Voice Choir Committee Meeting
6.30pm, 23rd August 2021
Present: Nick Hart (Chairman)(NH), Terry Lynn (Secretary)(TL), Phil MacMullen(Treasurer)(PM), Julian Musik (JM), Dave Williamson (DW)
Apologies for Absence – Ken Doran
Notes of minutes of Last committee meeting and Matters arising.
Health & safety
PM stated that the ERGMOS requires us to fill in a form with respect to Health and Safety statement applying to the Toll Gavel. PM to contact Malcolm Mathias for his advice.
Covid recovery scheme.
It was agreed that we need to publicise that we have started up again and advertise for new members. NH stated we should again stand outside the church in uniform with a cd playing to try to get new recruits. Liz has already been on Beverley FM but no feedback has been recorded.
3. Ratification of Committee members.
NH asked if we should ratify the members elected. He was told that it was not necessary as the election at the AGM was sufficient as in the constitution. However, there are only 5 members now on the committee and therefore need to get more members to take a position if the choir is to continue, especially with respect to a Vice Chairman.
4. Agree new cheque signatures . Done
5. Agree new trustees.
Trustees at present are Nick Hart, Phil MacMullen and Julian Music. 3 to 5 trustees are required for the Charity Commission, therefore two more are required. PM to look at changes.
6. National Association of Choirs
The subscriptions for the NAOC is now £60. It was agreed that we continue being members. TL to contact them to get a new password for their website and advise of new contact.
7. Music Committee
It was agreed that the music committee namely MD,AMD, and MA will continue choosing the repertoire as per the constitution and will be invited to the November Committee meeting to discuss feedback from members regarding any request for songs they may have put forward by section reps. It was suggested that the Chairman could be on the Music Committee.
8. Any other business
As Alan Lee has resigned from the choir it was agreed that he is made an Honorary Member of the choir for his long service and support.
We have had several members resigned and therefore need to be contacted to get their uniforms and music. NH TL
Forthcoming Events.
Prelude. waiting to see if the concert for the lions in November before a decision is made.
Wedding – 20/5/22
Kidderminster Tour 9-11/7/22
Joint concert- 20/8/22
Nick Andrews to look at singing in the pubs at Christmas as in the past.
Next meeting – 2nd November 6pm.
10.00am, 24th February 2021 – Zoom Meeting
Present: David Cross (Chairman)(DC), Steve Horner (SH), Ken Doran (KD), Peter Goonan (PG), Dave Rutter (DR), Terry Lynn (TL), Phil MacMullen (PM), Nick Hart (NH), Dave Williamson (DW), Albert Newbery (AN) [co-opted for meeting].
1. Apologies for Absence – Julian Musik (JM).
2. Notes of Previous meeting and Matters arising
NH referred to the need to collect uniforms from recent resignations, which will need to await the end of the Coronavirus pandemic. There were no other matters arising.
3. Officer Reports
Hon. Secretary asked for an update on events still “pencilled in” in the Choir’s diary. This was deferred to agenda item 7 (Forthcoming events).
Hon. Treasurer summarised a report which he had circulated to Committee members prior to the meeting as follows:
Income |
Expenses |
Subs |
4750.00 |
Amy |
1815.00 | |
Patrons & donations |
795.00 |
Nigel (19/20) |
500.00 | |
Total |
5545.00 |
Insurance |
137.35 |
25.00 | |||
Dove House |
250.00 | |||
Web Hosting |
29.99 | |||
Patron costs |
23.76 | |||
Opening balance |
4586.30 |
Total |
2781.10 | |
| |||
Current balance |
7350.20 |
| |
Membership subs
So far, 48 members have renewed their membership and the few outstanding subs are being pursued. One member requested a sabbatical year leave of absence and paid the stipulated reduced £50 subscription.
Grant income
A grant of £350 has been agreed from the East Riding of Yorkshire Council. A further grant is expected from Beverley Town Council and this is being re-investigated after an earlier administrative error was identified.
It was noted In response to recent queries that applications must be made for specific purposes – not just because we’re ‘a good thing for Beverley’. Claims must be supported by evidence of expenditure and applications must not be made to more than one agency in respect of the same expenses or considerations.
Public Relations Officer (PRO)/Patrons’ Coordinator (PC)
JM submitted his apologies for his absence from the meeting, but had nothing to report.
DC proposed that the Choir discontinue the annual Charity Concert as too expensive in the Choir’s current financial situation. In its stead, the Choir should donate a sum of £250 annually to local charity Dove House Hospice. This was felt to be very good PR for both BMVC and Dove House. The proposal was approved unanimously.
4. Section Representative Reports
Nothing to report from the First, Second, Baritone, or Bass Section Representatives.
5. Resignations/New Members
There were no new members or resignations.
6. Registered Charity status
AN informed the meeting that BMVC is now registered with the Charity Commission as Registered Charity Number 5173839 . He will now make the required application to HMRC in order to claim Gift Aid. A financial reporting template has been presented by AN and procedures will be put in place to register donors to facilitate the applications for Grant Aid.
The Chairman added that the first Trustee Committee meeting was held on 3rd February 2021 to discuss a small number of amendments to the Choir’s Constitution requested by the Charity Commission. These were unanimously approved by the Trustee Committee and by the Choir’s membership (by email).
7. Forthcoming events
a. SH agreed to contact his opposite number at Bestwood MVC to cancel the concert scheduled for 5th June 2021.
b. SH would also contact Kidderminster MVC concerning the concert scheduled for 14th August 2021. (This was later re-scheduled to 20th August 2022.)
c. DC agreed to contact those involved in the wedding scheduled for 2nd July 2021.
d. SH agreed to speak with Toll Gavel secretary re BMVC’s Prelude to Christmas concert in December 2021.
8. Any other business
a. DW asked for an update on songs requested at the November meeting for inclusion in the Choir’s repertoire. The answer was not readily available, but an updated repertoire in preparation for our return has been posted on the website’s “Current Repertoire” page.
b. PG and DC mentioned that the committee had agreed at their last meeting to approach the Music Committee with a request to stipulate two songs per week for members to rehearse in order to concentrate minds in a more structured manner. SH agreed to follow this up.
c. The post of Assistant Secretary has been vacant since SH took up the job of Secretary. TL has agreed to be Assistant Secretary until the next Choir AGM. This was unanimously approved by the Committee.
9. Summary of Actions
a. The Treasurer (PM) agreed to follow up on the current grant applications with ERYC and Beverley Town Council;
b. the Secretary (SH) agreed to follow up with the MD in regard to a more structured rehearsal programme for Choir members in readiness for the lifting of Coronavirus restrictions;
c. AN agreed to submit the required application to HMRC in order for the Choir to begin claiming Gift Aid;
d. SH agreed to contact his opposite number in other choirs concerning proposed scheduled concerts.
10. Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday June 29th June 2021 at 10.00 am (venue and arrangements to be decided). The meeting closed at 11.25 am.
Beverley Male Voice Choir Committee Meeting
10.00am, 10th November 2020, Zoom Meeting
Present: David Cross (Chairman)(DC), Steve Horner (SH), Nick Hart (NH), Julian Musik (JM), Ken Doran (KD), Peter Goonan (PG), Dave Rutter (DR), Terry Lynn (TL), Phil MacMullen (PM), Albert Newbery (AN) [co-opted for meeting].
1) Apologies for Absence: Jon Capel (JC) and Dave Williamson (DW).
2) Notes of Previous meeting and Matters arising
There were no matters arising.
3) Officer Reports
Hon. Treasurer had prepared a report, which was circulated to all Committee members prior to the meeting and can be summarised as follows;
Our closing bank balance as of 30th June 2020 was £4586.30. Despite the conditions prevailing since the first lockdown in March this is in line with the last few years. A summary of the accounts is below.
There are no exceptional or unusual expenses or receipts.
Our current balance is £8091.30.Income has been solely from members’ subs and patrons’ donations; our only expense has been paying Amy’s attendances.
Grant applications were made to Beverley Town Council and ERYC to support rehearsal and performance costs but these are both in abeyance.
As the concert performances for which Amy was booked expire, we shall be paying her only £220 -£275/month (in lieu of rehearsals) – if we agree to continue with these payments for the rest of this financial year the cost will be £1925.
Our other commitment is paying our AMD (Nigel Clarke) stipend of £500.
Following appeals from the Chairman and Treasurer, we have very few members who haven’t paid their subs. Two members have decided to take a year’s sabbatical leave at a cost of £50.
The Treasurer is in the process of asking for a rebate on our insurance premium on the basis that we have been legally unable to rehearse or perform – the risks for which we have cover.
The Treasurer suggested that if we continue to be unable to function normally we should not renew our insurance in January 2021 (when our present policy expires).
We agreed previously that we would not pay rent to Toll Gavel church until at least January 2021.
The Choir accounts have been independently audited and presented to, and approved by, the Committee.
Public Relations Officer (PRO)/Patrons’ Coordinator (PC)
PRO reported that the MD had suggested that the Patrons should be invited to the Choir’s last “zoom” rehearsal on 7th December (2021), in an effort to be inclusive.
Hon. Secretary
The concert programme and schedule for 2021-22 will be discussed under the “forthcoming concerts” agenda item (7). This has naturally been almost totally disrupted by the Coronavirus pandemic.
Nine concerts, two coffee mornings, two weddings, and the Choir’s annual Social Evening have been cancelled as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic.
The Chairman presented John Cross, who has recently retired from the Choir, with Honorary Life Membership (certificate and badge). This was previously approved by the Committee.
4) Section Representative Reports
First Tenors – in the First Tenor Rep’s absence, DC suggested on behalf of the 1st Tenors two new songs for consideration for inclusion in the Choir repertoire – ”Something inside so strong” (Labbe Siffre) and “Stand by me” (Ben E King);
Second Tenors – Nothing to report;
Baritones – The song “I’ll walk with God” suggested;
Basses – The song “Heilig, heilig, heilig Gott” suggested.
5) Resignations/New Members
Richard Sholtysek has resigned from the Choir for health reasons.
John Clarke has also resigned from the Choir.
Two members, Trevor Buttery and Dom Minniti, have taken sabbatical leave for one year.
There have been no new members.
6) Registered Charity application update
Now that the Choir accounts have been approved by the Committee, and the Treasurer has furnished AN with other information (Choir bank account details, etc.),AN will submit an on-line application to the Charity Commission, after approval by the Committee of the information required in the submission (hopefully at the next Committee meeting (March 2021). No major problems are anticipated.
7) Forthcoming concerts
a) Programme for 2021-22
The existing repertoire is to continue for the coming year, with consideration being given to the suggestions made in the Section Representative Reports above.
b) Charity concerts
It was unanimously agreed that Charity concerts be suspended until further notice due to financial pressures the Choir is currently suffering due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
However, it was proposed, and also agreed unanimously, that a donation be made by the Choir to the President’s chosen Charity at Christmas. The Chairman subsequently sent a cheque for £250 to the President, Paul Camm for presentation to his chosen charity, Dove House Hospice.
This is particularly pertinent in view of the current application for Registered Charity status.
c) Forthcoming concerts
There are a number of concerts “pencilled in”, but, of course, whether they can go ahead depends on what happens with regard to Government restrictions and the Coronavirus pandemic in the next few months. Concert dates at the moment are:
Friday April 23rd 2021 – Gentlemen Songsters, of Dudley (away);
Saturday 24th April 2021 – Kidderminster Valentines Ladies Choir (away);
Saturday 5th June 2021 – Bestwood MVC (home);
Saturday 2nd July 2021 – Wedding;
Saturday 14th August 2021 – Kidderminster MVC (home).
The Committee felt that we should withdraw from the concerts in April 2021 because Coronavirus restrictions were still likely to be in place, making preparation (rehearsal), and hotel and coach bookings fraught with uncertainty, as well as Choir finances being under strain. The Secretary agreed to contact the choirs concerned. The other concert dates are to be left in place for the time being.
8) Any other business
a) DC reported that, on the resignation of Richard Sholtysek (Librarian) from the Choir (mentioned above), Chris Szafran was willing to take on this post.
b) There was a suggestion that a structured rehearsal programme be implemented (using the AMD’s CD/MP3 recordings) in order to go some way towards preparing for post-Covid concerts. The Secretary agreed to broach the subject with the MD, AMD and MA via e-mail.
c) It was reiterated by the Committee that, as discussed in the July meeting, the Choir AGM will be postponed until such time as the the Choir will be able to meet.
d) It was agreed unanimously by the Committee to continue paying fees to the MA until further notice.
9) Summary of Actions
a) The Secretary agreed to contact the choirs concerned with regard to withdrawing from concerts in April 2021 that are currently “pencilled in” in the events diary.
b) The Secretary agreed to contact our MD, AMD and MA to thank them for their sterling efforts to keep the choir going during the COVID-19 pandemic. He would also discuss the implementation of a structured rehearsal programme (using the AMD’s excellent CD/MP3 recordings), in an effort to be “concert-ready” when Coronavirus restrictions are eased and concerts possible again. The submitted new song requests will also be relayed to them. Patron involvement with the Choir during the present Coronavirus pandemic will also be discussed and it was noted that the website now includes a new “Patrons” page, the aim being to ensure that our patrons realise that they are very much part of the Choir community.
c) AN will continue to progress the Choir’s application for Registered Charity status with the Charity Commission.
d) The Treasurer will continue to keep abreast of Choir finances in view of the strain the Coronavirus pandemic is putting on such matters.
10) Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on 2nd March 2021 at 10.00 am (venue and arrangements to be decided).
The meeting closed at 11.23 am.
As there has been no opportunity to hold an AGM this year there has also been no opportunity to present the accounts to the membership. They are therefore presented below for your perusal.
Balance Sheet Year Ending 30th. June 2020 | |||||||||
Receipts | Expenses | ||||||||
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | ||||
£4,609.50 | £4,917.50 | Subscriptions | £5,595.00 | £3,150.00 | £3,450.00 | Musical Director | £2,700.00 | ||
£6,358.60 | £7,758.70 | Concerts/Weddings | £6,604.06 | £3,100.00 | £3,580.00 | Accompanist | £3,575.00 | ||
£959.55 | £730.00 | Patrons/Donations | £565.00 | £1,050.00 | £1,370.00 | Asst. Musical Director | £370.00 | ||
£650.00 | £350.00 | Sponsorship/Grants | £350.00 | £1,784.00 | £1,735.00 | Rent | £2,144.00 | ||
£659.00 | £793.70 | Uniforms | £428.50 | ||||||
£50.00 | Website | £50.00 | |||||||
£99.73 | £106.16 | Music | £13.90 | ||||||
£526.88 | £1,275.59 | PR,Postage,Printing,Stationary | £594.16 | ||||||
£133.70 | £165.40 | Insurance | £172.44 | ||||||
£53.00 | £53.00 | Subscriptions NAC | £60.00 | ||||||
£1,200.00 | Charitable Donations | £1,800.00 | |||||||
Performing Rights | £93.60 | ||||||||
£173.51 | £235.72 | Gifts | £392.32 | ||||||
£415.00 | £583.35 | Misc. | £244.04 | ||||||
£400.00 | Piano & Equipment Maintenance | ||||||||
Totals | £12,577.65 | £13,756.20 | £13,114.06 | £11,194.82 | £14,947.92 | £12,637.96 | |||
Profit/Loss | £1,382.83 | -£1,191.72 | £476.10 | ||||||
Year-end Bank balance | £4351.78 | £3089.76 | £4586.30 |
Beverley Male Voice Choir Committee Meeting
10.00am, 07th. July 2020 – Zoom Meeting
Present: David Cross (Chairman)(DC), Steve Horner (SH), Julian Musik (JM), Ken Doran (KD), Dave Williamson (DW), Peter Goonan (PG), Dave Rutter (DR), Terry Lynn (TL), Phil MacMullen (PM), Albert Newbery (AN) [co-opted for meeting].
1. Apologies for Absence: Jon Capel (JC). PM joined the meeting shortly after commencement.
2. Notes of Previous meeting and Matters arising
Notes from the previous meeting were accepted as a true record. There were no matters arising.
3. Officer Reports
Hon. Treasurer had prepared a report and it was circulated to all Committee members prior to the meeting.
This report can be briefly summarised as follows;
the Choir’s bank balance is £4586.30 as of 30/6/20 (this was deemed within the “normal” range when compared with previous years over the recent past, ie. relatively healthy);
The accounts will be completed and audited in the next few weeks.
The Treasurer noted that:
i)Beverley Town Council have postponed their grant approval meeting to a later date as yet unknown.
ii)MD (Liz Wilson) generously agreed to forgo her allowance from the start of the Coronavirus lockdown, so that the Choir is more easily able to continue to pay the MA.
Public Relations Officer (PRO)/Patrons’ Coordinator (PC)
Nothing to report.
Hon. Secretary
The concert schedule for this year will be discussed under the “forthcoming concerts” agenda item. This has naturally been almost totally disrupted by the Coronavirus pandemic.
As for Hon. Secretary (above).
4. Section Representative Reports
First Tenors Nothing to report;
Second Tenors Nothing to report;
Baritones Nothing to report;
Basses the question was asked whether the present “zoom” rehearsals on a Monday evening were worth the time and effort. The Committee felt that these rehearsals should continue, even if only for the social aspect (staying in touch, “esprit de corps”, etc.), and if the MD still supported it.
5. Resignations/New Members
John Cross has resigned from the Choir for personal reasons.
6. AGM
Due to the current Government restrictions during the Coronavirus pandemic the Committee voted unanimously to postpone the 2020 AGM until it is deemed safe and proper to hold such a meeting.
7. Constitution
The Committee agreed unanimously amendments to the Choir’s Constitution proposed by AN, so that it meets the criteria necessary for the application of the Choir for Registered Charity status. This would normally require ratification from the membership at the next AGM.
However, because of the indefinite nature of the lockdown, it was agreed that this take the form of an “electronic” Special General Meeting (SGM). It was agreed that an e-mail be sent to all members by the Chairman (DC) asking them to adopt, by return email, the proposed new Constitution (with an attached copy of the latter) and the reasons why it has become necessary. To meet legal requirements, copies of member email votes will be retained and if necessary forwarded to the Charities Commission, provided there is a majority in favour, with a copy of the new Constitution, in the application for Registered Charity status.
8. Appraisal of Member subscriptions
The Committee agreed that this should remain at the current level
9. Appraisal of fees for MD, AMD and MA
The Committee agreed that these should remain at the current level. It was agreed that the MA continue to be paid during lockdown fees for those rehearsals and concerts at which she would have performed and that the AMD continue to receive his annual stipend in appreciation of all the extra work he does for the Choir. The MD was thanked by the Committee for forgoing her fee during the pandemic lockdown.
10. Registered Charity Status
The application for the above has been approved by the Committee and should go forward, pending the ratification of the amended Constitution by the Choir Membership SGM vote outlined in para 7 above. Grateful thanks was once again expressed to AN for all his hard work on this item.
11. Forthcoming concerts
The Secretary was asked to cancel the joint concert in August with Kidderminster MVC, and the booking of the venue (Toll Gavel Church). He will also cancel the booking with Toll Gavel Church for the Coffee Morning in October. This will just leave one concert venue booking with Toll Gavel Church for the Choir’s Prelude to Christmas concert in December (2020). Whether this concert will eventually go ahead as scheduled is uncertain, of course, in the current circumstances, but will stand for the time being. The Secretary will discuss these arrangements with the Toll Gavel Church officer responsible, and also the possibility of being granted a rebate of previously agreed fees for concerts and rehearsals which are now not taking place.
12. Any other business
PG asked the Committee if AN should be formally named as Gift Aid Coordinator, and this was agreed until the Charitable status has been set up.
13. Summary of Actions
i)Treasurer to e-mail members that subscriptions are due;
ii)Treasurer to finalise the Choir accounts within the next few weeks, and ensure that they are audited;
iii)Treasurer to contact the National Association of Choirs for guidance about easing out of Coronavirus lockdown and what is possible and safe for choirs to do into the future;
iv)Secretary to cancel concert with Kidderminster MVC, but leave booking for the Prelude to Christmas concert (December 2020) for the time being;
v)Secretary to cancel venue bookings for the Kidderminster MVC concert ((iv)), and Choir coffee morning in October;
vi)Secretary to discuss with the responsible Church officer at Toll Gavel about hire of the Church for rehearsals over the last 3 months and into the future, with regard to possible discount for being unable to use the church during the Coronavirus pandemic lockdown;
vii)Chairman to consult with MD regarding the ‘zoom’ rehearsals and her continued support for them;
viii)Chairman to e-mail Choir members with regard to the ratification of the amended Choir constitution in the form of an ‘electronic’ SGM.
14. Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on 10th November 2020 at 10.00 am (venue and arrangements to be decided).
The meeting closed at 11.23 am.
Beverley Male Voice Choir
Notes of Committee Meeting held
on 3rd March 2020 at 10.00am
at 28 St Catherine’s Drive, Leconfield, HU17 7NU
Present: David Cross (Chairman)(DC), Steve Horner (SH), Julian Musik (JM), Malcolm Sparks (MS), Ken Doran (KD), Dave Williamson (DW), Peter Goonan (PG), Dave Rutter (DR), Jon Capel (JC), Terry Lynn (TL).
Apologies for Absence: Phil MacMullen (PM).
Notes of Previous meeting and Matters arising
A question was raised as to why the deputy MA(s) were not used more regularly and it was decided that the committee was content with the status quo.
The continued membership of the choir of one individual was raised – the Vice Chairman agreed to air this with the person concerned.
Alternative sites to hold recruitment “drives” was raised – the Recruitment Officer for the Choir was still investigating the possibilities.
It was formally accepted by the Committee that Mr Tom Danter would become the new Independent Auditor of Accounts for the Choir.
Officer Reports
Hon. Treasurer
In the absence of the Treasurer at this meeting he had prepared a report which was circulated to all Committee members and can be summarised as follows:
The Choir’s bank balance is £6633.17 as of1/3/20. This was deemed to be within the “normal” range when compared with previous years over the recent past, ie. relatively healthy);
A grant application for £1000 has been made to Beverley Town Council (BTC) to cover the cost of venues for visiting choirs, and another has been drafted for £400 to East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ERYC) (their Play, Sport and Art Services Fund);
Expected outturn – current balance £6633, expected income approx. £2500, less liabilities approx. £3000, likely outturn approx. £6000. Again, compared with recent past years, deemed relatively healthy;
The Committee formally approved the grant applications made to Beverley Town Council and to East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
Public Relations Officer (PRO)/Patrons’ Coordinator (PC)
All Choir Patrons and Friends have been sent a newsletter and Patron subscription forms. The publicity/PR requirements for the Choir’s concerts this year will be discussed under the Agenda item “forthcoming concerts” later in the meeting.
Hon. Secretary
All venues are booked for the Choirs forthcoming concerts up to and including our Prelude to Christmas concert (20/12/20).
The concert schedule for this year will be discussed under the “forthcoming concerts” agenda item.
The Registered Charity status issue will be discussed under a separate Agenda item later in the meeting.
Sadness was expressed concerning the death of John Cooke, one of the Choir’s stalwarts. He will be greatly missed.
Mel Watson has returned to the Choir, after what has been a difficult year for him with the sad loss of his wife, Rita. Graham Beale is welcomed as a new member.
It has been noted that the programme for the joint concert with Bestwood MVC is shorter than usual – DC will take this up with the Musical Director.
There is a proposed weekend visit in April 2021 to Kidderminster, with two concerts – one to Kidderminster Valentines Ladies Choir, whom we hosted last year, and another to Worcester MVC (the Secretary is waiting for confirmation of the latter). DC and Lynne will arrange a visit to Kidderminster in the near future in preparation for this event;
It is suggested that the Choir’s Welfare Officer (TL) liaise with Section Heads (DR, KD, JC, and DW) to ensure that Choir member absences are followed up;
Uniforms – Slaters (the suppliers of our present uniforms) have four in stock. Steps will be taken to purchase these. The question of jacket badge production was also raised and satisfactorily resolved. DC has successfully sourced a new supply of cloth of the same colour as our present uniform jackets, although a little more expensive, though not as costly as having to change our jackets to a completely different colour. DC will arrange to visit the potential new supplier in the near future.
(Please see previous meeting notes (19/11/19) for a comprehensive explanation of the reason for this problem.)
Section Representative Reports
First Tenors – Nothing to report;
Second Tenors – Numbers are dwindling. Concern was raised about the introduction of new songs to the current repertoire to cater for wedding requests, though most members had no objection to this.
Baritones – Concern raised about new numbers being introduced to the repertoire and the consequent time spent learning them. Talking during rehearsal was raised again (possible introduction of conversation “break”?) – choir discipline deemed to need improvement.
Basses – The welcome return to the fold of PG and Alan Lee was noted; the last “Basses lunch” was very well attended and much enjoyed by everyone.
Resignations/New Members
(see Chairman’s report – items 3i) and 3ii)
Forthcoming concerts
The Choir has a busy schedule of concerts this year, and it will be important to make sure that publicity for all the events is handled well. To this end, the Secretary undertook to speak to the members of the Choir who have been involved in the production of publicity material in the recent past, as well as working closely with our PRO JM.
As previously mentioned, all venues are booked up to and including our Prelude to Christmas concert in December. Dignitaries have been invited and confirmation of their attendance is awaited.
The release of advertising and tickets for each concert must be timely and coordinated.
Each section of the Choir will take part in recruitment/publicity “drives” on Toll Gavel on a regular basis. This will, it is hoped, improve our profile in the local community, advertise forthcoming concerts and help considerably with future funding applications.
With reference to the concert with Kidderminster Male Choir in August DC and SH have arranged to meet representatives of the visiting choir in May to consolidate details.
Progress so far on the projected visit to Kidderminster has been outlined in the Chairman’s report (see above).
The Committee approved the amending of the Choir Constitution to reflect the purpose of any legacy directed to the Choir, for example, to be spent specifically on music, or uniforms and to ensure that Next-of-Kin are kept informed of their disbursements.
Christmas 2019
Vice Chairman, MS, stated that, in his opinion, last Christmas’s carol singing at Tesco supermarket with the Beverley Lions was a shambles. The Committee decided to drop this event from the Choir calendar.
Registered Charity status
The Treasurer and Secretary had been charged with the task of investigating the possible benefits of the above for the Choir. They discovered that a new member of the Choir was also in charge of Registered Charity status for a local organisation near to his home. DC and SH visited him and were given a demonstration of the “set up”. As a result of this, DC and Albert Newbery, the Choir member concerned, will work together to take the process further with the Committee’s approval. It was agreed that Albert be asked to fill a new post of “Gift- Aid Coordinator”, as a “co-opted” committee member, which post has now been added as such to the “Job Descriptions” page.
Any Other Business
PG proposed a vote of thanks to the Choir’s Assistant Musical Director, Nigel Clarke, for instituting the new “dropbox” for members to access for the rehearsing of music in the repertoire. It is an invaluable learning aid. Carried unanimously.
DC stressed the need for clear and open communication between officers of the Choir.
DC undertook to investigate the possibility of wedding venues being a useful avenue of advertising for the Choir.
DC will purchase a recording machine to aid the Secretary in writing up Committee notes, which was approved by the Committee.
The Committee set the date for the next Choir AGM – Monday July 27th at 7.00 pm.
Summary of Actions
The Secretary will work closely with all those concerned with the publicity for the Choir’s forthcoming concerts;
The Chairman will take forward the process of the Choir becoming a Registered Charity;
The Chairman will make contact with manufacturers of the suitable cloth he sourced for uniform jackets into the future.
Date and Time of Next Meeting
To be at 10.00am on Tuesday July 7th by Zoom – Chairman to organise
The meeting closed at 12,20 pm.
Beverley Male Voice Choir
Notes of Committee Meeting held on Tue 19th
November 2019 at 10am at 6 Church Hill, South
Cave, HU15 2EU
Present: David Cross (Chairman), Steve Horner, Julian Musik, Elizabeth Wilson (Musical Director), Ken Doran, Phil MacMullen, Dave Williamson, Peter Goonan, Dave Rutter, Malcolm Sparks, Terry Lynn.
Apologies for Absence: Jon Capel
Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising:
The notes from the previous meeting were accepted as an accurate record.
Officer Reports:
Musical Director (MD)
Contact with Bestwood MVC has continued, and progress has been made with regard to the format and programme for the joint concert with them in June, 2020.
The Repertoire for next year has been considered in some detail. Some new items have been added and others dropped as we continue with our “rolling” repertoire. It was agreed by all that the choir has continued to have a varied programme of songs to suit all tastes, certainly when compared to other male voice choirs.
The current bank balance is £6,923.51 as of 22/10/19.
A review of Choir finances has been conducted since the last Committee meeting. However, a continual effort must be maintained to elicit more sponsorship of the Choir and exercise financial prudence.
A more detailed investigation will be carried out by the Treasurer and Secretary to see whether it would be financially beneficial for the Choir to apply for Registered Charity status. A review of possible grant applications will be conducted by the Treasurer, with a view to boosting Choir finances.
The Treasurer asked to be kept up to date with the addition of new members to the Choir, and the Secretary agreed to do this.
Mr Tom Danter, a current member of the Choir, is to become the new Independent Auditor of Accounts for the Choir upon the retirement of Mr Barry Cave from this position. This needs to be ratified at the next AGM.
It was reported that the issue of “performing rights”, involving Toll Gavel Church is still unresolved. This will continue to be followed up.
The Chairman noted that although the current bottom line looks comfortable, it becomes less so when problems regarding possible replacement uniforms are taken into account. The background:
It became necessary three years ago to replace our uniforms with one featuring a different coloured (burgundy) blazer, blazers in the old cherry-red colour no longer being available.
Orders were placed through Slaters of Hull for the blazers, produced by Brook Taverner, on the (verbal) understanding that burgundy, being the most popular colour, was very unlikely to be discontinued at any time in the near future.
Brook Taverners have now announced that they will no longer be producing this colour and we might soon have difficulties finding blazers for new members.
Terry Lynn will approach Slaters with a letter expressing our disappointment that we have been placed in this position and suggesting that Slaters should be prevailed upon, as a goodwill gesture, to donate to the choir the very few burgundy blazers they have in stock, which will not be much use to them anyway, and which might help us out on a short-term basis.
Meanwhile, the Chairman will investigate other sources of blazers. Other options were discussed but it was agreed that we should do all we can to avoid having to change uniforms again. Even if this can be achieved, the Chairman felt that it is time to start building a healthier reserve against the possibility of future events or surprises.
Public Relations Officer/Patrons Coordinator
Advertising for the Choir’s “Prelude to Christmas” concert on 15th December is on track.
Because he does not live in Beverley and is relatively new to the post, the PRO/Patrons Coordinator is grateful for the support of Committee members an other Members of the Choir with the above and matters pertaining to our Patrons.
Recruitment Officer
The view was expressed that the attraction of new recruits to the Choir was largely by “word of mouth”. However, it was agreed to continue the periodic presence of Choir members at the entrance to Toll Gavel Church on Saturday mornings to add to recruitment efforts. The suggestion of an additional venue for the latter was outside the cinema in Flemingate. This will be further investigated.
The investigation into potential Charitable Status for the Choir will be taken forward by the Treasurer and Secretary outside of the Committee setting and will report back to the Committee at the next scheduled meeting.
The Secretary will keep the Treasurer informed of new Members joining the Choir. This will take the form of e- mailing an updated Members’ Directory whenever it is amended with new details.
An update was given about the joint concert with Hull and Driffield MVCs (13th June, 2020). Driffield MVC have since withdrawn from taking part in the above mentioned. The concert is, however, going ahead. The venue is booked (St. Mary’s Church, Beverley), and devising the programme is now required. To this end, our Chairman and MD are taking this forward with regard to the choirs. The Secretary is to speak to the East Riding Schools Music Service about young musicians in our area to fill a “guest spot”. The Secretary of Hull MVC is to do the same with the Hull Schools Music Service.
It was agreed that no further e-mails need to be forwarded by the Secretary to the MD and Chairman with regard to Choir Festival invitations from outside the UK.
The Secretary of Kidderminster Valentines Ladies Choir has made contact to invite the Choir to be guests at their concert on 4th April, 2020. Unfortunately, our accompanist, Amy Butler, is unavailable on that date, so the Choir will have to decline. However, another mutually agreed date will be sought. BMVC will be delighted to make the return visit, having hosted the Valentines earlier this year.
Concert venue bookings have been confirmed with Toll Gavel Church up to the date of our joint concert with Hadley MVC (5th September, 2020).
Thanks were expressed to Peter Goonan and Terry Lynn (both former Chairmen) for their help and support.
Two new sponsors were approached during recent months, Williamsons Solicitors, who kindly donated £350 to Choir funds and Philip Robinson, photographer, who agreed to act as our official photographer in lieu of a cash donation, taking fresh photographs as required and requested.
Concert CDs, pens, and keyrings are selling well.
Beverley Lions will kindly donate the collection from the carol singing in Tesco Supermarket, Beverley to the Choir.
The “contact cascade” on the Choir website has been updated and Members are asked to check that their details are correct.
Further to his concerns regarding Choir finance noted above, the Chairman noted that the Choir’s financial balance seemed to be falling year on year over the past three years or so and he was keen to address ways of reversing this trend. One matter discussed was our present practice of giving a Charity concert each year, the result of which has been to take funds away from the Choir’s reserves. The background:
The practice of giving a Charity concert each year, usually when we have a home joint concert, and with all programme and ticket sales moneys going direct to the charity, was introduced six years ago when the Choir had a very healthy bank balance, ie, before the need to purchase new uniforms.
Now that this is no longer the case, the Chairman suggested that, although we wish to remain a charitable Choir, we should make certain adjustments to the practice. Three options were suggested by various committee members:
- 1.To discontinue the Charity concerts for the time being until such time as we can get our finances on a healthier footing.
- 2.To reduce the Charity concerts to once every two years.
- 3.To donate only 50% of net takings, after outgoings, to our chosen Charity.
The Chairman announced his intention to consider these options and revert to the committee in the very near future.
Section Representatives
1st Tenors: Nothing to report
2nd Tenors: A Section lunch event was held for the first time, and was enjoyed by all.
Baritones: Discontent was reported by one or two (anonymous) members of the section about some of the numbers in the repertoire being too long, complicated, and in a foreign language. This has been noted.
Basses: Nothing to report.
Resignations/New Members
Andy Noon has resigned from the Choir. There are 5 new members since the last Committee meeting, namely John Toes (First Tenor), Dom Minnitti (bass), John Clarke (bass), Andrew Smith, (bass), and Luke Goulder (Baritone).
Any Other Business
The MD (who is also the MD of “Positive Note” Choir, a choir of recovering cancer patients at Castle Hill Hospital, Cottingham) suggested that the Choir sing with them, at a date and venue to be decided, to raise funds for that wing of the hospital. This request to be looked into at a later date .
Summary of Actions
The MD is to finalise the concert repertoire for 2020;
The Treasurer is to investigate further avenues for grant applications;
The Treasurer and Secretary are to further investigate the process of the Choir becoming a Registered Charity, and whether there are sufficient benefits, financial or otherwise, for the Choir;
The Secretary will keep the Treasurer informed of new Members of the Choir;
Terry Lynn will approach Slaters of Hull concerning the blazers fiasco.
The Chairman will investigate other possible providers of blazers.
The Chairman will revert to the Committee on the matter of arrangements for future Charity Concerts;
The Treasurer will continue to seek a resolution to the “performing rights” issue that has occurred;
The Recruitment Officer will investigate the possibility of an additional site to utilise for the Choir’s recruitment drive;
The Secretary will liaise with the East Riding Schools’ Music Service about young musicians fulfilling guest “spots” in future concerts;
The MD and Chairman will finalise the programme for the Choir’s joint concert with Hull MVC on 13th June, 2020;
The Secretary will contact Kidderminster Valentines Ladies’ Choir with a view to agreeing a date in the future on which the Choirs are able to perform together in a joint concert (in Kidderminster), fulfilling the invitation by them. BMVC hosted the Valentines in Toll Gavel this year and would be delighted to make the return visit;
Date and Time of Next Meeting
To be at 10.00am on Tuesday 3rd March 2020 at 28 St Catherine’s Drive, Leconfield, HU17 7NU
The meeting closed at 12.25pm.
Beverley Male Voice Choir
Notes of Committee Meeting held
on 13th August 2019 at 10.00am
at 28 St Catherine’s Drive, Leconfield, HU17 7NU
Present: David Cross (Chairman), Steve Horner, Julian Musik, Andy Noon, Ken Doran, Phil MacMullen, Dave Williamson, Peter Goonan, Dave Rutter.
Apologies for Absence: Terry Lynn, Jon Capel
- Welcome to new Committee Members: The Chairman welcomed those new to the Committee.
- Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising: One error was raised, Dave Williamson agreed to become Recruitment Officer, not Andy Noon. Apart from the above, the notes from the previous meeting were accepted as an accurate record.
- Officer Reports:
- The Choir has, up to press, a busy diary for the rest of 2019 and in to 2020 (11 concerts/singing appearances – 4 of which are with other choirs, and 2 weddings).
- Peter Goonan, the Choir’s Website Administrator, will continue in the role (unanimously agreed), in spite of having to give up singing with the Choir for health reasons.
Hon. Treasurer
The rent for the continued use of Toll Gavel Church for rehearsals has been paid for the year. Nearly all Choir Member annual subscription fees have been collected. The current bank balance is £8,463.
Public Relations Officer/Patrons Coordinator
Nothing to report as new to post.
Hon. Secretary
Nothing to report as new to post.
- Section Representative Reports:
Nothing to report.
- Finances
- Concern was expressed that the Choir had made a loss of approximately £1,000 per year over the last 3 years, and the Committee entered a discussion as to how this might be addressed.
- .It was reported that the Ladies Circle had “made”/contributed approximately £800 to Choir funds.
- Enquiries had been made to several possible/prospective sponsors, and these were ongoing.
- Continued efforts were to be made regarding attracting new Choir members and Patrons. A rise to £20 per person per year for Patrons was discussed. Production of a bi-annual newsletter for Patrons was suggested (to be followed up by PRO/Patrons Coordinator and Hon. Secretary).
- More concentrated efforts were to be made to sell greater numbers of tickets for Choir concerts (to involve all Choir members).
- The Chairman agreed to inform the Choir of the present situation and to canvass them for ideas/solutions.
- The Hon. Treasurer is to go over the Choir finances in more detail with his predecessor to see where costs may be further minimised.
- Annual Choir dinner/Section lunches
- The Chairman agreed to contact all Choir members to ask whether an annual dinner was to be arranged, or a Choir lunch instead, or neither.
- Section Representatives are to consult with their sections as to whether Section lunches should be arranged. The Bass Section have been having lunches together on a regular basis for a while.
- Gifts for visiting choirs
This is to be modified, after discussion, to the purchase of pens as gifts for individual visiting choir members. The pens to say “Beverley Male Voice Choir”.
- Resignations/New Members
Martin Mellodew has resigned from the Choir. There have been no new members since the last Committee meeting.
- Any Other Business
- The City of Hull Band have invited the Choir to repeat the recent joint concert with them. The hospitality shown the Choir at the recent concert was a disappointment, but it was agreed to accept the invitation (date not yet fixed), with a request to amend timings for joint rehearsal and provide interval refreshments for the Choir.
- Saturday morning recruitment drives are to be continued. The Recruitment Officer is to consider other possibilities.
- The Hon. Secretary is to investigate whether it would beneficial for the Choir to become a Registered Charity.
- Date and Time of Next Meeting
To be at 10.00am on Tuesday 19th November 2019 at 6 Church Hill, South Cave, HU15 2EU.
The meeting closed at 12.02pm.
Beverley Male Voice Choir
Notes of Committee Meeting held
10.00 am at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave, HU15 2EW, 25th June 2019
Terry Lynn (Chairman), Peter Goonan, Tom Danter, Dave Cross, Steve Horner, Ken Doran, Andy Noon, Jon Capel, Dave Rutter.
Apologies for Absence
Apologies received from Malcolm Matthias and Phil MacMullen
1. Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
Notes of previous meeting were accepted as a true record and there were no matters arising.
2. Officers Reports
- Thanks to the committee and all those who have assisted with the concerts we have had in the last three months, including the weekend Hartlepool/Whitby trip (a big thank you to Dave Cross), and our annual Social Event (again, a big thank you to Chris Szafran). All of them were notable successes and enjoyed by everyone.
- Both Malcolm Matthias and Tom Danter are stepping down from their positions on the Committee, Secretary and Treasurer respectively. Both were thanked by everyone for their service on the Choir’s behalf. Phil MacMullen has agreed to take over as Treasurer, and Steve Horner similarly with the Secretary position. Both appointments will be subject to ratification at the AGM on 29th July
- Because of the above changes, it was important to fill the vacant positions of Public Relations Officer (PRO), Patrons Coordinator, and Assistant Secretary as soon as possible. Members of the Choir will be canvassed about the posts. The re-establishment of Choir Welfare Officer was also felt to be a need, possibly as an additional duty of the Section Representatives. Summing up on the subject by the Chairman (after this years’ AGM): new Chairman, David Cross; new Vice Chairman, Andy Noon; new Treasurer, Phil MacMullen; new Secretary, Steve Horner; Choir Librarian, Richard Sholtysek;Website Administrator, Peter Goonan; Welfare Officer, Terry Lynn; vacancies to be filled as mentioned above.
- We need to keep up the recruitment drive and concert promotion by all members as well as attendance at the Toll Gavel Gates on Saturdays, but we need more members taking part. Flyers have been printed and dates agreed for events on 6th,13th, and 20th July (2019). Dave Williamson has agreed to take on the role of coordinating on recruitment.
- Amendments to the Constitution. It was felt there was a need to pay attention to a few aspects of the aforementioned. The Chairman deferred to Peter Goonan to outline these matters:
- i) Para 2a iii – Members Directory now on the Choir website (minus addresses – a list of which to be kept up to date by the Secretary);
- ii) Para 2b – The “8 rehearsal rule” before new members are issued with a Choir uniform to be at the discretion of the Committee;
- iii) Para 5a – The post of Welfare Officer to be re-introduced and duties outlined;
- iv) Para 7 -The Choir’s President and VP and their partners should not be required to pay for entry at concerts.
- v) Para 8 – New sub-para f – Accommodation costs for the MD and MA (to include their respective partners) to be met by the Choir on “away trips”; MD and MA fees to be met by the Choir (excluding funerals for Choir members); and
- vi) Certain aspects of the “Dress and Etiquette” page have been amended.
Honorary Treasurer
- Financial situation – The Honorary Treasurer advised that the Choir’s bank balance stood at approximately £2,700, bearing in mind that some expenses would be coming out of funds shortly, and that two “away trips” had come in this financial year (to be kept to once per year if possible).
- As he was stepping down from the role to make way for Phil MacMullen at the imminent AGM, Tom Danter’s report was brief.
Public Relations Officer/Assistant Hon Secretary
- All Patrons have been reminded of our upcoming President’s Charity concert on 26th July. This included all who were not on e-mail, which incurred extra costs for postage.
- Posters advertising the event have been distributed to many businesses and other prominent sites throughout Beverley and environs. This will continue in the run-up to the concert. Many media outlets and publications have also been contacted with a view to advertising the concert. Terry Lynn will contact local radio nearer to the event.
- The posts of PRO and Patrons Coordinator become vacant at the imminent AGM (as discussed above).
Honorary Secretary
- Due to his absence there was no report.
Section Reps
- First Tenors – an enquiry has been made about the possibility of engaging a school choir for this years’ Prelude to Christmas concert.
- Second Tenors – Recent members are “bedding in” well; is a new CD recording being considered? ; baritones are “drowning out” Second Tenors.
- Baritones – request for a particular musical item, but advised to put in the request again at the November Committee meeting when next year’s repertoire are discussed.
- Basses – reported that they had been out to lunch as a group several times and that this had further strengthened their relationships. Again it was suggested that the other groups consider doing something similar. Again a musical item request was made (to be considered as per baritones).
- .
- 3. Review of Membership subscriptions and MD/MA fees
- It was agreed by the Committee to increase the annual subscriptions to £100.
- MD, MA and Assistant MD to remain at the current level.
4. Resignations/ New Members
- Peter Chew has resigned from the Choir
- There were no new members
5. Any Other Business
- An initial meeting was held between appropriate members of BMVC, Driffield MVC and Hull MVC, with regard to a joint concert involving all three choirs for next year (2020). The Committee will be kept informed of progress in terms of date, venue, etc. Another such meeting is not scheduled until September (2019) when logistical decisions are likely to be made.
- Jon Capel informed the meeting that the sum of £1030 had been collected at the funeral of Jan Capel (his late wife, of course). It was to be donated to The British Heart Foundation.
- Date and time of next Committee Meeting
13th August 2019 – 10.00 am at 28 St Catherine’s Drive, Leconfield, HU17 7NU.
The Meeting closed at 11.40 am
Beverley Male Voice Choir
Notes of Committee Meeting held
10.00 am on 5 March 2019
at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave, HU15 2 EW
Terry Lynn (Chairman), Peter Goonan, Tom Danter, Dave Cross, Steve Horner, Ken Doran, Tom Danter, Malcolm Mathias.
Apologies for Absence
Apologies received from Dave Rutter, Mark Williams, Jon Capel
1. Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
Notes of previous meeting were accepted as a true record and there were no matters arising.
2. Officers Reports
- Thanks to the committee and all those who have assisted Prelude to Christmas concert which was a great success.
- Since our last meeting we have been very fortunate in having a number of new members. Thanks to all members who have brought them to join us
- Sadly Derek Robinson and Peter Newall, both long standing members of the Choir, have passed away since we last met and we have recently heard of the tragic death of Jan Capel, Jon’s wife, who was a great supporter. They will be sadly missed by us all.
- We need to keep up the recruitment drive and concert promotion by all members as well as attendance at the Toll Gavel Gates on Saturdays, but we need more members taking part.
- Discussion regarding future concerts – Chairman to contact Beverley Lions
Honorary Treasurer
- The Hon Treasurer advised the Committee that he was resigning from the position in June 2019 and that Phil Mc Mullen was prepared to take on the post from 1st July 2019 following a period of familiarisation with the role which Tom will provide to ensure a seamless transition of duties from Tom to Phil. The Honorary Secretary asked what background/experience Phil had in similar roles and The Honorary Treasurer agreed to speak with Phil and advise all Committee members. Tom agreed to continue to act as MC and Choir Master for the time being
The Committee thanked Tom for his hard work over the last few years and agreed to the appointment of Phil McMullen to the post of Honorary Treasurer with effect from the 1st July 2019 subject to confirmation as to Phil having appropriate background/experience.
- Financial situation – The Honorary Treasurer advised that the financial situation was healthy and that an Arts Grant in the sum of £350.00 had been awarded to the Choir by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council and that this had been received. He also advised that an application for funding from Beverley Town Council had been refused as we had received funds from them for the last 3 years.
- There was discussion regarding whether the Choir should contribute to expenses incurred by the MD and Piano Accompanist (including their partners) when they accompany the Choir on trips within the UK. It was agreed that Bed and Breakfast and Coach travel costs should be paid and this would amount to approximately £400.00 in total
Public Relations Officer/Assistant Hon Secretary
- Patrons subscriptions were being paid. It was agreed that we should write to all those patrons who were not on email to remind them that subscriptions are due
Honorary Secretary
- Advised that he would be resigning from his post at the AGM (29th July 2019) – Discussion followed on the best way to fill the position.
Section Leaders
First Tenors – It was pleasing to note that Mark Williams was recovering well from his illness and hoped to return to the Choir shortly
Second Tenors – Nothing to report
Baritones – Nothing to report
Basses – reported that they had been out to lunch as a group and that this had been very successful in cementing their relationships. It was suggested that the other groups consider doing something similar. Other Section Leaders to consider in their respective groups
3. Concert Programme 2019
The Concert Programme was now published on the website and regularly updated.
4. Resignations/ New Members
- Harry Kershaw has resigned from the Choir
- Malcolm Sparks, Mark Nicholson and Paul Sears were welcomed as new members
5. Any Other Business
- Member Subscriptions – It was proposed that member subscriptions should reflect each member’s attendance at Concerts. This would result in those who attend all concerts paying less annual subscription than those who attend few concerts. The aim of the proposal was to encourage more members to attend concerts. Following discussion, the proposal was not approved.
- Welfare Officer – It was agreed that the Choir should have a Welfare Officer. Terry Lynn agreed to take on the role at the end of his Chairmanship at the next AGM.
- Recruitment Officer – It was agreed that it would be beneficial to have a recruitment officer to try and increase Choir membership. The Vice Chairman advised that Dave Williamson had shown an interest and it was agreed that the Vice Chairman have further discussions with him.
- Charitable status for the Choir – The Vice Chairman suggested this was a good idea. It was noted that we had looked at this some years ago and decided it was a great deal of effort for little reward. It was felt that it should be considered again and the Honorary Secretary agreed to look at the criteria for Charitable status administrative process involved.
- Concert/Events Officer – Discussion regarding the need to create this role, following which it was decided that it should be left with the Chairmanand Vice Chairman
6. Dates and times of Forthcoming Meetings
Committee – Tuesday 25 June 2019 – 10.00 at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave
AGM – Monday 29 July 2019
The Meeting closed at 12.50 pm
Notes of Committee Meeting held 10 am 20th November 2018 at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave, HU15 2EW
Terry Lynn (Chairman), Peter Goonan, Dave Rutter, Dave Cross, Steve Horner, Ken Doran, Jon Capel, Malcolm Mathias, Liz Wilson.
Apologies for Absence
Apologies received from Tom Danter, Mark Williams
- Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
Notes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true record and there was a discussion regarding the following points:-
- A concert at Walkington to commemorate the end of the First World War, which was attended by some choir members (the concert, not the war). Peter Chew had previously requested that the choir arrange such an event but we had attended and performed at the Memorial service at Toll Gavel Methodist Church earlier in the year.
- It was noted that the issues raised regarding the exercises undertaken at the beginning of rehearsals had been resolved.
- Uniforms – a Mill in Derby may be able to assist with additional blazers. In the meantime, the Chairman will arrange to purchase some from stock at Slaters in Hull.
2. Officers Reports
- The Chairman expressed thanks to the committee and to all those who have assisted in the concerts and events to make them a success. Extra thanks to Tom Danter for not only keeping our finances in order but stepping in to act as our Compere and Choir Marshall.
- Since our last meeting we have been very fortunate in engaging Amy Butler as our accompanist following the departure of Emily Blackledge. Amy is already proving to be a very pleasant, competent and enthusiastic addition to the choir.
- We have had a great few months, with a successful Choir Social organised by Chris Szafran. Again a big thank you to him.
- Seven concerts, as well as the Belgium trip, which the Chairman believed had been very successful:
Mansfield (two concerts)
Lions – Beverley.
Thanks to the guys and gals who helped to set up and sell tickets, etc.
- The Choir Dinner was also a success though the turnout was poor, possibly due to the Belgium trip the next day.
- We need to keep up the recruitment drive and concert promotion by each member as well as at the Toll Gavel Gates, and we need more members taking part.
- Sad times were the loss of Pat Norris and Sheila Chew. It is nice to see both Bernard and Peter back with us.
New Music for 2019
The Musical Director attended for this item and some suggestions had been received from all Sections of the Choir. Following considerable discussion, agreement was reached on the new music, most of which we already have in the Library and which we will introduce next year. Details of this music will appear on the website shortly.
Honorary Treasurer
- The Hon Treasurer was unable to attend the meeting but had previously submitted a report.
- Financial situation:- Current Balance £ 6485.58
Available funds £ 6282.58
Public Relations Officer/Assistant Hon Secretary
- Posters for the Prelude to Christmas have now been distributed to all the usual points of display.
- Hon Secretary advised that tickets for the above concert would be placed in the Treasure House (TIC) in Beverley later today and that the Beverley Music Centre would be asked if they were able to assist with selling tickets.
- PRO agreed to speak to the magazine HU17 regarding the removal of old BMVC videos from their website.
Honorary Secretary
- Nothing to report.
Section Leaders
- First Tenors -Welcome to a new member -Andy Noon
- Second Tenors – Nothing to report
- Baritones – Nothing to report
- Basses – reported that they had been out to dinner as a group and that this had been very successful in cementing their relationship as a group. It was suggested that the other groups consider doing something similar. Other Section Leaders to consider in their respective groups
- Concert Programme 2018
- The Concert Programme is now published on the website and regularly updated.
- Resignations/ New Members
- No resignations had been received but concern was expressed regarding the continued absence of a number of members, namely Maz Khuri, David Mills and Tim Jenkins. It was agreed that the Chairman speak with each of them and ensure the return of uniforms and music if appropriate.
- John Mather and Andy Noon were accepted as new choir members.
5. Any Other Business
- Afterglows – discussion regarding the level of refreshment which should be offered at afterglows. Chairman and Vice Chairman to discuss and it was suggested that visiting choirs be offered a choice e.g. a light buffet with tea/coffee or to visit a local licensed establishment with a complimentary drink.
- Attendance at weddings where the bride/groom are not known to the choir – it was suggested that members should be “paid” for their attendance to cover their time and expenses such as fuel, etc. This cost could be covered by the fee charged for choir attendance. Further consideration to be given at next Committee meeting. This is an outstanding item from the previous meeting.
- Members attendance at Concerts – considerable concern was expressed across the whole Committee regarding poor attendance at concerts, which is currently running at an average of 51% (31 members). It appears that many members simply use concert rehearsals as a social event. The Committee are looking to achieve a much higher level of commitment to attending concerts. We shall continue to monitor members’ attendance and those who display poor attendance at concerts will be asked to explain why this is the case. It is imperative that this issue is addressed. It is not acceptable for the choir to turn up at concerts with sometimes as few as 25 members when we have a membership of about 60. The Chairman will raise these concerns at the next rehearsal. Attendance at the Christmas pub events is also a major concern, particularly as these events raise considerable sums of money for choir funds.
- New Vice President – Rhona Dickinson, a long-time friend and Patron of the Choir has been appointed as the next Vice President of the Choir
- Tom Danter – It was agreed that Tom had done a great job stepping into the Compere’s role in the absence due to illness of Mark Williams. Many thanks, Tom.
- The Committee’s thanks were also extended to Terry for all his hard work in organising and making the necessary arrangements for the Mansfield trip and the visit to Belgium.
- Date and time of next meeting:
Tuesday 5 March 2019 – 10.00 at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave
The Meeting closed at 12.40 pm
Notes of Committee Meeting held 10 am 3 July 2018 at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave, HU15 2 EW
Terry Lynn (Chairman), Peter Goonan, Dave Rutter, Dave Cross, Steve Horner, Mark Williams, Malcolm Mathias.
Apologies for Absence
Apologies received from Tom Danter, Jon Capel, Richard Sholtysec
1. Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
Notes of previous meeting were accepted as a true record and there was a discussion about an e-mail received from the MD regarding the approval of the current repertoire. The contents were noted.
2. Officers Reports
Honorary Treasurer
- Hon Treasurer was not present but submitted a report which stated that the current bank balance was £4351.00.
- Choir subscriptions to be increased from £85.00 pa to £95.00 pa
- The Assistant MD had only been paid £450.00 instead of £500.00. Hon Treasurer to arrange additional payment as agreed
- Charity Concerts – discussion regarding what contribution should be made to a charity following a fund-raising concert. It was agreed that the contribution should be net of Choir expenses
- Uniforms – apparently Slaters suppliers have limited stocks of blazers. It was decided that we should purchase some spare blazers for future new members. Belts – Chairman to make enquiries regarding the purchase of new belts and the possibility of purchasing additional blazer material.
Public Relations Officer/Assistant Hon Secretary
- Honley Concert – discussion. Chairman and Ass Hon Secretary to agree arrival details etc. and Afterglow at the Conservative Club
Librarian Report
Nothing to report
Chairman’s Report
Chairman thanked all those who assisted in the success of the Charity Concert and the successful Memorial Service at Toll Gavel Methodist Church
- The Chairman advised the Committee that unfortunately Emily was leaving us to further her career and we would have to find a replacement as a matter of urgency. Some temporary arrangements were being put in place in the event that we had difficulty engaging a suitable replacement.
- The Ass MD had expressed his regret that he had received no assistance in “clearing up” the church/church hall following a Concert and it was unanimously agreed by the Committee that this was wholly unacceptable. It was agreed that the matter will be raised at the AGM.
Honorary Secretary
- Tickets for Honley Concert. Hon Secretary advised that as he was away for approximately 3 months it would be necessary for another Committee member to take charge of ticket Sales. The Ass Chairman agreed to take on the task.
- E mail from the President regarding the organisation and arrangements for welcoming and accompanying dignitaries and honoured guests at concerts. It was agreed that the procedure needed to be tightened up and all those involved need to clearly understand their roles Hon Secretary to clarify for future events. Chairman to speak with the President.
3. Concert Programme 2018
The Concert Programme was now published on the website and regularly updated.
4. Resignations/ New Members
- No Resignations had been received.
- Harry Kershaw, Philip McMullen and John Sharp were accepted as a new choir members.
5. Any Other Business
- Peter Chew had requested that we organize an Event to commemorate the passing of 100 years since the end of the First World War. It was agreed that the sentiments expressed by Peter had been addressed by the Choir participating in the Memorial Event at Toll Gavel Methodist Church.
- Guest Hospitality- it was agreed that where Guests, other than Choir Members perform at our concerts there should be some recognition for their participation e.g. Riverside Brass should be paid the sum of £50.00 for their contribution to the recent Charity Concert. This was agreed.
- Website – Peter Goonan advised regarding recent problems with the website. Peter and Nigel (Ass MD) are administering the website and are still hosting the site.
- Piano – Discussion regarding the current position regarding piano repairs
- Section Warm up sessions at the beginning of rehearsals – some members feel they are a waste of time and often run on after 7.15 pm cutting rehearsals short. Chairman to discuss with MD and Ass MD.
- Attendance at weddings where the bride/groom are not known to the choir – it was suggested that members should be “paid” for their attendance to cover their time and expenses such as fuel etc. This cost could be covered by the fee charged for choir attendance. Further consideration to be given at next Committee meeting.
6.Dates and times of Meetings
Next Meeting – Tuesday 20 November 2018 – 10 am at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave
The Meeting closed at 4.30 pm
Notes of Committee Meeting held 2.30 pm 6 March 2018 at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave, HU15 2 EW
Terry Lynn (Chairman), Peter Goonan, Jon Capel, Dave Rutter, Dave Cross, Ken Doran, Tom Danter, Malcolm Mathias.
Apologies for Absence
Apologies received from Mark Williams and Steve Horner
1.Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
Notes of previous meeting were accepted as a true record and there were no Matters Arising
2. Officers Reports
Honorary Treasurer
- Hon Treasurer reported that funds in the Bank currently stood at £7,325.92 (including £550 from Patrons) with no outstanding payments. PRO to be asked to remind Patrons regarding deadline for payment
- Applications now made for Grant Aid from Beverley Town Council (not clear how much we will receive at this stage)
- Honorary Secretary has also applied to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council for an Arts Grant of £350.00
Chairman’s Report
- Chairman thanked the Committee for their support
- Good feedback being received from concerts. Prelude to Christmas Concert was very good and very well received
- New “Flyers” have been produced for distribution by members to try and increase membership and these would be available to all members
- The new “Pop-Up” displays would be available soon
Public Relations Officer
The PRO was unable to attend the meeting but had submitted a brief update report, the contents of which were noted.
Honorary Secretary
- The Hon Secretary initiated a discussion regarding Music for 2018. At the last Committee Meeting it had been decided that the MD would consider the music suggestions put forward by each Section of the Choir and formulate a list for consideration and approval by the Committee. This process had not been completed and the Music for 2018 had been published on the website without approval. In addition, numerous numbers had subsequently been introduced at rehearsals, none of which had been included on the published list. It was agreed that the Chairman would raise this with the MD and report back to the next Committee meeting.
- Job Descriptions – Hon. Secretary was concerned about the use of Job Descriptions for voluntary roles within the Choir. Following discussion, it was agreed that the proposed Job Descriptions were a set of guidelines to give new volunteers taking on a role a clear idea of what the role involved. It was agreed that the Hon. Secretary should keep copies and amend as and when required.
- Hon. Secretary advised the Committee that he had applied for an Arts Grant in the sum of £350.00 from East Riding of Yorkshire Council and submitted an application to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council for a Chairman’s Award.
3. Concert Programme 2018
- The Concert Programme was now published on the website.
- Visiting Choirs – It was noted that we must ensure that suitable and sufficient catering arrangements were made when hosting visiting Choirs.
4. Resignations/ New Members
- No Resignations had been received.
- Robert Watson was accepted as a new member
5. Any Other Business
- Peter Chew had requested that we organize an Event to commemorate the passing of 100 years since the end of the First World War including music, readings, poems etc. This suggestion considered favourably and it was agreed that the Chairman should speak to Peter about it.
6.Dates and times of Meetings
Committee – Tuesday 03 July 2018 – 10.00am at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave
AGM – Monday 30 July 2018 – 7.00pm Toll Gavel Methodist Church, Beverley
The Meeting closed at 4.10 pm
Notes of Committee Meeting held at 2.30 pm , 7 November 2017 at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave, HU15 2 EW
Terry Lynn (Chairman), Peter Goonan, Mark Williams, Jon Capel, Dave Rutter, Dave Cross, Steve Horner, Elizabeth Wilson, Ken Doran, Tom Danter (from 2.50pm)
Malcolm Mathias.
Apologies for Absence:
No apologies were received.
1. Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
Notes of previous meeting were accepted as a true record and there were no Matters Arising.
- D Rutter did not believe we needed new sweatshirts. It was agreed that the matter be considered further, following cost considerations. Chairman to obtain prices.
- Piano at Toll Gavel – temporary repairs had been carried out but problems persisted. Chairman to pursue with Ian Christie and Toll Gavel Church
- Seating arrangements at rehearsals – there is to be a push to arrange seating positions at rehearsals the same as at performances. Chairman to organize seating plan. It was acknowledged that there would be resistance from some members
2. Officers Reports
Chairman’s Report
- Chairman thanked the Committee for their support
- There were no proposed changes to the Constitution
- Following discussion it was agreed that Web Site updates would be run by Peter Goonan and David Cross. Steve Horner agreed to take on the PRO function and continue as Patrons’ Secretary – these arrangements would be subject to review at the next meeting
- It was agreed that programmes for major concerts will in future be professionally printed – Peter Goonan to arrange.
- Concert Tickets – Members will be asked to sell 5 tickets for each concert where funds are for the Choir/Choir Charity. It was also agreed that we need to raise the profile of all concerts on the Website
Musical Director
- The Musical Director was present at the meeting, primarily for consideration of next years music programme. Section Representatives had obtained the views of section members and these needed to be collated and further considered. The Musical Director agreed to do this and report back to a future Special Committee Meeting (to be convened after a Monday night rehearsal) as soon as possible.
Honorary Treasurer
- Hon Treasurer reported that funds in the Bank currently stood at £7,200.00 with no outstanding payments
- He suggested that we needed an “A” – Board and “pop-ups”.
- Concert fees are now £250.00 without the Banner and £275.00 with the Banner
- Applications will be made for Grant Aid from Beverley Town Council and the East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Public Relations Officer
The PRO reported that we now have 72 Patrons (100 including partners)
Honorary Secretary
The Hon Secretary had nothing to report
3. Concert Programme
Discussion regarding the concert programme. Once again there is much activity around the Christmas period, but it was difficult to see how this could be addressed without having a significant impact on income for the Choir.
4. Resignations/ New Members
George Birch (First Tenor) had resigned as he was moving away from the Beverley area, but we had 5 new members following numerous recruitment drives organised by the Hon Treasurer.
5. Any Other Business
- David Cross proposed the introduction of an attendance register at rehearsals. It would be positioned at the entrance foyer to the church and members asked to sign in as they arrived at rehearsal – this was agreed, David Cross to organize the register.
6. Date and times of next meeting:
Thursday 06 March 2018 – 2.30pm at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave
The Meeting closed at 15.55 pm
Notes of Committee Meeting held 2.00 pm 4 July 2017 at 6 Church Hill, South Cave HU15 2EU
Peter Goonan (Chairman), Mark Williams, Jon Capel, Terry Lynn, Dave Rutter, Dave Cross (Guest), Steve Horner, Malcolm Mathias.
Apologies for Absence
Elizabeth Wilson, Ken Doran, Tom Danter, Richard Sholtyzek, Nigel Clark.
1.Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
Notes of previous meeting were accepted as a true record and there were no Matters Arising
2. Officers Reports
Musical Director
- The Musical Director was not present and no report was submitted.
Honorary Treasurer
- Hon Treasurer was not present but submitted a summary report:
Current balance in credit | 3999.34 |
Total Income | 16430.56 |
Total Expenditure | 24005.01 |
Expenditure over income | 7529.84 |
Actual Balance at 30-06 | 11569.18 |
Assets | 4039.34 |
Public Relations Officer
The Chairman reported that he was prepared to continue in this role for the time being. We will be seeking to appoint to this post at the AGM
Hon. Librarian
Hon Librarian was not present and no report had been provided
Honorary Secretary
The Hon Secretary had nothing to report
Chairman’s Report
- Discussion regarding the status of the Hon. Librarian, Deputy Musical Director and the Accompanist within the Committee. It was unanimously agreed that these positions should become Co-opted members of the Committee as their presence was not required at every meeting
- With regard to the status of the Musical Director, it was unanimously agreed that this position should remain a full member of the Committee which would give the post holder the freedom to attend Committee meetings if she felt the need to report on any particular matter. Following on from previous discussions it was felt that the Musical Director should be required to attend the Committee meeting in November so that the music to be sung during the following year (and included in the rolling repertoire) could be agreed, having considered the requests submitted by the 4 Section representatives.
- Choir Marshall – Although Tom Danter had expressed some concerns about non-attendance at Concerts by some Choir members who had previously committed to attend, he was prepared to continue in the post for the time being
- Website Administrator – This will be raised at the AGM
- Retiring President – Proposed change to the Constitution – agreed
3.Resignations/ New Members
No Resignations had been received since that last meeting.
The application for Membership received from Mazen Khuri (Second Tenor) was unanimously agreed.
4. Any Other Business
- Steve Horner raised the fact that the existing Choir sweatshirts were in need of replacement – The Vice Chairman agreed to look into alternatives and report back to the next meeting
- Jon Capel raised the matter of positioning of tall members on stage at Concerts – matter to be raised with the Choir Marshall and Musical Director
- It was noted that the piano at Toll Gavel was unable to be properly tuned. It was decided that the Chairman would raise the issue with the Trustees of the Church.
- Mark Williams raised a vote of thanks to Peter for his effective Chairmanship over the last two years and this was unanimously endorsed by the rest of the Committee.
5. Date and times of next Meeting
Tuesday 7 November 2017 – 2.30pm at 28 Northfield Close, South Cave, HU15 2EW
The Meeting closed at 15.35pm
Notes of Committee Meeting held 10.00 am at 5 Derrymore Road, Willerby,14 March 2017
Peter Goonan (Chairman), Mark Williams, Tom Danter, Ken Doran, Steve Horner, Jon Capel, Terry Lynn, Dave Rutter, Malcolm Mathias.
Apologies for Absence
Elizabeth Wilson, Richard Sholtysek, Nigel Clarke.
- Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
Notes of previous meeting were accepted as a true record.
Matters arising:-
Hull City of Culture – The Committee expressed disappointment that BMVC had not been invited to take part in Hull MVC’s City of Culture celebrations. It was however pointed out by the Chairman that BMVC will take part in two other City of Culture events – a concert with Hull Symphony Orchestra on 7th June and a joint concert with the East Yorkshire Motor Services Band on 22nd July.
2. Officers Reports
Musical Director
The MD was unable to attend the meeting and no report had been submitted. The Chairman had however discussed the matter of attendance with the MD who had suggested that it was not necessary for her to attend every meeting of the committee. Following some discussion and in order to ensure that the Choir members had an opportunity to have an input into the content of the annual music repertoire, it was agreed that it is necessary for the MD to attend at least the November meeting where the music for the following year is finalized. Prior to that meeting, Section Representatives will be asked to canvas their Sections one month before so that a list of numbers can be compiled and considered and agreed with the MD at that meeting. The aim is to have a rolling repertoire, with older numbers being replaced by newer songs.
Honorary Treasurer
Hon Treasurer reported that currently the
Current Account contained £ 6037.25
Investment Account £10185.73
Expenditure (Uniforms) £ 7948.10
SUB-TOTAL £ 8274.88
Income £ 45.00
TOTAL £ 8319.88
Hon Treasurer also advised that the Investment Account had been closed because of the difficulties involved in accessing funds at short notice which we had needed to do in order to pay for the new uniforms.
Public Relations Officer
Due to illness of the Public Relations Officer, the Chairman advised the Committee that he was undertaking the role on a temporary basis until Harry was able to resume his duties, which he was keen to do. The Assistant Secretary Steve Horner agreed to undertake the role of Patrons’ Coordinator effective immediately – this to be ratified at the AGM.
Hon. Librarian
Hon Librarian was not present and no report had been provided.
Honorary Secretary
The Hon Secretary had nothing to report.
Chairman’s Report
- The Chairman advised that a replacement accompanist needed to be appointed as Pat wished to retire in June 2017 – an appropriate process has been set in motion – Hon. Secretary to progress.
- The Chairman proposed the following increases in fees and charges to be agreed at AGM:-
- Concert fees from £200.00 to £250.00.
- Ass MD Honorarium to be increased to £500.00 per annum.
- MD up to £50.00 per attendance.
- Musical Accompanist to be increased to £45.00 per attendance.
- Choir annual Subscription to remain at £85.00 but to increase next year.
- President/Vice President – Paul Camm has agreed to be the next Vice President – agreed
- Etiquette and Dress – Chairman to look into the possibility of the provision of uniform shoes being provided for each member – possible sponsorship? Attention of members is drawn to the relevant updated page of the website.
- Shirts – agreed that all shirts to be replaced with short sleeved version with no BMVC logo and that short-sleeved shirts be worn throughout the year.
- Change to Constitution – It was proposed that new members be provided with their uniform only after they had attended 8 rehearsals – To be ratified at the AGM.
- Attendance at Rehearsals – Members will be asked to report to their respective Representatives if they will not be attending rehearsals.
- Resignations/ New Members
No Resignations had been received since the last meeting.
The application for Membership received from Richard Carter was unanimously agreed.
6. Any Other Business
- Vice Chairman – David Cross had agreed to be the next Vice Chairman and this was unanimously agreed, subject to ratification at the AGM.
- Seating positions at Concerts and at rehearsals – Chairman to speak to the MD and report back.
- Date and times of Meeting
Thursday 04 July 2017 – 2.00 pm Chairman’s House, South Cave.
The Meeting closed at 12.25pm
8th November 2016
Notes of Committee Meeting held at 2.15 pm 8th November 2016 at 6 Church Hill, South Cave.
Peter Goonan (Chairman), Steve Horner (Asst Hon. Secretary), Terry Lynn, Mark Williams, Tom Danter, Ken Doran, Jon Capel, Harry Burton.
Apologies for Absence:
Liz Wilson, Nigel Clarke, Malcolm Mathias, Pat Cave, Richard Sholtysek.
1.Notes of Previous Meeting and matters arising
Notes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true record – proposed Mark Williams, Seconded Jon Capel.
The Chairman addressed matters arising at the previous meeting and expressed a hope that future November meetings would include the practice of soliciting views from choir members on the matter of choir repertoire.
2.Officers Reports
Musical Director
The MD was unable to attend the meeting and had nothing specific to submit for discussion.
Honorary Treasurer
Hon Treasurer summarised the financial events over the period and reported that total assets stand at £15633. He further stated that East Riding of Yorkshire Council had kindly contributed a sum of £350 to choir funds. He intends to apply to Beverley Town Council for a grant of £400 towards expenses to be incurred at next year’s President’s Charity Concert in aid of Hornsea Inshore Rescue.
Hon. Librarian
Hon Librarian was unable to attend, but the committee agreed with the Chairman that he is doing an excellent job during his first half year as Hon. Librarian.
Public Relations Officer
The PRO reported that PR is under way to promote this year’s joint Prelude to Christmas concert, both in Beverley and Driffield. He is making arrangements for a broadcast on Beverley FM to publicise the event. Tickets and posters have been produced and are being distributed.
He noted that we currently have 74 Patrons, 54 with email access.
There was discussion regarding the increased fees to be paid by Patrons commencing 1st January 2017 and PRO’s fears that some Patrons might decide to discontinue their patronage. He wished to re-address the increase. The Chairman pointed out that this would not be possible as it was voted on the July AGM but suggested that the PRO would be able to revisit the matter next year if he so wishes.
There was discussion as to what form next year’s Patrons’ concert and refreshments should take and indeed whether there should in future be such an event at all. The event is usually financially disadvantageous and Mark Williams suggested that some alternative method might be found to express our appreciation to our patrons. It was decided to discuss the matter further at a later date. This was done, and the choir will be informed separately of decisions made.
The Chairman raised the matter of the Choir’s singing at funerals. The Choir performs when requested, free of charge, at funerals of Choir members and family members. It might also be requested to sing at the funerals of Patrons. In this case, it would seem distasteful to charge a fee but a contribution might be suggested. On three occasions during the past year, requests have been received from the bereaved of people with no connection to the choir and it was agreed that these should not be accepted unless there is some special justification. In these three cases, Chris Szafran and Wilf Cooper provided their own musical contribution to the funeral service, which in each case was very well received. The bereaved in each case insisted on making a financial contribution and in each case Chris and Wilf insisted that these be paid into Choir funds. For future such events, Chris and Wilf have agreed to provide this same service, but as a private venture and with any payments retained by them.
The Chairman wished to clarify and formalise the status of the President and Vice President. He suggested that the roles be specified within the Constitution, to be ratified next year, along the approximate lines:
“Role of the President – To greet and host VIPs and visiting Choir Presidents at major concerts, including accompanying same to meet the choir(s) during the interval and at “after-glow”.
Role of the Vice President (VP) – To assist the President in the above and to carry out this role alone if the President cannot attend. The VP should be informed by the Chairman whenever the President is unable to attend a major concert.
To assist the Chairman by performing an informal, benevolent “Quality Control” function, by discussing with the Chairman and MD the general impression, good or bad, made on audiences, in terms of general behaviour on stage, appearance, performance or any other matters s/he feels appropriate.
The Chairman should inform the President/VP in advance if he wishes to ask them to “say a few words” at any event.”
Presidents/ VPs are not expected to attend all concerts, but should be regarded as choir members and as such should not pay admission fees.
Presidents should be appointed Honorary Members of the choir on retirement.”
All of these proposals met with general approval.
Vice Chairman
Terry Lynn up-dated the Committee on his on-going investigation into how, or whether, to update and replace items of choir uniform. He will report back on his findings at a later date.
Section Representatives.
All four Section Reps presented suggestions made by their members on the content and style of our “Rolling Repertoire”. These were subsequently relayed to the MD for consideration.
3. Resignations/New Members
Derek Mainwaring resigned, for ongoing health reasons, after 25 years. A true gentleman and friend, he will be sorely missed.
New members are: Nick Hart, Tim Jenkins, Ian Metcalfe and Peter Stevens.
4. Any Other Business
The Chairman raised the matter of next June’s Joint Charity Concert at Toll Gavel with Mansfield Male Voice Choir, specifically a proposed “Afterglow”. Several suggestions were made and will be investigated. The best option seemed to be the Conservative Club in Beverley. Ken Doran offered to investigate and subsequently produced details of options and prices and it is likely we shall use this option as our “Afterglow” venue.
Meeting closed at 4.15pm
5. Date and Time of next meeting – 10.00 am Tue 14th March 2017 at 2 Derrymore Road, Willerby, HU10 6ES.
30th June 2016
Notes of Committee Meeting held at 2pm 30th June 2016 at 154 Copandale Road, Beverley.
30th June 2016
Peter Goonan (Chairman), Steve Horner (Asst Hon. Secretary), Mark Williams, Tom Danter, Ken Doran, Pat Cave, Jon Capel, Terry Lynn, Harry Burton, Richard Sholtysek
Apologies for Absence:
Liz Wilson, Nigel Clarke, Malcolm Mathias.
1.Notes of Previous Meeting and matters arising
Notes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true record. Proposed Terry Lynn, Seconded Richard Sholtyshek.
The Chairman addressed the concerns raised at the previous meeting that we are accepting too many concerts and that there are sometimes two concerts in a single weekend. He reaffirmed that the latter was accepted only when unavoidable, but that a policy of turning down concerts requested should not be followed,(though in fact three such concerts had been turned down in the last choir year). He maintained that acceptance of less that 100% turnout is preferable to turning away prospects requesting a concert.
2.Officers Reports
Musical Director
The MD was unable to attend the meeting, but submitted a suggestion that the practise be introduced of conducting new “Section Rehearsals” each Monday before the start of the rehearsal proper. The suggestion met with general approval and it was agreed that the details would be decided by the MD at the next rehearsal.
Second Tenor Rep Jon Capel commented that it appeared clear that some 2T members still seem not to be fully utilising the AMD’s invaluable practice CDs and that the new rehearsal procedure might be used to address this shortcoming.
Honorary Treasurer
Hon Treasurer submitted by email to each committee members in advance of the meeting a preliminary statement of Income and Expenditure, showing total assets to be £12241.62. He noted that the choir needs approximately £7700pa just to meet standard choir running costs.
He reminded the Committee that Beverley Town Council had kindly contributed £600 towards the Choir’s Lake District trip, as a result of which only approximately £300 needed to be met from Choir funds, all other expenses being met by members and their partners.
He noted that East Riding of Yorkshire Council had made no contribution either in the current or the past year. The Chairman asked that this be investigated, noting that in the event of an unsuccessful application, the Council could no longer be considered to be a sponsor of the Choir.
Hon. Librarian
Hon Librarian pointed out that he usually arrives early at rehearsals and asked that members be requested to speak with him at that time if they need copies of music rather than during the rehearsal. The Chairman undertook to communicate this request by blog.
He reported also the need periodically to purchase stationery and files and was authorised to do so, submitting receipts to the treasurer.
Public Relations Officer
The PRO summarised the highly successful PR effort mounted by himself and Hon Treasurer in advance of the recent joint concert with Abertillery Orpheus Male Choir, resulting in an audience of approximately 300. The Chairman commended both on a remarkable achievement.
The PRO also outlined approaches he had made to a newly-launched Cottingham publication which he hoped would enhance the PR effort.
He noted that Patron numbers, at 67, are slightly down on last year.
Baritone Section Rep
Ken Doran made suggestions concerning seating/standing positions at concerts which were subsequently relayed to the MD for consideration. Ken also expressed disappointment that measures taken to address non-attendance at concerts and rehearsals no longer appear in the Constitution and suggested that they should be reinstated. He later made clear the strength of his feelings on the matter and the Chairman suggested that he submit an appropriate proposal for discussion at the AGM.
3. Chairman
The Chairman made several suggestions concerning fees to present to the choir at the forthcoming AGM on Monday 25th June.
a. That the Musical Director’s and Musical Accompanist’s fees for rehearsals and concerts be increased by £5 to £45 and £40 respectively.
b. That the Assistant Musical Director’s stipend, having been doubled last year, remain fixed at £400 for the forthcoming year, though he would benefit from the increased MD fees whenever he conducts at a rehearsal or concert.
c. That there be no increase to the fee charged for concerts.
d. That the fee charged for weddings be increased to £250.
e. That there be no increase to Members’ fees.
f. That Patrons’ subscriptions be increased to £15 pa.
g. That Choir wives be given £2 concert discount vouchers, this to be agreed with venues before concerts.
All of these suggestions were agreed by the Members.
The Chairman also suggested:
a. That the post of Assistant Honorary Secretary be written into the Constitution as a full Committee member and that he attend Committee meetings. Both the Hon. Secretary and the Asst. Hon. Secretary should have the right to vote on matters arising at committee meetings. It was further agreed that Steve Horner be proposed for ratification as Asst. Hon. Secretary at the AGM.
b. That Richard Sholtyshek be ratified as Hon. Librarian at the AGM.
The Chairman proposed two amendments to the Constitution:
a. That the provision for a “Patrons’ Evening” be amended to read “Patrons’ Concert”, the aim being to introduce the possibility of an afternoon concert.
b. That the qualification for election as an Honorary Life Member be amended to read “deserving ex-members or others who have provided a significant service to the Choir” – the status of current existing members who are also Honorary Members to be unaffected.
All of these suggestions were agreed by the Members.
4. Resignations
Colin Taylor and Dave Dryden resigned from the choir.
5. Any Other Business
In response to comments about the state of Choir uniforms, Steve Horner suggested that the National Association of Choirs be approached for advice. Vice Chairman Terry Lynn undertook to do so.
Meeting closed at 3.50pm
6. Date and Time of next meeting – Tue 8th November 2016 2pm at 6 Church Hill, South Cave
Meeting Notes
10th March 2016
Notes of Committee Meeting held 2.00 pm at Toll Gavel Methodist Church Beverley
10 March 2016
Peter Goonan (Chairman), Mark Williams, Tom Danter, Ken Doran, Pat Cave, Jon Capel, Terry Lynn, Harry Burton, Colin Taylor, Richard Sholtysek, Malcolm Mathias.
Apologies for Absence
Elizabeth Wilson, John Cooke, Dave Rutter, Nigel Clark.
1. Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
Notes of previous meeting were accepted as a true record. Proposed Mark Williams, Seconded Ken Doran
Matters Arising:-
Hull City of Culture – The Chairman advised that Mansfield Male Voice Choir have been invited to sing at a joint concert with Hull Male Voice Choir to celebrate the City of Culture and we should not therefore approach them to take part
Role of Section Representatives – Section representatives are now coordinating section member attendance at concerts i.e, recording commitment from section members to attend concerts once we have committed to perform. They are now asked to chase up those in their respective sections who have not committed and pass the completed “trawl” document to the Vice Chairman.
2. Officers Reports
Musical Director
The MD was unable to attend the meeting.
Honorary Treasurer
Hon Treasurer reported that currently the
Current Account contained £12558.69
Kendal Trip Funds – £ 6370.00
£ 6188.69
Investment Account £ 6119.00
TOTAL £12307.69
Hon Treasurer also advised that
Patrons Fees were being paid. Currently about 50%(£360) had been paid
We were currently about £2.5k up on the same position last year
He was arranging for a debit card and moving towards making all payments via BACS
The meeting with Beverley Town Council was due to take place on 21 March 2016 which he would be attending. We were asking for a Grant of £1200 towards the Kendal trip.
Public Relations Officer
The PRO reported on recent press releases and noted:-
He would be providing monthly articles in the new “JUST BEVERLEY” publication
New Patrons – it was agreed that the PRO would agree any new Patron fees with the Treasurer on a pro-rata basis
Members Directory – Harry will continue to produce
Concert schedules – Harry will continue to produce
Hon. Librarian
Hon Librarian raised the matter of sharing music copy with other Choirs to save on the cost of purchasing new music. It was agreed that we would trail this with Driffield initially and that the Hon Librarian would feed back to the Committee following the trial period. Pat Cave requested that she be given original copies of any music and this was duly noted.
Honorary Secretary
The Hon Secretary reported that due to increasing work commitments he was finding it difficult to deal with all secretarial matters efficiently and with the permission of the Chairman had asked Colin Taylor if he was prepared to provide assistance and act as Assistant Honorary Secretary. Colin had kindly agreed to assist and his appointment was unanimously agreed. Many thanks to Colin for stepping in.
3. Concert Programme 2015
Mark Williamson raised the matter of the number of Concerts we were committed to performing this year, particularly during April to July 2016. The Committee agreed that a number of members had expressed concern but acknowledged the difficulty in turning down requests for concerts and that the timings were basically out of our control. It was agreed that every effort should be made to get a better ”spread” of engagements throughout the year and the Chairman and Hon Secretary would look at ways of achieving this.
Prelude to Christmas Concert – There was discussion regarding Guest Artists at the Prelude to Christmas Concert and in particular that we needed to utilise the talents of a Choir which would bring significant support in order to maximise income for our Choir funds. The Musical Director and the Chairman had considered this and suggested that Driffield Male Voice Choir would be suitable. Following discussion, this suggestion was agreed. Chairman to arrange as necessary with the Musical Director.
Abertillery Joint Concert – Chairman to arrange for Afterglow at the Kings Head in Beverley.
5. Resignations/ New Members
No Resignations had been received since that last meeting.
The application for Membership by Peter Chew was unanimously agreed.
6. Any Other Business
Ken Doran asked why we were asking members’ wives to prepare food for the Patrons Evening. The Chairman explained that this had become a convention over the last few years. Following discussion it was agreed that an outside catering company should be contracted to provide food etc. at £7.00 to £8.00 per head. Chairman/Hon.Treasurer to make the necessary arrangements.
7. Date and times of Next Meeting
Thursday 30 June 2016 – 2.00pm Toll Gavel Methodist Church (Welcome Room on the Ground Floor, opposite Sellitt)
The Meeting closed at 15.45 am
29 October 2015
Beverley Male Voice Choir
Notes of Committee Meeting held 10.00 am at Toll Gavel Methodist Church Beverley
29 October 2015
Peter Goonan (Chairman), Mark Williams, Tom Danter, Ken Doran, Pat Cave, Jon Capel, Nigel Clark, Dave Rutter, Harry Burton, Malcolm Mathias.
Apologies for Absence
Elizabeth Wilson, John Cooke,
1. Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
Notes of previous meeting were accepted as a true record. Proposed Mark Williams, Seconded Dave Rutter
2. Officers Reports
Musical Director
The MD was unable to attend the meeting. Nigel Clark, Assistant MD reported that the Choir continued to improve and that the preparations for the Prelude to Christmas Concert were going well
Honorary Treasurer
Hon Treasurer reported that the currently the
Bank Account contained £6160.09
Investment Bond contained £6138.33.
He also reported that another recruitment drive will be organized for Spring 2016.
In addition the Hon. Treasurer advised that he had applied to Beverley Town Council for funds to go towards the costs of our trip to Cumbria
Public Relations Officer
The PRO reported on recent press releases and noted:-
Coverage in the Beverley Guardian was much better and suggested that we include rehearsal nights each week. Harry agreed to sort this out
One new Patron from Hornsea
53 Patrons now on e mail – they will be encouraged to let us have e mail addresses – also they will be encouraged to try to organize concerts through local churches
Patron subscriptions to remain to cover the calendar year – this was agreed
Members Directory – Harry will continue to produce
Concert schedules – Harry will continue to produce
Hon. Librarian
Hon Librarian was not present
Honorary Secretary
The Hon Secretary had nothing to report
3. The Role of Section Representatives
The Chairman raised the need to clarify the roles of nominated Section Representatives. He felt they should include:-
1. To obtain concert attendance intentions from Section members through the “trawl” system
2. In conjunction with the Vice Chairman, to monitor rehearsal attendance of Section members from a welfare point of view and keep in touch with those who are absent due to ill health etc. PRO will issue a colour-coded, or annotated, Members Directory to assist Section Representatives.
3. The Vice Chairman will retain responsibility for hospital visits and “Get Well” cards
4. Concert Programme 2015
Abertillery concert confirmed as Friday 24 June 2016
The current draft programme was considered and agreed
5. Resignations/ New Members
Resignations received:-
Bill Carter,Nigel Harrod,David Wilkinson
New Members
David Cross, Colin Stow,
Trevor Buttery, MartinMellodew,
SteveWatts, GeorgBirch,
Ray Burrell, Bill Webster
6. Any Other Business
Hon Treasurer – anyone who has any expenditure to let him know as soon as possible
Dave Rutter – A “Barber Shop” singing group has been formed from some members of the Choir and some members had asked if the group would be performing at Choir concerts. The chairman advised that the group would need to be approved by the Choir Music Committee before that could happen.
Jon Capel raised
– He had been asked if “The Mulligan Muskateers” could be included in next
year’s repertoire
– Some shorter members said that they could not always see the MD when singing at concerts because of their placement behind taller members. To be considered by Choir Marshall
– Are Choir members being given a Choir number. Chairman to discuss with the Hon Librarian
– Hull City Year of Culture. Hon Secretary to contact Hull MVC to ask if they would like us to be involved in any celebratory events they may be organizing.
– Hon Secretary to invite Lord Mayor of Hull to Prelude to Christmas Concert
PRO asked how much had been raised for the RNLI Concert – Chairman advised £490.00
Ken Doran advised that the Baritones were concerned about the number of events leading up to Christmas
Mark Williams asked if we had organized a Guest Choir for The Prelude to Christmas Concert. Chairman advised that the Musical Director was arranging this
7. Date and times of next meeting
Thursday 10 March 2016 – 2.00pm Toll Gavel Methodist Church
The Meeting closed at 11.45 am
25 June 2015
Notes of Committee Meeting held 2.00 pm at Toll Gavel Methodist Church Beverley
25 June 2015
Ian Christie, Peter Goonan, Bernard Norris (Chairman), Mark Williams, Tom Danter, Ken Doran, Pat Cave, John Cooke, Harry Burton, Malcolm Mathias.
Apologies for Absence
Peter Newall, Nigel Clark, Dave Rutter,
1. Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
Notes of previous meeting were accepted as a true record
2. Arrangements for the AGM
There are three positions to fill, Hon Treasurer, Vice Chairman and President.
Hon Treasurer – Bernard Norris proposed Tom Danter, seconded by Ken Doran and unanimously agreed
Vice Chairman – Peter Goonan proposed Terry Lynn, seconded Mark Williams and unanimously agreed
President – Peter Newall proposed Andrew Eastwood, seconded Pat Cave and unanimously agreed.
Other matters for the AGM
Choir Marshall – Mel Watson had agreed to undertake this very important role
Other Committee Members wish to remain in post.
The new Rules and Constitution will need to be ratified at the AGM
3. Officers Reports
Musical Director
The MD was unable to attend the meeting. Chairman expressed his disappointment and agreed he would speak with the MD
Honorary Treasurer
Hon Treasurer was unable to attend the meeting but had reported the current financial position to the Chairman who explained that we were basically £3000.00 worse off than this time last year.
Money had been spent on updating the website, subsidising coach fees and income from concerts had been down on the previous year
Following discussion it was agreed that
Member subscriptions should be increased from £75.00 to £85.00 per annum
Members to be asked to contribute more to coach hire fees in the future
Try to arrange more concerts/performances to increase income
Try to arrange sponsorship from local businesses
It was also by Bernard Norris and seconded by John Cooke that the attendance payments to the MD, Ass MD and Accompanist should be increased by £2.00 per session. This was agreed. Ken Doran voted against this proposal
Public Relations Officer
The PRO reported on recent press releases and advised that most Patrons were now on e mail.
Hon. Librarian
Hon Librarian advised that the Assistant Librarian had looked after things very well while he had been absent
Honorary Secretary
The Hon Secretary had nothing to report
4. Concert Programme 2015
We are now able to arrange concerts throughout the year!!
Tom Danter advised that he had been liaising with Abertillary Male Voice Choir to visit us during June 2016. Friday 24 June 2016 at Toll Gavel Methodist Church was agreed as suitable for a joint concert with us. Tom advised that he was looking to put them in touch with another Choir in this area to organise a second concert to make their trip worthwhile.
5. Resignations/ New Members
No new members or resignations to report. A recruitment drive will be taking place on Saturday 27 June 2015
6. Any Other Business
Peter Newall suggested that members should be reminded who their Section Representatives are
Wedding fees should be raised to £200.00
Uniform – Ken Doran said we needed to remind members regarding choir uniform.
7. Date and times of Meeting
5 November 2015 – 2.00pm Toll Gavel Methodist Church
The Meeting closed at 3 40 pm
Notes of Committee Meeting held 2.00 pm at Toll Gavel Methodist Church Beverley
11 February 2015
Ian Christie, Bernard Norris (Chairman), Peter Goonan, Mark Williams, Elizabeth Wilson, Pat Cave, Harry Burton, Malcolm Mathias.
Apologies for Absence
Peter Newall, Ken Doran, Nigel Clark, Dave Rutter.
1. Notes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
- The notes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true record.
- Old Music – Music Committee have decided what music should be kept. Unwanted copy to be recycled
- Absent members –Chairman to contact Richard regarding his uniform and music.
- Invitation from Romsey MVC to attend their Massed Choir event – Hon Secretary advised that he had contacted Romsey MVC who were very disappointed that we would not be attending.
2. Officers Reports
Musical Director
The MD emphasized the need to enroll new members at every opportunity and that it was important to canvass audiences at concerts etc. The Chairman raised the need for members to have a list of music at the beginning of the year and the MD advised that this was available and that it would be provided again at the next rehearsal
Honorary Treasurer
Hon Treasurer presented the current statement of accounts (as at 12/02/15):-
Brought Forward from 01/07/14 £ 13899.58
Receipts £ 8599.15
£ 22498.73
Payments – £ 11919.48
£ 10579.25
Current Account – Yorkshire Bank £ 3477.24
Yorkshire Bond £ 7102.01
£ 10579.25
The Chairman advised the Committee that the Hon Treasurer had advised that he would be retiring from the post at the next AGM and that steps were being taken to find someone to work alongside Ian in the coming months to enable them to take over the role after the next AGM.
The excellent work that Ian had done over many years was recognized by every member of the Committee and a vote of thanks proposed by the Chairman was unanimously endorsed by the Committee.
Public Relations Officer
The PRO advised that publicity was well received by local media with widespread coverage of events being achieved. Concert programmes were being well received.
Since the last meeting the PRO had taken over responsibility for keeping Patrons informed as necessary and advised how he would be doing this.
Hon. Librarian
Hon Librarian was not present at the meeting
Honorary Secretary
The Hon Secretary had nothing to report
3. Rules and Constitution
The draft Rules and Constitution was discussed in detail and following lively debate, numerous amendments were made. It was agreed that the amended document (final draft) should be circulated to members
4. Concert Programme 2015
The programme for 2015 so far was agreed
5. Resignations/ New Members
No new members or resignations to report
6. Any Other Business
- It was noted that it is important to keep the information on the notice board relevant and up to date
- Hon Treasurer advised that income from the Prelude to Christmas Concert was less than last year. It was agreed that we should revert to asking local “school” choir which generates income from parents/grandparents etc.
- New President – following some discussion it was agreed that Andrew Eastwood, a previous member and long standing supporter of the Choir should be approached. Chairman to action.
- Coffee Mornings – Hon Secretary advised that they had been cancelled.
7. Date and times of Meetings
Committee – Thursday 25 June 2015 at 1.30 pm Toll Gavel Methodist Church
AGM – 27 July 2015 at 7.00pm Toll Gavel Methodist Church
The Meeting closed at 3 40 pm